Difference Between Conservatives

What are the differences between a Republican and a Conservative?

If you're referring to US politics exclusively, then one difference is that Republican should have an initial capital letter (since it's short for the Republican Party) and conservative should be all lowercase (since it's only the name of a philosophy, not a proper noun).Many who believe in conservative political policies are Republicans and many who are members of the Republican Party are conservatives, but it's not necessarily the case. Many conservatives find a home for themselves in the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party or even as Blue Dog Democrats (the moderate wing of the Democratic Party). Republicans, likewise, don't necessarily have to be conservatives. It's very common, but it's not universally true. Consider the split between the Tea Party and those they call establishment Republicans. The Tea Party represents a subset of conservatives based around the premise that the most important issue in politics is that the people are Taxed Enough Already. Folks who, for example, favor Republican foreign policy and oppose abortion but don't much care whether their taxes are increased could easily vote Republican or declare themselves to be Republican through their voter registration without ever giving the Tea Party's economically conservative platform any support. [Update: Trump's big-government right-wing programs, like the wall, are better examples of things that are Republican but not conservative.]

What is the difference between conservative and reserved?

Conservative= are people who favour strongly and adhere to their tradition and custom views and values and oppose to change to new innovation,ideas and reforms, whatsoever is the circumstance. They can be talkative or reserved as a person.

Reserved = are people who are not very talkative and be with themselves rather than interferring in others life.
Rather, they are not showing or sharing their feelings or emotions or (ideas with other people.They don't like to express themselves to other people. They can be conservative or liberal in their thoughts.

Liberal= can change his views according to the circumstances, opposite to conservative)

What's the difference between a conservative, a liberal and an independent?

Conservatives: In nature they favor big business, they also favor anti-abortion,
Liberals: Favor pro-life, Favor people
Independent: that is a tricky question becuase not all independents think alike. They favor fact over inaccuracy.

What is the difference between a Conservative and a Republican?

Conservatives believe in not wasting tax payers money, a market economy. Some Republicans have become corrupt and ruined their party's name which once once stood for "Conservative." Conservatives also believe in rights of the Constitution which set up the United States for economic Growth in the fact that government should not intervene in private markets. That is why you saw 2/3 republicans vote against the bailout and 1/3 democrats vote against it. But once corruption got involved, the bill somehow passed even though it was against the people's will. 2/3 Conservative Republicans did not drink the Koolaid.

Republican is a political party, Conservative is a view on fiscal policy. Just like Democrat is a party, liberal is a monetary policy(more gov spending). Conservative means that the government does not waste money and spend less money than they make at the same time does make more money than they spend. There is a difference in those two phrases.
So not all Democrats are liberal and not all Republicans are Conservative. George Bush would be more of a Liberal Republican. Ronald Reagan is more of Conservative Republican. John McCain falls closer to a Conservative on his fiscal policy.

What is the difference between a "liberal" & "conservative" ?

Well, let's see.

A liberal wants to preserve the limited powers of the government, and conservatives want to have a strong central goverment that can protect the country against foreign aggression.

No wait, that's backwards ...

Liberals want to stop Congress from deficit spending, and conservatives want to continue to fund military-related projects and spend far more than is in the Treasury.

No wait, that's backwards too ...

Liberals want to protect a citizen's right to worship as he pleases without government interference, and conservatives want to set the Ten Commandments into Federal law.

Gee, now I'm really confused. Seems liberals and conservatives are all mixed up these days ...

I think you should go back to the sixties and seventies, when liberals were the party of affirmative action, school desegregation, and welfare, and conservatives were the party of fiscal responsibility and anti-Communism -- and the world made sense.

(Sorry, I know I'm being a little sarcastic and you're probably just a kid who doesn't understand any of this stuff. But government is a weird place these days)

What is the difference between True Conservatism VS Neo-Conservatism?

i am seriously glad you asked that... i don't think most people who tumble the 'neocon' word about actually know what it means... i was even confused.
it *kind of * clears things up - but now i'm left wondering even more why ppl call true cons 'neo cons'... i think they're just trying to be rude