Do Celebrities Drive Drunk And Get Dui

Celebrities and drunk driving?

Thank you for voicing your opinion. I feel the exact same way.

I am so disgusted, frustrated, annoyed, disappointed, and yes infuriated at the celebrities themselves, the court system, and the media for that matter!!!

There are so many ordinary innocent and guilty citizens every day that you and I never read or hear about that get pulled over by the police, arrrested, booked and jailed.

And if you or I went to court for a suspended license hearing , such as with Paris Hilton, we would have the "book thrown at us", handcuffed, and forced to begin to serve our 45 day sentence immediately. We would not be allowed to go home, take a bath, go shopping, go to a party, have a party, be the talk of the party, let alone drive our car....until said day in June, when we would be required to report for our desiganted jail term. (And now I heard this morning Paris Hilton may only serve 1/2 of her inital 45 day sentence!) I hit the roof!!!

All of these celebrities are just sending out to young kids the wrong message, and setting the wrong example.

And if any young teens reading this on this site, do not agree, I will excuse you because of either your age, lack of parenting skills, or being influenced by your friends who also lack all of the above.

The best anyone of us can do is not to pay to see their movies, or purchase their DVD's, CD's, and stupid autobiographies they publish.

Vote in elections for judges that you research, and find will make fair and long overdue decisions in a court of law when one of these hoodlums appears before them in some posh court in Malibu!

Thank you for your question and taking the time to read my gripe and let me vent!

WHY do celebrities get away with drug possesion and drunk driving?

I' m not so sure that the Brandy case is over. And I am sure that she must be suffering too. I can't imagine someone being responsible for an accident that took the life of someone else, NOT having some feelings about it. It does seem that celebs tend to get away with drugs, drunk driving, etc. Perhaps because they have money to instantly bail themselves out - and they have good lawyers standing by to protect their interest. But you know, the more of them that have their names in the paper and on the new shows, the more press they get, the more the 'little people' complain - and these are officials that we may vote into office. I think they are coming around and seeing how unwise these young people are. In my opinion -they are getting too much too quickly. Some of them have not even completed high school. It's like putting a gun in the hands of a 5 year old. They don't know what to do with the success and the money. One thing is for sure - their lives and careers are on short order.

I suspect they drive drunk for the same reasons other people do. Among these (in no special order):They don't realize they're under the influence.They do know they're drunk, but they've made it home before and think they can do it again.They don't want to leave their cars wherever they are. They refuse to yield control, e.g. refuse to allow someone else to drive them because they have to (if someone else drives them out of privilege or status, that's a different story). They have someone in the car (prostitute, mistress, homosexual partner in the case of an actor whose public image is straight) they don't want anyone else to know about. It's just too inconvenient to secure another ride. Driving makes us powerful. We control the immediate environment, and  pilot a machine that allows us to go fast, to go anywhere, and that  greatly magnifies our power. Given the grandiose feelings that alcohol and some drugs of abuse can bring on, it's not hard to see how the lure of controlling a vehicle is especially attractive when we're impaired. Driving while drunk and you have the resources to have someone drive you is not a rational decision, but alcohol and drugs make people irrational.

Lots of people, but Americans in particular, are attached to their cars. A car represents independence and freedom. Most of the U.S. lacks adequate public transportation, so it’s difficult to get from Point A to Point B without a car.Not having the use of your car is more than just inconvenient. It’s a decided disadvantage. If you’re out partying and you meet someone you wish to take home with you (and is willing to do so), it’s much more convenient and smooth to drive them in your car, or for them to follow you in their own car.Not driving your own car is just not cool.If you use your car to get to the venue and have more alcohol than you planned on, you can take a cab home, but now your car is still at the venue and you have to go back and get it.I’ve heard many times, “I had to get my car home somehow.” They view the prospect of leaving one’s car at a venue is much worse than the risk of being arrested for drunk driving.Most drunk drivers get away with it many times before they get caught. The more times you drive drunk and escape the consequences, the more bold you become. Also, the more irate you are when you do get caught.Some people don’t even consider they might be too intoxicated to drive. The first time it occurs to them is when the red and blue lights come on in their rear view mirror.I’m sure there are many more reasons I haven’t thought of. None of them are good reasons, though.

Here in the U.S., it doesn't matter how many times a person drives while drunk. All that needs to happen is to get pulled over by a cop, and if he/she sees that you're intoxicated, then congratulations…there's your DUI.I got my one & only DUI back in the late 1990’s, and I got really lucky, as this happened right before they really cracked down on drinking and driving laws here in Virginia.  And because I was on such good behavior & cooperated very well with the officer who pulled me over — we even cracked jokes while heading to the jail house — my sentencing was cut in half…one year probation & restricted driver's license, and some alcohol awareness classes and meetings.I still drink a little bit on the very rarest of occasions, but will not drive if there's alcohol in my system.

Which celebrity DIDN'T get a DUI this year?!?

the problem isn't plenty the partying, IMO. the problem is whilst partying gets interior the way of their household projects (although if few they may be). case in point, Lohan no longer exhibiting as much as artwork because of the fact shes too hungover from being coked out the nighttime till now's no longer precisely some thing that people do. people who can social gathering one nighttime and manifest to artwork day after at present do no longer savor that. additionally, Paris attempting to steer sparkling of the household projects of her probation is a clarification for complaint. additionally, you reported that Linds is popping 21 quickly. She has been partying underage for a protracted time and that's a properly difficulty-unfastened certainty that she does a good number of drugs on a extensive-unfold foundation. isn't it stressful that she has been above the regulation for a at the same time as?

Because when you're drunk, high or both, your ability to evaluate your own competence is highly diminished.  'I'm just fiiiiiiine,' you might tell the people around you as you get behind the wheel.  And because celebrities and rich people tend to surround themselves with 'yes men', those people are less likely to stand up to them and take the keys away.  The clubs and the restaurants are also more interested in the celebrity's future patronage than they are in stepping in to stop a DUI.  Nobody sees it in his or her own interest to say 'no' to the celebrity or rich person, because most of them are in some way on the celebrity's payroll.

Why do celebrities constantly get pulled over for DUI's when they can afford to be driven around?

The level of cluelessness people have about celebrities never ceases to AMAZE me. Where do you get the idea that, one, they can afford to be driven around, two, that they WANT to be driven around and three, that they have perfect judgement?

Celebrities are people just like you. They get dressed in the morning just like you, and when they eat a burrito, their sh^t stinks just like yours.

I have worked in DUI programs in CA for the last 15 years, and can honestly say, that law enforcement does the MOST ENABLING of DUI’s in this state! How? BY NOT IMPOUNDING THE VEHICLE THE DUI OFFENDER IS ARRESTED IN! BY NOT IMPOUNDING THAT SAME VEHICLE FOR 30 DAYS! To allow a person who commits DUI “next day access” to the vehicle they DUI in is the same as allowing a pedophile unhindered access to an elementary school! It’s insane the way DUIers either: a.) do not get the vehicle impounded at all, or b.) are able to get the vehicle OUT of impound the next day (I wonder if law enforcement would be this leniant if a person mishandled a firearm!). DUI is a problem that CAN BE STOPPED! While taking away or restricting alcohol use does not work, separating a motor vehicle from a DUIer does. It’s about time that this got implemented.