Distal Interphalangeal Giving A Slight Pain

I cut my nail too short and it's really painful and sensitive. What are some ways to ease the pain?

Apply pressure at the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of the sensitive finger with fingers of the other hand.From the DIP joint area, apply the pressure upwards to the tip of the finger, not downwards. You can do this from the front and back, judging by what feels good for you.Repeat steps 1 and 2 as desired.This massaging motion will attempt to move the skin surrounding the nail groove upwards so as to create a momentary covering around your nail near the hyponychium area, almost like a bedding.Disclaimer: I am not sure how short you cut your nail or how much of the nail bed is exposed, if it is exposed; however, if the nail is cut reasonably short (revealing the hyponychium), this massaging trick should relieve a degree of the discomfort you may feel.Best.

What are the other two sets of knuckles on your fingers called? How can you differentiate between your "I'm-making-a-fist" knuckles, your "middles-of-my-fingers" knuckles, and your "I-guess-it-sort-of-bends" knuckles?

There are 3 joints in any finger except for the thumb that has only two. The joint closest to the hand is the metacarpo-phalangeal joint (MCP joint). The middle joint is called the “proximal interphalangeal joint”(PIP joint) and the one furthest away from the hand is called the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP joint).When you make a fist to get ready for a fight (something I would strongly advice you against) your DIP joints disappear into your fist, where they are protected. Depending on the angle of the blow to your enemy, either the MCP joint or the PIP joint hits the bony part of the skull of your opponent. If the impact is powerful enough to fracture a bone or joint in your hand, it is usually one of these two un protected joints that are affected or the adjacent bones.I have seen hundreds of these fractures in the setting of doing a weekly rotation in the Emergency Department of a community hospital near Vancouver, BC. You always need to order X-rays to identify exactly what is broken. Often it is a spiral fracture in one of the bones, but this can also extend into the adjacent joint.These are complicated fractures that often require a referral to the orthopedic surgeon. Stable fractures that are not displaced are treated with finger splints and follow-up X-rays. Displaced fractures require pinning with a small surgical wire. Other fractures may require small plates and screws to be stabilized. This would likely be done by a hand surgeon. Unfortunately there can be complications, namely chronic pain and stiffness that may be left when everything is healed. 4 Broken Finger Treatment Tips, Symptoms & Healing Time

Can I legally punch someone if they gave me the jersey finger?

Copied from Jersey Finger - WikipediaA Jersey finger is an injury to an FDP tendon at its point of attachment to the distal phalanx. This injury often occurs in American football when a player grabs another player's jersey with the tips of one or more fingers while that player is pulling or running away.The force of this action hyperextends the tip of the finger at the DIP joint while the proximal portion of the finger is flexed. This action can partially or completely rupture the FDP tendon at or near its attachment point on the distal phalanx. Sometimes, the force is great enough to pull off or avulse a piece of phalangeal bone to which the tendon can remain attached.The torn FDP tendon can retract slightly, remaining in the finger near the PIP joint, or can retract more fully into the palm of the hand. A person who suffers a jersey finger injury in which the FDP tendon is completely ruptured cannot flex the affected digit at the DIP joint without assistance.How you gonna punch somebody with a broken hand?

How successful is a surgery for severe bunion, will the dull pain be totally eradicated after the bunion surgery?

A bunion is the lay term that is used to describe a swollen and deformed metatarso-phalangeal joint.Depending upon the pathology that causes the “bunion”, there are two types of surgery available, which are generally very effective indeed. If the problem is related to severe arthritis inside the joint, it needs to be excised, and as it heals, a pseudarthrosis will be formed. This is known as a Keller’s procedure, and is remarkably effective, bearing in mind the joint has been removed.KELLER’s JOINT EXCISIONKeller’s proceedure, before and after. Note that the arthritic joint has been completely excised.If there is no evidence of arthritis, but the bone is significantly out of shape, a Mitchell’s osteotomy may be performed.MITCHELL’S OSTEOTOMYMitchell’s osteotomy, before and after, images A and B.The third image, image C, is the finished procedure after 6 to 8 weeks. You will note that the radiological study of the foot has produced an almost complete anatomical correction.This involves fracturing the metatarsal bone, removing a wedge and realigning the bone by drilling a hole in the two ends, and tying them together with stout suture material. Fracturing a bone and realigning it, is called an osteotomy.When this heals, you should have a functioning foot, with a toe that flexes normally, whereas if you need to do Keller’s procedure, which excises the joint, the pseudarthrosis so formed, becomes a substitute for the now absent, joint. The term pseudarthrosis is used to describe the area that was a joint, but is now “as if it were a joint”. The word pseudo, is Latin for “similar to”, but not the original joint.Both procedures take a considerable period of time before the individual can walk in the absence of pain. We are talking about at least 6 to 8 weeks, when crutches will need to be employed.The condition is commoner in women, compared with men.Steve

What should you know before adopting a cat that has been declawed?

First off, you have a kind heart for adopting a cat. Thank you.To add to the wonderful suggestions you have received:Behavior: Some may be scarred by the experience and distrusts human. Watch out for that and we can help with your follow up questions. Some declawed cats that I have interacted with are as normal as it can be, so this may not be the case. Defense: They have a disadvantage in protecting themselves. If you have another cat or dog in the house, be extra patient with introducing them to each other. Imagine facing (who they perceive as) the enemy with your hands tied behind your back. That is what it will feel like. Litter box: I generally discourage top entry-type of litter box . In this case I would like to reiterate that. Top entry boxes requires them to land on their front paws. The cat may have more sensitive paws (which may be psychology more than actual pain - depending on how long ago it was declawed). You do not want them to be discouraged from using the litter box.Litter: Smaller granules will be easier on sensitive paws. Something "sandy" like the Arm & Hammer Clump and Seal would work if you are looking for clumping litter. Otherwise, anything paper-based such as Yesterday's News is a good alternative.

Why is declawing your cat bad?

30% of declawed cats experience at least one behavioral issue after this brutal surgery. Consider yourself very lucky. The most common behavioral issue is biting. And a cat bite is significantly worse than a scratch. You were risking your health more than you know by having him declawed. The behavioral issues include biting, aggression, litter box aversion, and hiding and lethargy. This is totally apart from the pain that the cat experiences both during the 'healing' process and ever after.