Discuss The Unification Of China Under The Qin Dynasty. What Did The Emperor Shi Huangdi

How did Qin Shi Huangdi unify China?

Qin is the name of the state
Shi stands for "the first", "beginning"
Huangdi is a combination of "3 huang 5 di" - 3 emperors and 5 rulers (becuase he's an egotistical guy)

He united china by conquering the warring states.
He unified and standardized all written language and measurements
He built the Great Wall as a fortification against the northern barbarians
He burnt books and burried some 300 (?) scholars alive becuase of belief prosecution?
He built elaborate palaces for his pleasure....

hope these helpss...

there are tons of other things about the first emperor.... if you need more, do some reaserach at the chinese web site.

good luck

How did Shi Huangdi of the Qin Dynasty unify China?

None are right, but A is the closest. He ruled with an iron fist, and the conquered subjects where either killed,sent to work at the Great Wall or kept under close watch in the capital

Discuss the unification of China under the Qin dynasty. What policies did the first emperor, Shi Huangdi,?

associate with the distant countries and attack the near ones

Then swallowed the enemies far away slowly

How did Qin Shi Huangdi unify China?

Qin Shi Huang assumed autocratic control, introducing a new currency, and by creating a unified system of weights and measures, writing and currency. Qin Shi Huang was both a brutal tyrant and a great leader. He used violence to take control of china, killed scholars and burnt books to wipe out heresy and brutality was the basis of his greatest achievements.

What did the Qin emperor, Shi Huangdi, call his policy of rule? Explain what it meant!!!!!?

Legalism - - - the idea that if someone codifies a set of rules then they are Law and forever sanctified. America circa 2007 is the perfect Shi Huangdi State. Instead of a few basic simple laws such as 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' there is a bewielding variety of laws.

Ever wake up in someone's apartment in an unfamiliar part of town and going outside you find your car has been towed. A small sign says 'no parking six AM to eight AM or You will be Towed.' That is Legalism. That tax on a pack of smokes? Legalism. A law for everything and everything subject to fines & taxes. In return a BIG bureucracy that supposedly will take care of you the citizen. The same laws that got your car towed mean there are laws against people stealing your car. Of course we're gonna have to take more money out of your paycheck to make sure no one gets their car get stolen.

A bureaucratic state bound by laws. Legalism.


The ruler of the Qin Dynasty, Shi Huangdi, founded which political philosophy?


Adopted rather than founded - Shang Yang was the original founder of Legalism as a philosophy.

First of all, China existed before Qin dynasty, Xia dynasty  , Shang dynasty  and Zhou dynasty  are all dynasties before Qin, just with a different political system. They're all of some form of Feudalism, which means the central government just control a small area of the Capital, all other area are divided and give control to vassals. The vassals can have their own military, tax system etc. They only need to pay tribute to the emperor annually, and if there is a war between emperor and other, they should help the emperor using their military. It's a little like nowadays federalism. Qin is the first dynasty in Chinese history with centralized feudal society, and the emperor(Qin Shi Huang) all the military or tax issue are control by the central government. In that sense, Qin unify China(Before that, different vassal states even use different money system).The following is the procedure of the unification The above picture showed the process Qin demolish each vassal states.Qin's success of unification came from the reform of the legal system as pointed out by Richard Li pointed out. With a strict and efficient legislation, and strict law enforcement and helps to enhance national cohesion. The following are some preparations and condition before the unificationBC 238, Qin Shi Huang eradicated Lü Buwei  (something as primary ministry nowadays) and Marquis of Changxin Lao Ai .BC 236, Qin started to attack Zhao, but this war does not totally defeat Zhao, only occupied 9 cities of ZhaoBC 234, Qin Shi Huang scared that when he attack Han, Zhao may still help Han, so he ordered to attack Zhao again, this time Zhao was not able to organize fight to Qin, so they can only retreated to the capital area of ZhaoBC 231, there were earthquake in ZhaoBC 230, there is a famine spread ZhaoAfter eliminating political enemies, Qing Shi Huang started put Li Si into a important position, and made a policy of "Defeat vassals states, unification and become the only emperor". You can view the detailed procedure on Wikipedia Qin's wars of unification .

The big distinction is that before Qin dynasty, because China was so big (i.e. about a quarter of the size of Europe by Zhou dynasty in ~ 1000 BC), the consensus was that one had to have "kings" to govern each region, and all of the "kings" had to have both civilian and military control of his territory, and only went to see the emperor once every couple of years. The generals who fought for the emperor usually get the hereditary title of "king" and get a region to govern in perpetuity. This is similar to the armed aristocracy in Europe.When Qin Shihuang conquered all the other kingdoms and united China, he had a big debate with the court officials on whether he needed to appoint "kings" to govern each region as before. He decided to eliminate "kings", and instead, divided China into 36 provinces, with court-appointed officials for civilian administration. He also eliminated the military forces traditionally associated with each region, and gathered all the weapons and destroyed them at the Capital. The Qin dynasty was short-lived and many of its reformed did not last, but over the next thousand years, it became the consensus of China's emperors that regional kings with their private armies was a recipe for endless civil wars, and thus should not be tolerated.

It was a bit like the process that France,German,Italy these countries came out at the end of Middle Age,when the nobles no longer had the privileges to make people belong to them.At the process that Qin unified China, the politicians found the advantages of being an united country,and during the period the Qin ruled China,all the nobles lost their privileges which was accepted in the society.Though the next dynasty Han re-enfeoffed several nobles during the war against Qin dynasty,but the emperors soon realized that they should deprive those privileges to have the absolute power throughout the empire.This means that all the officers were assigned by the emperors,first by fame,then by exam.They were easier to be replaced than nobles ,and through the elected officers,the emperors had a powerful central government,could impose from all the Chinese and organize them to defend enemies,to solve the flood in a spacious area.This type of reign was inherited in the following dynasties until 1912 the modern society came true.

Thank you for inviting me to answer this question. On one hand, he eliminated six countries and got China united and integrated and promoted political, economic, cultural communications among different nationalities. He unified characters, currency and length, capacity and weight, etc.  He expanded territory and established the first centralized autocratic monarchy in Chinese History.On the other hand, he is famous for tyrannical rule. His burning books and burying Confucian scholars alive both led to great suffering in human being civilizations. He compelled people and consumed countless human resources and material resources  to build palace, cemetery and other edifice, such as the Great Wall and pottery figures of warriors and horses in Mausoleum of First Emperor of Qin.  He created cruel punishment and crucifixion to torture people.