Do All Inexperienced Guys Behave

How would Men in their late 20s feel about dating an inexperienced girl in their early 20s?

You sound EXACTLY like my daughter, who is a junior in college. You girls like older guys because you girls are more mature than the boys your age and b/c you recognize that although boys want easy girls, men like to be the hunters. Let me tell you this for sure... now that you're 21, the days of the teen boys around you being put off by a girl they would have to work to win over are gone, and as you get older the chance of the men you meet appreciating the breath of fresh air that girls like you are will increase dramatically. As guys get older and into their mid twenties and thirties, they will get sick of the aggressive girls and will run, not walk away from them into the arms of a girl like you. You've waited this long and you're almost there, now it's just a matter of meeting that right guy who is mature, self assured and welcoming of the treasure that girls like you are, instead of a scared little boy who wouldn't know what to do with one. ;o)


Why is it that men respect sexually inexperienced women but not the reverse?

Of course it is a double standard! It is fine for a guy to "sow his oats" but if a girl sleeps around, she is considered, well, need I say more? Most guys would probably be surprised to know the number of partners their wives or girlfriends had before them!!!! I think women tend to keep this a secret just for this reason!

Do guys seem like perverts when they try to flirt with girls?

Flirting is so weird. I guess it’s a way for inexperienced people to bumble around each other—hoping for success.And apparently, it doesn’t seem to work a lot of time, because of everyone’s inexperience with social interaction. From what I see on Quora, many people don’t know how to do it, or how to respond. They don’t even know if someone is flirting with them. And this is why some people come off as creepy—so yes, sometimes they do.Pervert seems a bit strong a word to use. Usually it’s just someone who isn’t sure how to act, and a girl will make it seem worse than it is. It makes you feel like a pervert. (unless you’re actually showing your genitalia) But remember she doesn’t necessarily know how to behave either, and in her inexperience, she will ignore a guy, or react in a silly way to make a guy feel like he is a creep. She doesn’t realize that she should be gracious in her refusal. And of course if it is made clear that she isn’t interested, then the guy should try elsewhere. If you force it, then you are a creep. But in general, there is no right and wrong with flirting, it’s really just who is doing it and who is receiving it—sometimes it works out.It all seems kind of undignified— and counter to how people should act when hoping to meet another person. I think one should act more straight-forward, more down to earth. Friendly etc.. but none of that indirect stuff that confuses people. I would think that a guy would get more reactions, more interest, or at least a quicker response.If you approach meeting girls in a more direct way, you shouldn't be mistaken for a pervert. But, I also recommend having something interesting to say, at least enough to start a conversation. I know that’s a problem for a lot of people, but make an effort. Even if a girl is out trying to meet a cute guy, she still likes to think that there is more going on than just the sex part. If you are in school, try something related to that, or sports, or going to Mars.. just anything.. But definitely never, ever, Hey you look hot. (creepy) That comes later if you make a connection.I realize this is a lot to ask when one is inexperienced but you can figure it out and try. It’s like anything else in life, you have to practice and also very importantly, you can’t become disappointed too easily. Just tell yourself that you will meet so many girls in your life— and the ones you are meeting when you are young are usually not anyone you would want to be with when you get older.

What is a twink what is the difference between a gay guy and a twink and can a women be a twink thank you

I have almost never heard so much stereotyping...

who cares?

Do shy guys always need to be reassured?

we've been close friends for years and he's always "adored"/respected me (according to our friends it was "obvious"). girls always looked at him as "just a friend" and never a boyfriend. he's a typical "shy guy"yet he's outgoing with friends but very picky on who he likes. He's never had a girlfriend or a girl like him so he's never really been the type to "make a move" or has he had experience. Once he likes someone, he's very loyal and even though girls underestimate him and he's a "latebloomer", he'd make a great boyfriend.

earlier this year, I realized that i started having deeper feelings for him and after all these yrs, he STILL felt the same way so we kinda "hooked up" (no sex, innocent just kisses). I'm the first girl and only that's ever liked him and back and is the cloeset thing he'll get to in a real relationship; and his first kiss. i was so surprised because with me, he was so COMFORTABLE and calmly confident. He adored me with sweet little affectionate expressions.

Sometimes I feel like he needs more reassurance than me - for as long as we've known each other, guys have always tried to get with me and HE was the only there for me. He's insecure about his body so sometimes i feel HE thinks that i'll leave him if there's someone who loves me more or is "better". He always makes it a point that i'm a pretty girl and he gets intimidated...

if you put all those things together: latebloomer, shy, insecure, inexperienced, loyal...does he need reassurance? am i special to him?