Do Americans Want To See Our Country Turned Into A Third World Country

Will America be a third world country in a couple of years thanks to illegal immigrants?

There's a real possibility that illegal immigrants, combined with liberals, will lead the US into being a third world country within the next 50 years. That may also happen to Europe, where muslims are over-running every country except Albania. Unless the real Americans step up to the plate, our civilization could soon be a 250 year footnote in history.

Is america turning into a third world country.?

with all the illegal immigrants taking our jobs and draining our resources. and the corporate outsourcing of are jobs how long can this go on.? what used to be a $ 18.00 an hour job is now a $9.00 an hour job. how long before we are all will be in poverty?

Will America become a third world country?

3rd world countries all have one common thread. They reproduce far beyond their capacity to care for their kids. They care more about the idea of breeding then loving and caring for their children.

Come on who would have another kid if the ones they have are starving?

And this country will only allow that behavior to continue if they are allowed to keep sending millions across the border.

We should be sending billions of condoms to mexico instead of billions of dollars.

Trump tells supporters "America will turn into a third world country if he is impeached”. Is he for real?

No. God no.Wanna know the last time the country was run similar to how Donald Trump is trying to run it? Pre WW2, and it led to the great depression.Not the recession, the depression.Not only were our nationalistic isolationist policies horrible for the economy, they also stopped us from entering WW2 until late in the game- who knows how many more lives that cost the world than were necessary.The reason we stopped that behavior was for our own benefit. Before WW2, we justified it completely, and it wasn’t until after we stopped those practices and ‘got with the rest of the [western] world’ that we became a super power.Wanna know what happens if Trump is impeached? Tariff sanctions on allies will likely be lifted to a considerable degree, in line with Republican agenda- free trade is what Republicans are [supposed to be] all about.Just a reminder in case anyone has forgotten- tariffs against a foreign nation are actually taxes on American people and American trade and the American economy.Not on the foreign nation. Putting a tariff on a Chinese good, taxes the American who is importing the product.Get it? That is anti-Republican. That is anti-free-trade.Lightening those tariffs would add certainty and stability to the market, strengthening the US economy, as well as making it easier to trade with foreign powers.Impeaching DJT would do the opposite of turn the US into a 3rd world country.

Is the US now a third world country?

Totally.USA is so third world that I think the first two worlds are on Mars and Venus.Because, on this Planet Earth, where we are living now , US tops the charts in mostly everything that is not a statistics cooked by left wing economists.But even them cannot cook thisUS has by a wide margin the highest energy consumption per capitaAlso, US has the most millions of miles of roads in the worldAlso, for a third world country, US has this strange habit of spending the most money on research, by a good marginConsequently, the most Noble Prize winners are now from a third world countryWhat weirdos, they starve in misery but they are obstinate in studyingAlso, as I said, the first and second world must be on some other planets, cause last time I checked US has the highest income per household inside OECD membersAgain, a strange inclination towards buying cars ( maybe used ones from somewhere else?) for this third world citizens. Where they find the money from?Also, poor people in this third world country, they live in this crammed, small homes, of “only” 971 square feet PER PERSON( around 2300 per house!!!)Another strange, third world habit of this nation is to spend money on swimming pools. Why would they need that, while starving?As I said, I am curious to see how other first and second world countries look like, because on this planet I traveled a lot and I can say without a doubt that this is a top drawer country in most metrics ( I am not denying that there are problems).Closing with my view, today, smart phone picture, from the patio of the resort where I am relaxing. Damn third world countries!

How is the Philippines a third world country? How did it become this way?

By 3rd world country, Ill just assume that you mean underdeveloped.First off, the Philippines have never been developed. No country in Asia were developed in the modern sense of the word in the 1900s. But we were a developing nation long before other Asian countries even became a country. In 1900s, just after we won our independence from Spain and before the US occupied our country a year after, we were second in entire Asia in terms of development and economy next to Japan. This momentum continued during the American occupation that is until WWII. At the time America was under the great depression, they were relying on their Philippine colony in some of their industries since the Philippines was thriving at that time. The Manila harbor was one of the busiest port in Asia rivaling only Hong Kong, Singapore did not even compare. Manila was deemed the most beautiful city in the east by westerners who traveled and setttled here and making business here. It was also the most cosmopolitan city in Asia with many European nationalities living and settling here. Filipinos were well off and export Chinese nannies and Japanese gardeners. This was all destroyed during WWII. Many westerners and white or mestizo filipinos fled to Europe or died from the war. Manila was destroyed and flattened to the ground, it was the 2nd most destroyed city during the war (second only to Warsaw, Poland). And the economy was in deep recession with the currency amounting to almost nothing.After the war, we were able to recover and still maintain a high status in the region. But this was again destroyed during the Marcos dictatorship. Together with institutionalized corruption and monopoly by his families/ cronies, in addition to wasteful vanity projects they loaned from IMF, our market was not able to recover and the Mt. Pinatubo tradgedy made it more difficult for us to get back on track. Meanwhile, other Asian countries were liberalizing their markets and build real infrastracture for the public good for the last 50 years. Thats the reason why they have gotten ahead and we are left behind.The good part of this story is that we are slowly recovering, and our economy will accelerate even further if the govt will learn their lesson and liberalize the economy (while ASEAN integration is still at its beginning phase) just like what China did. The currwnt govt plan to build needed major infrastractures is a step in the right direction.

Is the US on the brink of becoming a third world country?

America is in the same position as Rome towards the end of the third century, and Egypt prior to Ramesses VI. Wealthy, powerful, seemingly stable, seemingly indomitable. And in truth, violently unstable. The strength was all facade.We can see that in America, from the buildings to the politics. Lots of smoke and mirrors, lots of conjuring tricks, but it's all illusion. There's nothing solid there.In terms of medicine, it has one of the highest death rates from malpractice in the western world. Deaths of newborns and new mothers is close to that of parts of Africa. America hasn't developed any new antibiotics for decades. Many medical developments were invented elsewhere - MRI was a British invention, for example.That doesn't mean it will collapse immediately. Collapses can span decades or centuries. Rome took over a thousand years to admit it no longer had an empire. Britain will, from the looks of things, take longer.However, America is facing the brunt of global climate change and most of its cities are on or near the coast. Within 50–100 years, most of those cities will be lost to the waves, along with even the interiors of Texas and Florida. This could be prevented, but the majority of Americans don't want it prevented. They remind me of the people of Hy Brazil in Erik the Viking.So, in 100 years time, America will be third world, along with almost everyone else.