Do Any Of You Know Where I Can Find An Online School Similar To K12 But Without All The Crap

Thoughts on k12 online schooling?

Okay, so I REALLY want to do k12 online school for 11th & 12th grade. My questions are: would you recommend it? Have you done k12? And if so, did you like it and was it good? Is it accredited? Long answers about your thoughts on k12 are much appreciated. Oh, & how could I convince my parents to let me do it? They're really against it. :/

How Can I Convince My Parents To Let Me Take School Online?

I'm done. I've suffered through school for the last 9 years and I'm sick of it. I'm either ahead of behind whatever the teacher is talking about. I can't change classes, because these classes are requirements. I'm sick of being around so many people, too. And starting High School, everything is so intimidating.

This is the only solution I can think of!

I'll be able to work at my own pace, and I wont have to deal with people. I think I'll learn better, and more, if I can take class online. And it's free with this!

The stress of school is affecting my health. My stomach is constantly screwed up, I'm never hungry anymore and always feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm getting headaches. I'm always close to tears because I hate school so much!

Please, please, PLEASE tell me how I can convince my parents to let me take school online!

I'm doing online school at K12, and I HATE IT?

That's wrong. They should be exempting you from ANYTHING that was taught before you started. I know because these people are TALENTED at starting you late. Really. Every semester I start late. –– Even when you think there's no reason to start you late, they'll find one.

Sometimes I skip stuff too... especially in P.E... I can't STAND all the CRAP they make you do in P.E. Measure your heart rate? Do push-ups? An entire unit on pressuring you to play sports? I'm a girlie diva, so I'm just a barking advocate against pushing girls into tomboyish activities...

The best way to pass the classes is to go to the 'Test Review' Elluminate Classes and take down the answers. They seriously just give you all the answers to the test! You can also look up the subject matter on the internet if you want, especially in math, if you type in the concept there are lots of tutorial videos and helpful sites I'm sure. I don't use them, so I couldn't tell you exactly which ones to try.

The best thing about your set-up is that it's mastery based until high school (I am 7th grade age but am in 9th/10th grade classes, and they actually give you a % grade in the high school set-up; I liked K-8 better...)

How does K-12 work (online school)?

Ok, so I have a couple of questions. I'll decide best answer. Answer the questions like..
Detailed Answer

Ok so here are my questions,
I have been thinking about doing K-12, but It seems complicated setting up wise to me right now.

How does K-12 work in general?

Do I have to interact with other people in real life?

Do they send me the needed laptop/textbooks/etc?

How much does it cost?

How does graduation work?

Will it affect me future job wise?

~Don't tell me to look on their site, and having personal experiences definitely help. Give me your opinion on why you think I should do this or stay doing public school. All answers appreciated :p
~10 points for best answer

Should I TRY Homeschooling for my 8th grade year?

And from the perspective of leaving high school a good 20 years behind me now, I can say that public school was largely a waste of my time. It wasn't until college that I realized just how much they screwed me out of an actual education.

Yes, they're not only loud but largely out of control. Thankfully you don't see that crap in the adult world. Anyone immature enough to run between the office cubicles shouting, hooting and trying to garner high fives gets kicked out and fired. School isolates you from the larger world and then tells you it's busy "preparing you for the real world." HA! As if. Well, I suppose you plan on spending your adult life in prison that's accurate.

You can set your own schedule with homeschooling, most certainly. Unless you get trapped in some online option with ridiculous rules about when you WILL be online.

Do you lose all social contact in the summer and over holiday breaks? If not there's no reason why you would now. You'll have to learn how to make friends like adults do...usually those are based on mutual interests, not pure geographical convenience.

And if it totally bombs and is an utter failure, you can always go back. It's not like it's written in stone forever and and ever. Homeschooling reviews?

Just wondering if anyone went there and what their opinions on it were.
I'm thinking about being home schooled but I haven't decided yet.
Is any good?


Are there K-12 schools that teach meditation and mindfulness well?

I certainly hope not! Our public schools are a piece of crap they been taken over by the social progressives and are no longer places of education but just places of indoctrination. These are the things that they tell our young people are wrong.Honesty there told that that is a weakness and must be avoided.Morality is nothing but a word and means absolutely nothing.Responsibility their talk to have no respect for anything or anyone and it definitely never take responsibility for anything that they do just like Barack Obama.Exceptionalism, there's no reason to try to do your best because anymore it doesn't mean a thing. You run a race and if come in 1st you get the same reward as the person that didn't even cross the finish line.In history there taught that a bunch of rich white people sail across the ocean to kill off all the Indians and steal their land.There taught that the United States is the worst country in the world because we do things better, faster, bigger than any other nation.There taught that World War I and World War II were started by the United States because of our aggression and nation building.There taught that 9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with a bunch of Muslims flying airplanes into the trade towers. There taught that the planes remote controls the US federal government deliberately destroyed the towers to make the Muslims look bad.We need to get back to teaching the truth about America our history and our values. We don't need any miscellaneous goody 2 shoes classes that take up time and waste money. We need to teach the truth and nothing but the truth and take our standing back in the world where we used to be in the top 3 were now down someplace very close to Bangladesh or some other Third World sewer. Look to the social progressives and you'll see the real villains men like Obama, Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and every other liberal idiot.

I want to be homeschooled, but my parents won't let me no matter that I don’t like public school. Do you think homeschool would be better?

Homeschool is better. I'm a homeschool parent and I work. There are many misconceptions about the school system.Everyone thinks it works. It doesn't. Children waist more time in school due to distractions, improper teaching, and stressing homework.You don't have to know every subject inside and out to teach it. Public and private school teachers have been doing it for years.Social interactions. This is BS. Has anyone met these kids? I wouldn't trust them to walk my dog. My son has all the social interactions he needs. We go to the dojo, he has friends on our street and around the neighborhood.Its costs money. Nope. Its completely free. Now there are options where your parents could enroll you in a private homeschool system where they keep attendance records, verify curriculum, and even issue diplomas. Those run about 300 dollars per school year.The law. The law has changed. Teachers complained so much of crowded classrooms that the DOE approved all these different homeschool programs.Look at (my friends wife teaches for them) It's completely free. (They will even give you a computer if you need it). It is a registered school in your state (they're nationwide). They send you all of the materials, class connect sessions with your teachers so you actually have a time to report. And all your parents have to do is register you, provide copies of your birth certificate, and immunizations record.I mentioned K12 because it sounds like your parents are not sold on homeschool. If it's because their time may be too demanding; this will solve that. If it's the fear of price; it's free. If they're worried about attendance; you're tracked and the teacher will notify your parents if you're not in class.I'll admit that it was a lot of work in the beginning. That was 4 years ago. I write all the curriculum. And I do it to aid my son to his job goal. Police officer. I managed to obtain books from my friends that went through the academy (federal is a bit different) and one of his classes is Criminal Justice.

If you home school with K12, do they supply a laptop?

No if you are homeschooling with K12 they do not provide a laptop (or a desktop)

If you are a public school student enrolled in a K12 virtual/cyber charter school you will get a laptop or desktop computer if your charter school supplies them. Most provide older PC/desktop computers unless you have a an IEP stating that you need a laptop due to mobility or health issues.

ETA: Charter schools are not a homeschooling option, they are a public school option. Charter schools are public schools.