Dilemma In Making A Right Decision =.=

What makes a decision a moral dilemma?

This happens when there are moral arguments for both sides and moral arguments against both sides.It also happens when the same moral arguments for and against apply to all options.For example: You are very good friends with a husband and wife pair. You have a very long history of friendship with both of them that extends way before the day they met. One day they decide to go through a very bad divorce and you are told that if you stay friends with one of them, the other would never be your friend again.

Can anyone help me with my dilemma in decision making (please read details)?

First of all, accept my heartiest wishes on clearing the prelims. Even am in that list. Demanding him depends upon the relationship which you have with him. If he is very close enough to you, just call and demand for it with fullest rights. If he is averagely connected, just remind him only when you meet him in person. Whatever the condition be, just evaluate his financial position before demanding.

Why are the hardest decisions usually the right ones?

i disagree with the statement that the hardest decisions are usually the right ones. i think the hardest decisions to make are when one doesn't know what to do/ is in a dilemma. it may or may not be the right ones

What guides your decision making?

Here's my personal theory. Emotion and reason are the two forces that we use to make decisions. We make our best decisions when we know exactly what we want and think very hard about how to get it.

Moving to either extreme can cause problems. A person who uses reason or emotion almost exclusively would have trouble making good decisions.

So, let's buy a car. We're tired of this one. We've had it for a while. It needs some work. And that new Jaguar would look really nice wrapped around us. Man we'd look good in that!

OK, so emotion is telling us to buy a car. At this point a lot of people would just say "what the hell, I'm only looking" and drop by the Jaguar dealership. At which point salesmen who are specifically designed to deactivate your capacity to reason will sell you a car. At thousands above invoice. With 5% markup on the interest rate. And give you $12 dollars for your trade.

Some people, however, would begin to ask themselves questions. Do I really need a new car? Can I afford it? Can I fix the old one? Is the Jaguar what I really need? These people would then begin to reason very carefully to see what the impacts of each decision would be.

And just because you start with emotion, doesn't mean you have to leave it behind once reason kicks in. You can consult emotion again. For example, "well, we do have another child coming, and my wife would probably like to get a bigger car for the family. Instead of getting something for me, I'll think about what might be best for our family."

Jung talks about some of this with his Thinking and Feeling functions. He calls them the judging functions.

Ethical Dilemma?

You absolutely love him. There is something between you. He feels the same. You have done nothing about it for years because of your conscience and it is against your moral beliefs. But you cant move on because you have never explored this relationship. Life is ticking away. No one need get hurt?.......