Do Bulimics Withanorexic Tendencies See Them Selves As Fat

Can you be both bulimic and anorexic?

Technically no, if you’re talking about real and true diagnostics as are used by the medical profession.According to the DSM V (the current edition):Anorexia NervosaTo be diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa a person must display:Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to significantly low body weight (in context of what is minimally expected for age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health) .Either an intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain (even though significantly low weight).Disturbance in the way one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body shape and weight on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.Subtypes: Restricting typeBinge-eating/purging typeBulimia NervosaTo be diagnosed as having Bulimia Nervosa a person must display:Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g. within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g. a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise.The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviours both occur, on average, at least once a week for three months.Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa.So what happens if you meet all the criteria for Anorexia, but you also binge and purge? You end up with a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa - Binge Purge subtype.But if you’re question isn’t so much diagnosis and rather, can a person restrict their intake, loose a bunch of weight and also binge and purge - sure. Keep in mind though that not all people who restrict their food intake and/or binge and purge lose any weight. Some gain weight, some stay the same, some lose weight.

Please tell me the difference between anorexia and bulimia.?

Anorexia - When you eat only a low intake of Calories or no you fast(Except if it is for Religious Reasons)

Bulemia - You eat as much as you want but you throw it up and take laxitives so you Fecalize it it out.

Both Are extremly deadly and he/she should be reported to a mcdonalds immeaditly (I'm serious - Mcdonalds is the best place to make up for lost calories)

What's the difference between anemia, anorexia and bulimia?

anaemia is an iron deficiency

anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders and some sufferers can have a combination of both.

some people are just anorexic which means starving themselves or having a very low calorie intake and over exercising is also common.
some people are anorexic with bulimic tendencies which means they basically starve themselves and when they do eat they purge.

there are different foms of bulimia - purging and non purging or bulimic with anorexic tendencies.
purging bulimia usually involves binging and then purging by self induced vomiting, or abuse of laxatives. some people also use syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting.
non purging bulimia involves exercising until you have burned every calorie you have just consumed
bulimia with anorexic tendencies involoves alternating between binging and purging, and fasting

Do anorexics think other people look fat?

I'm looking at everyone else's answers and thinking how strange it is, because my experience was totally different.When my ED was at its worst, my perception of a normal body shape was incredibly skewed toward deathly thin. I thought of 16 or so as a normal BMI. During this time, my ideal body and what I thought was healthy looked something like this.This was the standard that I held myself to. You must understand that anorexia nervosa is primarily a disorder of the mind and leads to severely distorted thoughts. Say I saw someone walking down the street with this body type.She has a lovely, most likely healthy body. Most people can see that. But my ideal and what I saw as "normal" was a very thin body with little to no fat or muscle. So while I may not be outright judging the above woman, I would perceive her to be much bigger than normal. Then I would hope I don't look that big.Anorexics are harsh critics, especially of physical appearance. Again, I'm surprised that so many people here are saying they don't judge non-disordered people. Every other anorexic I've met also says that they internally criticize "normal" people for their eating habits and body shape.

Can someone be fat and anorexic?

This is a controversial issue within the eating disorder community, but dismissing it can cause a lot of grief to victims who fail to fall under the stereotypical weight ranges.First of all there is a difference between anorexia and anorexia nervosa. The first is simply the symptom of loss of appetite, and is present as much in having a tummy bug (or more commonly, depression) as clinical eating disorders.Anorexia nervosa is a formal diagnosis of an eating disorder. In most countries you need to have an underweight Body Mass Index-classified as BMI 17.5-in order to qualify as suffering AN.Of late some countries have been accepting that a person seeking help for disordered eating ought not to be turned away because they are a normal body weight:I wasn't a typical anorexic, but my GP shouldn't have dismissed my eating disorderEating disorders are primarily a mental illness, not a physical one. Otherwise you could re-feed an anorexic just by scaring and guilt-tripping them into ‘just eating’ as uninformed loved ones. To that end, people suffering from a disordered eating mentality and exhibiting such behaviours ought to be eligible for a primary care referral.This does not necessarily translate into an AN diagnosis, however.(Despite all of this, I can empathise with the NHS for wanting to limit the number of referrals. EDs fall under specialist primary care services and the NHS is stretched and stressed as it is by abuse of our Accident+Emergency service and red tape, among others.)

Am I anorexic or no otherwise specified?

Please tell me difference between anorexic and bulimia?
I'm afraid of eating, so i usually skip meals. If I eat, I feel miserable. Sometimes I binge after that I purge or use laxative or exercise.
Now I'm 19. I have normal weight. I know that I exactly have an eating disorder. But I don know what it is.

I wish I was anorexic?

see after looking at people that were anorexic I was saying to myself WOW they look great being skinny,and see I went to find out how to be vegetarian and people were making fun of my weight and that's why I want to be anorexic,see if I was anorexic then I would lose A lot of weight,see from the time I was older I wanted to be anorexic and nothing else at all matters at all,so it would be great if someone tell me how to either how to lose A lot of my weight or tell me how to be anorexic thank you