Do Any Of These Couplets Make Sense Its For My Next Poem. What Do You Visualize When You Read Each

How do I memorize a sonnet?

Like learning a piece of music, you break it down into smaller elements. Learn to repeat the first two lines, and if that is too difficult start with one line, then built on that. Make sure you can both repeat the piece verbatim and also try to understand what it means; this will not always be possible as context may reside in seeing the initial memorized lines in relation to lines of the sonnet that are yet to be memorized.Occasionally, read the whole sonnet to see if the first memorized lines make sense when seen in the context of the whole piece. If in doubt about certain words, do some research on line. Language has changed dramatically over time. An etymological dictionary (historical principles) may help, or even Wiki, or another person’s critical analysis (online) of the sonnet you have chosen will give you insight into possible meanings.When you have a few lines memorized, try to feel/hear the musicality of the piece; figure out are they rhyming couplets, how do they scan.You belong to a language community of contemporary users, but also the the historical past, so use all the resources available. You are not alone, so use any reference. The end purpose is to be able to memorize the whole sonnet and in so doing learn to enjoy what is has to say. To learn anything by heart makes it yours, available for you to reflect on at your leisure. Memorizing is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Guys please im desperate here!!!!!!!?

well i have this english coursework to hand in tomorrow and have forgotten the bloddy text book in school so i was wondering if anyone could find or had the poem called Hitcher by some guy called Simon Armitage, i have never read it but am suppose to be writin an eassy on it so if anyone has it could you please link me to it or something. thanks

x...X...x14yr old gurl UKx...X...x

How do I write sonnets?

Just as Sheri Fresonke Harper Stated there is a specific format involved when creating this type of poetry.As she stated a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.Now here is what I tell anyone who will listen... You really , really need to be in a place of inspiration for it to be a well composed piece.Be passionate about what your gonna write. Also it helps to write from experience. Draw upon these things.Next acquire a good Thesaurus this way you can select from words that you may want to use, but will not carry the same weight, deliver the desired vivid message you want to convey. For instance the word capture conjures up a feeling of being held without an ability to be free. But other words such as these also mean the same thing: grasp,clutch,seize,trap,hold,snare. See these all mean the same, but notice the different feeling each one invokes.Follow the guideline that are mentioned above, utilize a good Thesaurus, and also what Sheri recommended a rhythm dictionary. You should be well on your way.Good luck.. If you need any further insight post the sonnet on here and ask us to give feedback, we are all more than willing to help.Thanks for the A2A

What are your tips for writing a love poem?

The following are some of the tips I think we should keep that in mind while writing a love poem:Describing the surrounding using positive and encouraging words. It’s all about playing with words and rhyming them skilfully.The most important part is to create an image of your love interest into the minds of the readers.Make your story engaging by keeping some twist and turns of the relationship between the characters.Once I wrote a poem for a girl and wrote her name indirectly(synonym) into the poem I sent her after I finished it. I told her to look for her name. It wasn’t literal name of hers but it did made her day and mine too.The feelings are the key ingredients of any love story, the more you express the more you make your readers indulge in your poem.There are not much grammer rules involved in writing. It should go in a flow and change the minds of the readers.I hope you like it.

How is my first poem?

As per my short bio, I am a writer, and have published a few poems and short stories, but I'm by no means a critic. This criticism is what I would've given you if I'd known you.Some of the words in the poem I found a bit awkward and out of place, like 'stick-figure body' (use 'thin' or 'slender' instead) and 'digestive tract' (I understand the implication, but it's very random, and can't be linked to anything else in the poem) and 'utopia' (again, I understand, but it interrupts the coherency). I felt as if I was starting to visualize the scene, and the word would throw me off, and I'd think, "Why is that in there? What can it mean?" The thing with short writings (like poetry and short stories), is that every word needs to have a purpose within the work. The diction either needs to explain something, set up something to be resolved later, evoke something or allude to something else. You don't need to add words or the sake of making something longer. Moreover, I would leave out the description of the heart - that doesn't add anything; we know what a heart is and are well-versed enough to know what it symbolizes. Who has the stick-figure body - the mother or the daughter? I couldn't tell. You introduce a 'ghost' but don't explain that. Is the fact that someone is very skinny supposed to allude to something else?Otherwise, I like what I perceive is an extended metaphor - comparing the mind to a subway map, a jolt on the "train"/tremble of the pen written over in ink to appease, only to be jolted again. There's a desire for order and calmness. I can't explain it properly, but I think I get it. I'm giving this a 7.5 out of 10. It's very good for a first poem. You should be proud of yourself. Cliches are fine - use them as stepping stones to build grander, vivider pictures. For example, if you're talking about love being blind, talk about the significance of eyes. If you're comparing winter to old age, connect the different components of each allegorically.I would recommend checking out the fixed forms (villanelles, pantoums, heroic couplets, sonnets, etc.). Some of them deal with repetition, most with rhyme, and will allow you to exercise your creativity within limits, before you go leaping off into free verse.

What are some tips for writing a love poem for my girlfriend? I want to learn different ways to approach writing a poem and what I should include.

MY GIRL, MY FRIEND, MY GIRLFRIEND:Be patient as you read my thoughts,Compressed upon this page,In contrast to all known reports,This poet's come of age...And in this time when feelings flow,Like champagne and like wine,It's only you I long to know,My yearned-for Valentine...:From that first day, Fate brought us near,Our very lives to change,If only we would volunteerAnd not think love as strange...Initial tensions to subside,To merely chat a while,To gaze on you as if with pride,Till charmed by each new smile...:And, oh, the joy to hear you laugh,Or gently hold your hand,As if you were my better half,None finer in the land...And that first kiss made time stand still,To crush all doubts within,Replacing these with such a thrill,My lonesome heart to win...:Yet true love proves much more than this,More than your lips and hair,More than each sweet and soft warm kissAnd bliss beyond compare...Let true love be our constant quest,Our journey to life's end,A journey God has always blessedFor each romantic friend...:Denis Martindale March 2017.:

Can anyone give me Terminus or Frontier of Writing by Seamus Heaney? I've searched online and cant find them!

My exam is on wednesday and I just realised I'm missing these two poems from Seamus Heaney's "The Haw Lantern" Collection. Please if anyone else is doing AS level English or even that just has these poems in the house or can find them online could you post them!

What are good ways to write great songs?

1. Find a quiet spot where noone can hear you scream.2. Make strange noises. Act goofy. Laugh if you want to.3. Make yourself comfortable, breathe.4. Write. Start writing on a blank sheet of paper, or on the computer. Write down everything that comes to mind. Random words, feelings, sounds, whatever. Write fast, and DO NOT JUDGE. The words can be meaningless and have no structure. This should take five minutes or less. If youre not filling an entire sheet in five minutes, write bigger letters. Occupy the space.5. Breathe6. Look at the words you wrote. Dont read too much, just look intensely.7. Close our eyes, and picture the artist you're writing for (or yourself) walking out on the stage- standing in front of the microphone, ready to perform his/her latest hit single. The band begins to play, the person begins to sing... 8. Listen or look for a title, topic, a metaphor, a sentence, a mood or feeling. Embrace it mentally. Take mental note of melodies and/or chords. 9. While the artist is "performing" - imagine changing to watching the music video for the song. Whats happening?10. Continue visualizing until you have a concept or framework for a song.DO not stop visualizing until you have a solid idea, don't stop at first thought.11. Quickly write down everything you can about what you just experienced, in a similar way you did in the beginning. DO NOT stop to judge what you are writing.12. Take a short break. 13. Read your notes, write the song. DO NOT stop to judge your work until you have at least two verses and a chorus.