Discuss How Far Sociologists Would Agree That Inequality Based On Gender Is The Most Significant

Inequality In Gender, Race & Ethnicity?

My thoughts are that it of course isn't fair at all,people should not be judged simply by their gender,race,or ethnicity. I have experienced most of these throughout life especially being biracial, I am white and hispanic, but I look more hispanic. At one workplace hispanics and asians weren't treated fairly, we both dealt with harsh treatment and embarrassment that other races/ethnicities didn't deal with, and the others that didn't deal with the bad treatment noticed it and most didn't like it. WE also were the races/ethnicities to get laid off first and they upfront said that it wasn't because we worked bad because we were good workers,but it was because there was a POSSIBILITY that we were illegal and they didn't want to take that risk so they wouldn't bother to check if this was true,they would just fire people based on them not "looking" legal. There were some co-workers that agreed with us getting treated bad and getting fired because they said we were just stupid people taking up American jobs and that we didn't even understand the language and that we need to get back where we came from. That was painful to hear and deal with that is why I no longer work there. I could go on and on but to be short to treat people this way makes no sense to me at all. I have also dealt with this treatment at stores with people saying "this is America I shouldn't have to be dealing with no Mexicans" and things like that. I was born in the U.S and am legal, but there are many who are not, but whether someone is or not does'nt justify mistreatment. Well those were just my experiences kind of long and I may have gotten off subject but that's what I think

Real cause of gender inequality?

does anyone think the same as me that gender inequality is not down to men or laws or capitalism like feminsts claim, and that actually it is down to women themselfs. I am getting so fed up of hearing about men and society being the main source of womens oppression. I think that women oppress themselfs and it is entirely their fault that they are still not equal, here's why I think this, women are constintley disrespecting themselfes and their bodys by modeling, stripping ect and are making men disraspected them too, so that to men women just appear as sexual objects and not worthy of respect, when women do these things men just dont see them as people but as objects of sexual pleasure and nothing more, then women complain that people don't respect them is it any wonder. If women want equallity then why don't they start respecting themselfes and they will get it.

How far would sociologists agree that recent social changes have made men and women equal in britain?

two recent sociolgical studies have shown that

a) Gen Y women have
- feel as though they have equality and
- in fact do have incomes, career opportunties, and educational achievements that are on a par with men(web sites at 1)

b) life earnings of men far outstrip that of women
(web site 2)

c)The work of the sociological researchers collecting material from longitudinal and cross cultural studies of families indicate that it is when men and women enter their marriage and childbearing/rearing stage that men start to pull ahead of women in their achievements in the public sphere of work.(web site 3)

The level of gender inequality that occurs at this stage of family life however, does differ with the forms of 'family-work life' policies that different countries employ.

Equality in social class? sociology.?

Some good ideas here and sociolgically we might even say a bit more than that:

1. that in most modern societies we operate on two interpretations of equality:
-equality of outcomes or resources( social/economic/poltiical)
-equality of opportunity

2. that from different perpectives we argue for different approaches to inequality:
2.1 Functionalism especially influenced by the work of Davis and Moore :
that the right combination of equality of opportunity but inequalityy of outcomes operates smoothly and is essential for the efficient functioning of society. Moreover this sociological perspective fits with the key principles of modern liberal democratic socieities
2.2 Conflict theory:
that inequalty results from major structural relations which reconstruct major injustices in different forms in different societies - and these need to be redressed.. We can only do this by analysiing the historical construction of the structures and cultural values that have generated our current, complex, systems of class/gender/ethnic inequalities . Moreover there are major contradictions in modern societies which
-are based on the underlying principles of democracy and social justice yet
-generate the injustices of our present systems of inequality.

so the ongining job in sociology is to understand precisely what forms this argument takes in any one era/form of modern society..for example:
-why is global slavery more prevalent now than it has ever been in any other period of recorded hisotry?
-how can we shape our education systems to have the most functional balance between equality of opportunity and inequality of outcome?
-how do the different strands of inequality-gender. ethnicity and class interact in our globalised forms of poltical economy today?

How does the family perpetuate social inequality.?

Parents tend to reinforce the values that have helped them in life...they try to remake themselves in their children because it's the only way they know, and it's the way their parents handled the situation. If the child is born "upper class" then he is raised from infancy to become "upper class" himself. IF the child is born to a "middle class" family, then he will be brought up with "middle class" values. The inequalities are built in, and start working before the child reaches school.

They prepare the child to enter the parent's world...whether that world is building bridges, managing banks, or any of the other professions (legal or not) that parents do. The child would incorporate all the parent's prejudices, ethics, and approaches to life into his own personality.

Good or bad, that's the way it works.

In challenging gender stratification, do you think that sometimes feminists over-exaggerate?

Listen to me baby girl. Feminist have their own agenda and a sweet thing like you need not worry yourself sick. But if you do get sick, I will volunteer to take care of you. Never mind the talk about me wearing my pope dress, we can pretend to be two lesbians.(feminists)