Do Engineers Make A Lot Of Money

Apart from selling thier hot startups companies, Engineers make thier money by working for other companies. Let me explain what i mean by working for another companies.This is how it goes, after the have invested in themselves and thier skills, other companies start seeking for them. They become hot cakes and the dont need to be employees of that company, they only take Jobs from that company and get paid after the have finished the job been presented to them. The are like business men who receive contracts from big companies.The money they get from thier contracts work, they invest some of it into some investment plans and money keep generating and the also get contracts from big companies. The have multiple incomes.Its not reli an easy thing, because you need to invest in yourself and skills and be good @ what you do and solve the problems been given to you or the problems you see and you won't need to sell a startup business before you start generating more incomes.Have a nice time investing in yourself and am sure you can do it, because i trust you, who is reading this now. Your success is in your hand

Do civil engineers make a lot of money?

My dad is one of Louisiana's best civil engineer. He is known around the world. He was the one that figured out the whole Peter Pan Peanut Butter Alert cause- Pigeon Poop. He was asked to be the expert at a case of a plane crashing into a skyscraper in New York. He just recently went to Puerto Rico on a job. People have interviewed him on CNN and whatnot. In fact, 2 days ago, he got his PhD in Civil Engineering.

My question is- If you are really good at civil engineering, do you make good money? I'm interested in this and my dad raised me so I wouldn't think that they made that much money. He doesn't like his children thinking they have money.

Do engineers make a lot of money?

No! Engineers have a high starting salary. However, the increases in salary are very small compared to most every other occupation. Adjusted for inflation, engineers incomes peak after 10 years, stay level for another 5 years, and then decrease slightly.Typically, engineers with 20 years experience earn less than engineers with 7 to 15 years experience.

The highest paid engineers go into management. As managers, they do very little engineering.

While engineers have a high starting salary, because the slope of their income vs time is very low compared to other occupations, most college graduates in other occupations earn more money than engineers after 5 to 10 years experience.

What type of engineers make a lot of money?

The field I'm going to school for is Petrol Eng. known as the highest paying Engineering branch.

Average starting salary out of college of around $75,000, + $15,000 sign on bonus, + Hazard pay depending on your work location. Not to mention you travel the world, typically go a 5 week work rotation (5 weeks on site, 5 weeks off) and you get to fly back home. Did I mention the best part? The company pays for the flights, and the living expenses. So guess where that money is going! :-)

Chemical is much lower, but honestly requires just as much if not more schooling then Pet. Eng.

Next follows the various other branches of Engineering:

The other branches are probably in different order of pay scale, but Petrol and Chem are the top two. Petrol can attain 200k with enough experience in the field. Bear in mind Engineering is tough stuff... these fields pay ridiculous amounts for a reason. The classwork alone is horrendous...

Salary is based on many factors, but here are the most influential ones:How easy it is for the company to replace you if you goHow important is what you do for the companyPeople with good software engineering skills are both extremely difficult to find AND bring a lot of value to a company.

Does an engineer make a lot of money ?

"a lot" is a relative term.

I have a PhD in EE, it took me an additional 5 1/2 years to get the PhD beyond the 4 yr bachelors. So, in that time I could've been an MD or lawyer or MBA.

I am pretty wealthy, but it is mainly because I live below my means, invest my money wisely, and have an engineering wife that helps split costs and save.

Everyone's situation is different. However, if it is money you want, I suggest you get a bachelors in engineering, then you can make a liveable salary if you end it there after 4 yrs. If you want to rake in the dough, follow up the eng. degree with a JD and get into patent law, OR get an MBA and get into a technology-focused business.

Can software engineers make a lot of money?

hey guys, i think about studying software engineering but i don`t hide that i care a lot about money, since it is the reason why everybody work. so, i trust my abilities, but can i make a huge amount of money ( lets say 200000+ a year) if i become a good one or by reaching a high position in a big company? any help appreciated

Do Software Engineers make a lot of money?

I'm not sure in other places but in Saskatchewan the following information was passed on to CIPS (Canadian Information Processing Society):
Highest demand industry: IT
Lowest enrolment in University: IT (top enrolment was in Psychology)
Highest starting salary out of University: IT was second or third (but had the highest chance for promotion within first 2 years)
110% of the demand for IT professionals within Canada will have to be supplied by immigrants by 2010 (because there aren't enough people in IT degrees like Software Engineering, Computer Science, and Business Management).
A companies success will be influenced by the management of their IT department (while managing your IT assets won't bring success, not managing them will lead to failure).
The two biggest groups in IT right now are the baby boomers and Gen X (with Gen Y [born ~1980 to present]) quickly becoming the main group in the next 10 years.
80 - 90% of baby boomers will be leaving the IT workforce in the next 5 years and only 20% of those jobs can be replaced by current people coming into the industry.

This information comes from a presentation to CIPS Saskatchewan (Dec 2008)

It dependsWhich software engineers? It is natural to expect a correlation between money and performance but also other variables like school credentials and ability to interview. First place in top university in a rich country versus worst engineer in bad university in a poor country, I would not be surprised to see 1000x difference or more in their incomeWhat they work on? Software engineers have diverse work alternatives, from programming to entrepreneur or teaching. Different risks, schedule and of course moneyHow you define a lot of money? When I was just out of college, living alone in a cheap country in the middle of a big economic crisis, I was lucky to have a job to start (in fact, got two), no debt, and low expenses, so my salary was a lot for my needs. Many years later, living in an expensive city, the same money would not pay for food, it would be less than a tenth of minimum salary.Most software engineers would not consider themselves to make a lot of money; many successful entrepreneurs or top managers would agree; many teachers, police members or factory workers would disagree. But you will find broke people and rich people on all those jobs or professions