Do Atheists Honestly Believe There Is No God Or Are They Just Trying To Trick People

Do atheists believe in anything?

Your question shows you might not have fully processed the meaning of atheist.The atheist is a person who does not believe in God. I would think that the atheist believes there is actually no god, since if he’s not quite there, he’s an agnostic. Why have two words for the exact same thing?It doesn’t matter, since atheists seem to be insistent in claiming that they simply do not believe in God, do not necessarily believe there is no God.In any case, this is really not the point of the question here. The fact is that atheists share one trait: the non-belief in God. Other than that, it’s up for grabs.Atheists do in fact believe and not believe in all kinds of things, and it’s all irrelevant to their being atheists.

Why do you Christians believe atheists are 'fools'?

For example, from today's R&S crop:

"Yes, Atheists are foolish, hopeless and failure people in the whole world.
Atheists doesnt know how they were born, who created them, who is supplying them food, shelter, clothes and who is saving them from natural calamities."

Now, I don;t know about other atheists, but I know how I was born, where my food and clothes come from, and what saved me from 'natural calamities' (so far, swimming hard, and running fast)

But again, why do Christians (and the Bible) calls us 'fools', or do you see all non-Christians as 'fools'?

Why do a lot of religious people claim atheists have no morals.?

Well I know many that do not. You see, here in the UK they can be expensive and they are not even that good a fungi. Why buy morels when common mushrooms are half the price with a much better flavour.

It does not affect me as I don't like mushrooms. This won't affect you either Pat as honey badgers tend not to eat a lot of veg.(Or fungi).

Why can't people honestly answer the question, “does God exist”?

Why can't people honestly answer the question: does God exist?I have asked this question many times over the years, and when I debate with someone, it is one of my initial questions. The reason being is that there are only three honest answers:Yes, God exists.No, God does not exist.I am not sure if God exists.The first answer encompasses deists, theists, and any other -eist that believes in God. The second answer covers atheists. The last answer covers agnostics.I find that the one group that is the most divided on answering the question honestly, is (ironically), the atheists. Some will come out and say, “No, God does not exist.” Straight to the point without spinning the answer. I can respect that. Stand by your convictions.Others tend to adopt this new age definition of atheism, where they don’t actually state that God does not exist, but rather, that they lack any belief in God(s). Interestingly enough, both types of atheists use the exact same arguments to support their position.The reason why this new age atheism definition has evolved, is because the original definition (God does not exist, or, there is no God) locks them into an absolute position. The problem with that position, or rather, definition, is that we have no clue what all the universe holds, so to say that is to state that you know beyond any doubt that the universe has zero evidence of God. Obviously, that reasoning is nonsensical, since we are mere infants when it comes to cosmic exploration, and it is easily defeated in a debate. No one likes to lose or be made a fool of.I can only imagine that someone is going to gripe about the three choices, and try to put a spin on the answer. Wait and see…

Why do atheists think there is no god? Can you prove there is no God? Or can people who believe in God prove that there is a god?

They were probably brought up to think that.Why theists think there is a God/gods? Well, someone told them, so! Parents, teachers... maybe someone took them to a church.I , as a brought up atheist/agnostic in atheistic/agnostic country, never sat down with a thought : OK, Zora, today afternoon, you gonna check this God thing - does it exist or not? Let's examine it! For me it is just the reality, the environment I live in.Theist kid probably never really thought of the opposite, the non-existence. Why would they?It is just a primary concept, one or another, which was served to many people in childhood and they believe it without much thinking of it. If one or another works without problems, you don't even need to change it.I am mentioning this, as I think this POV is often neglected. Surely there are different reasons too, the logical ones, they are well described in answers of others.I realize this answer is not "sexy" enough, because it admits people do not think, and often don't have logical justification for their behaviour, but honestly - that is the case of most people. We do not think about everything around us, if we would, we could get crazy. We follow some concepts, practices and traditions without questioning them for the sake of a smoother life in the society. God can be one them.

Atheists If you read the Bible with an open mind how could you not believe that God is real?

________________________________________... was surprised that there were so many hateful responses. I hope you guys wake up before it's too late. I do believe one can be saved on his death bed, even though my Bible says you need to be baptized and repent. A lot of you are so hard hearted it makes me feel bad for you. I guess this is the way of the world.

Man w/little book, I enjoyed reading what you said and agree with 90% of it. You had some verses wrong and some out of context. You need to re-read the parable "They go to 1 of 2 'everlasting habitations' Lk16:9". It does not say one of 2. Also your answer is too complicated for someone that doesn't know anything about Jesus.

Dude, You are right. The problem is that most people wont start out with taking a class. That will come after they do some reading and get that thirst for the Word of God. The word is not that hard to understand, especially if one prays that Jesus will open their heart and mind to what they are about to read