Different Research Approaches In Interpretivist Research

What is interpretivist?

one who give the explantory interpretation

Can mixed methods be used in interpritivism approach of social research?

Qualitative inquiry uses interpretive approach. Interpretivism is all about understanding a phenomenon from the perspectives of the participants.Mixed methods use both qualitative and quantitative data. Creswell (1995) gives four mixed method designs that can be used in any social science research.a) Sequential studies: Researcher first undertakes qualitative phase and then a quantitative phase or vice versa.b) Parallel/simultaneous studies: Both conducted at the same time.c) Equivalent status studies: Both approaches are given equal importance to understand the phenomena under investigation.d) Dominant-less dominant studies: Researcher conducts the study “within a single dominant paradigm with a small component of the overall study drawn from an alternative design” (Creswell, p. 177).

What is the difference between positivist, interpretive and critical research?

Positivist Sociologythe aim of positivist sociology is to understand social institutions by relying on known and observable facts. While this led to a more formal understanding of how societies function, little credence was given to the study of social mechanisms that could not be observed or proven through the collection of facts.Interpretive SociologyThe goal of interpretive sociology is to understand the meaning behind actions in a social context through a consideration of a subject's unique point of view. As a result, the perceived facts that are inherent to the positivist observational method can take on an entirely new meaning from the perspectives of different individuals.Critical Sociologythe aim of positivist sociology is to understand social institutions by relying on known and observable facts. While this led to a more formal understanding of how societies function, little credence was given to the study of social mechanisms that could not be observed or proven through the collection of facts.i hope this is relatable,

What's the main difference between structural and interactionist approaches in sociology methods?

.What's the main difference between structural and interactionist approaches in sociology methods?Structuralist examine society (groups) and Interactionist examine individuals within a group Structuralism is a Macrosociology and Mesosociology levels of analysis; interactionalism is Microsociology level of analysis.The ideology behind structural sociology is that society needs to always come before the individual. Structuralists based their understanding upon the fact that they examined societies as a whole through relationships and contrasts. Therefore, a culture (group/s of people) was examined based upon their own practices and activities which defined them.Interactionists, on the other hand, examined the relationships between the people within a specific group or culture. The focus of the interactionist was on the individual, rather than the group (like the structuralist). The goal of the interactionalist was to examine the attitude, values, and beliefs of the individual within a society.Therefore, the interactionists wished to study how an individual acted within the confines of a society while the strucruralist examined how the society, itself, acted.What are the differences between structuralist and interactionist sociologists? | eNotes

How would you describe the difference between positivist and interpretivist research?

The difference between sense and nonsense.  If you read some of my own you'll see which side I consider the nonsense!  E.g. Rising–falling mercury pollution causing the rising–falling IQ of the Lynn–Flynn effect, as predicted by the antiinnatia theory of autism and IQ

Is Positivism - quantitative research??

Hello, Positivism is the belief that "scientific naturalism" is the foundation of knowledge and truth. Leszek Kolakowski wrote "Positivism is a normative attitude, regulating how we are to use such terms as 'knowledge','science','cognition', and 'information'. Positivism rejects the theories of theology and metaphysics because they don't have proof that they are true. Positivism is a philosophy that has many theories for the whole spectrum of life. They include the theory of knowledge as discussed above, the theory of society, the theory of morality, the theory of language, the theory of mind. Positivism's theory of society says that there are two laws that govern society:static and dynamic.... The full essay is here:

What are the non scientific methods of research?

If some work is to be considered as actual 'Research', it has to be 'Scientific'. This is applicable not only for STEM based research, but also equally for any other field of study like humanities, commerce, management etc. These research are based on and backed up by experiments, evidence and known truth, Also these are replicable.Whereas, when we are talking about 'non-scientific' research, then there can't be/will not be any standard/established/recognized 'method'. These works will be 'claimed' as research, but they will lack genuine evidence/experiments etc; and also can't be replicated to get the similar results under similar conditions.For example: Internet based study, where the source itself is doubtful can be considered as non scientific research.Be scientific, do scientific and encourage scientific.