Do Boy Babies Come Later Or Earlier Than Girls

Are all babies girls before they're born?

to all the people above this isn't completely true. as all babies do, in one way, start off as girls. yes babies gender's are determines by chromosomes (xx being female and xy being males) but all males start off with female reproductive parts and its chemical stimulation which causes them to change to male reproductive parts. this is also the reason why males have nipples. so all babies do start off with their own gender but all have female reproductive parts hence why people think all babies are born girls.

Are boy babies usually late?

My first son was born 3 days past his due date, and my second son was born 13 days overdue (I was meant to be induced but waters broke on their own as I arrived at hospital)
The only baby I know that has been born before its due date was my best friends little girl...
So you could be on to something here!

Is it true that girls mature earlier than the boys their age?

I think it's a misconception. Maturity tends to have more to do with life experience and upbringing than gender. The reason this myth has been perpetuated comes from the idea that women tend to have longer ranging goals earlier in life than men do (such as having a family as opposed to just having fun). However, if you look at how fixated women can be on this goal, sometimes to the point that their pursuit of it becomes detrimental, it becomes apparent that they don't figure it out any quicker than guys do.

Do male babies start talking later than females?

Yes.Normally the girls start speaking earlier. The difference between a 3 year old boy and three year old girl can be very wide. While the girl will start talking in full sentence and will be doing lots of pretend play, the boys wont be speaking as much.However, nothing to worry finally they too start talking fluently. So nothing to worry if development goals are fully met. If the male baby is pointing, giving social smile and has good eye contact, everything is fine.

Late! Early or Bang on!!?

i just want to ask people who have had babies or are pregnant now weather its true what they say about boys being lazy and arriving beyond there due date im having a boy and he's 4 days late could people please share if they had a boy or girl and arrived late early or bang on time :-) thanx!!

How is it determined that a baby boy or baby girl will be born? Also under what conditions would a third gender be born?

My understanding of science and research as well as my time working in a fertility clinic has taught me some valuable lessons about factors determining gender before and during conception apart from the X or Y chromosomes identifiable in sperm cells and eggs.Before conception, It appears that from the male, sperm released could either be more predominantly male or female depending on his overall health based on diet and lifestyle. Female sperm cells are more resilient than their male counterparts and so if his overall health or lifestyle is less favorable, he's more likely to have more females in the mix cos the males die off before they get a chance to go catch their prize. In the female as well, her overall health and lifestyle also determine the pH serving as the landing pad of the sperm cells and which of them will survive the journey. Certain pH values favor male sperm cells while others favor the females. Sperm that have had a longer time waiting before fertilization occurs start showing their true identities. The males get sluggish and eventually stop moving while the females may be sluggish but keep on trudging along.At conception is where the final winner is pulled in by the egg.This should teach us all that gender selection occurs mostly before conception.As for the question about a third gender, I believe that can only come from a chromosomal defect with the number of X or Y chromosomes that come from the egg/sperm and eventually make up the embryo.

Do boys move sooner in the womb than girls do?

Dr J, who perhaps has not been pregnant, continues to insist that those of us who feel our babies early are hallucinating, or can not tell the difference between babies and gas. I also felt my second one very early - around 11 weeks, maybe 12 - and it is not uncommon if you have a slimmer build, a more active baby, and are particularly attuned to your internal sensations.

Babies actually all start moving at around the same time. Fetal movements begin around 7-8 weeks, although at that point the baby is so small and the movements so slight that you won't feel anything. When you feel it depends on your size and build, the activity level of the baby, and how everything is positioned. It also helps to have had a previous pregnancy, so that you know better what you are feeling.

I have one girl and one boy and my girl moved more in utero than my boy did. It is not a gender issue but has to do with the personality of the child.