Do All Masochists Go To Heaven

Do masochists go to hell?

Yes. Only difference, they get to watch everyone else being tortured, but no one comes for them! :-)
(I do hope this was a fun question, right?)

Do masochists get tortured in heaven?

No, good masochists go to hell and bad masochists go to heaven.

Is Hell actually Heaven for a masochist?

God gives us two choices: eternal friendship with Him or eternal separation from Him.Heaven is for anyone who wishes to be friends with God forever. God desires all people to be His friends, but in order for a true friendship to happen, there has to be the freedom to accept or reject that friendship God offers. If people do not want to go to heaven and they reject God, then they will be separated from God forever. God does not force anyone to love and choose Him.Some say that hell is a place locked from within; the person inside locks himself or herself in by his or her own choice. So, God honours the decisions we make - either accept Him or reject Him.But God is the source of all light, all purity, all right, all good, all beauty, and all perfection. When a person rejects God, then he or she says no to all that is good, pure, right, beautiful, and perfect. So what is left for that person, then? All that is left for those who reject God is what is evil, impure, wrong, ugly and imperfect. Forever.For those who accept God’s friendship, then the best is still to come. Life’s greatest longing will one day be fulfilled in God. Heaven will never be boring. It will be the best place you will ever be. The best beauty, happiness and pleasure on earth will be nothing compared to those things that await those who are friends with God. There will be no pain or suffering. Life will not end for those who will die -there is an afterlife. That true life will be forever.

Will a sinful masochist go to hell or heaven?

An extreme masochist, who gets tremendous amounts of pleasure from pain and humiliation, has lived a sinful life.
Where does he end up?
Heaven - where he'll lack the pain and humiliation
Hell - where he enjoys the fiery pain and spends an eternity of pure pleasure

Do sadists go to Heaven or Hell?

Let's say an atheist is a sadistic person, very sadistic. After a life full of pleasurable pain, he dies. Now, God would want him to be punished, but in Hell, he would turn the pain into pleasure, and in Heaven, he wouldn't deserve to be with God's people. Where does he go, Heaven, or Hell?

What is it like to enjoy pain/be a masochist?

Ok, first of all I'm going to say the answer many others give, what's it like to not be a masochist? Being a masochist is normal, well, it's normal for me.Now for the actual answer:For me there are three different types of pain, nice pain, and horrible pain and the one in between.Horrible pain is when you fall over and graze your knee and I can assure you I feel it just like you do (probably). This is the unpleasant element to pain.The one in between is when I stub my toe for example, I don't like it but I burst out laughing and can't help it.The nice pain is the one I get when someone I trust a lot or are in a relationship with hurts me. For example if they whip me, slap me or start strangling me. This is a massive turn on (a sensation with the pain) but also I enjoy it. I again start laughing and all I want to do is get closer to this person so they can give me more pain and if they stop, I want a cuddle. I want to get closer because this pain allows me to trust this person and it almost establishes a closer connection between me and this person. Trust that they know how much to hurt me without it being unpleasant (yes there are limits). The cuddle? I'm just a softie. This pain has to be given from someone else.But this isn't the only aspect of the pain. The adrenaline before they hit you and the nervousness you feel in anticipation bracing before they hit you is great.Pain for me is also a stress reliever. When given by me or someone elseSo so the answer to all of your questions in the description is yes. It probably feels different to me, my friends don't feel it in the same way as me, I have asked them about good and bad pain and they don't see it like that. It feels good and pleasure is an additional sensation, those two go hand in hand though. It can be unpleasant.(I removed self defeating personality disorder tag, it's completely different)Any more questions? Please commentI'm anonymous as I don't want my name appearing on strange (to you guys) fetish topics

What would happen if a masochist goes to hell?

But then that would be his heaven right, it's an interesting question..It reminds me of a dirty joke I heard when I was younger, a guy dies and is greated by St Peter who says “you have committed just as many good deeds as you have bad ones so I will let you choose between heaven and hell,But there is one condition.” The dead guy hoping to go to heaven asks what the condition was. St Peter says “if you go to heaven you have to pray for 12 hours a day because you have sinned and for all your good deeds you can enjoy in paradise for the remaining 12 hours. And spend eternity there till you are tired of it” the dead man hated prayer so he wanted to know his options so he asks what hell was like. He is shown a brief glimpse of hell… it is a bar with every known brands of liquor and plenty of scantily clad beautiful, immoral women. Seeing this the dead guy was fond of drinking and always wanted to just drink and sleep around with women but never did in life for the fear of going to a horrible hell. The guy asks St. Peter what the condition was to going to hell. St. Peter says “that's the thing you could go to hell but the condition is you only stay there for a 100 years and you get reincarnated as a random animal and you can't switch after you choose hell.” the dead guy decides heaven is boring and chooses hell because it looks interesting, so what he had to become an animal after 100 years that's more than his life on earth he can enjoy for a century. The guy goes to the bar in hell looks around the bar at the sad looking men with a beautiful women on thir laps and a glass in their hands. He asks one of them, why are they so sad. The sad man replies “well give it a minute you will be just as sad, these glasses have holes at the bottom and the women don't.”So to sum up the masochists will have to read more of my jokes…

Would a Masochist enjoy hell?

"hurt me" said the masochist to the sadist.

the sadist replied, "no."

How would you torture a masochist in hell?

I would put them in a pen full of adorable little puppies, give them three square meals a day, full body massages, and tie them down (with silk ribbons) to a comfy down bed. I would also spoon-feed them endless chocolate and make them watch the Telletubbies.

How will Hell torture masochists?

It’s impossible to be a masochist for everything. Just off the top of my head, I think even a few days without basic resources like food and water would have anyone begging for mercy. And not because masochists aren’t committed, but rather because the compulsion to satisfy one’s impulses cannot be denied forever. They’re called impulses for a reason, after all.Furthermore, hell itself isn’t an elaborate torture, or an eternal burning. Both ideas were popularized by Dante in the 13th century. Hell is, simply put, total separation from God - nothing more, and nothing less. Human souls are designed to be parasites that subsist on God’s love, so distance from it is an inherently torturous phenomenon.For this reason, masochists would be tortured in exactly the same way as anybody else. They’d be eternally deprived of a necessary resource. Some would handle it better than others at first, but eventually everybody would be reduced to shriveling, unadulterated pain.