Do Gases Really Exert Equal Pressure In All Directions Of A Container

Explain why gases exert a pressure equally in all directions?

Unlike a solid, a gas has no structure. The molecules are constantly moving and colliding at random. The charges of the outer electrons in each molecule repel each other so they tend to be roughly equally distributed through the space that the gas occupies.

Why gases expert a pressure equally in all direction?

Gases have high energy compared to liquid for example. This energy can be observed in the form of high speed movement by the gas molecules. These molecules bump into each other and bounce undeterministically in the large scale. And also they bump into the wall of the container of the gas. This is observed as pressure, and as the movement is totally random, the pressure is equal.

Do gases really exert EQUAL pressure in all directions of a container?

Yes gases exert pressure in all directions. Note that this doesn't happen with solids which gives you the clue.
In a solid particles are bound to other particles. If one moves down then its neighbours MUST move down with it.

But in liquids and gases the particles are in continuous motion. They collide with other particles in random orientations. And when they do then the target particle will bounce off in any direction at all.

At the same time there is no OTHER means of passing a force from one atom to another in any perfect fluid.

So to apply pressure to any part of the container you must push, and give energy to, a range of molecules. Initially these do in fact move down. But very shortly they hit many other molecules over and over again so that the original direction of motion is completely randomized.

This randomized motion becomes the pressure applied to all the parts of the container.
i.e the pressure is applied to an equal extent to all portions of the container. No direction is more likely than any other direction.

If we deal with materials that are not fully liquid.. Pitch or tar or treacle, then a rapid application of a force makes the material act almost as if it is a solid. And consequently the forces are NOT uniformly distributed through the material.

Explain why gases exert a pressure equally in all directions???

This is as brief as I can make it.

Because gases are moving in all directions.

Since gases are in "constant random motion" they can be moving in any direction when they encounter the walls of a container. It is the force exerted by gas molecules on the walls of a container that constitutes "pressure".

In which direction does the liquid exerts pressure on the walls of a container?

molecules of a liquid contained in a container exerts pressure in all directions but is counter acted upon equal pressure in opposite direction,hence getting cancelled.Now, the only molecules not having neighbours in atleast one direction are the ones besides the walls of the container. The pressure exerted by them normally on the walls have no opposite action.

Why do gases exert pressure on the walls of their container?

Gases are fluids, they move in random direction no matter what you do,unless you cool it to 0K which is impossible as the lowest temperature achieved by scientists are 0.15K and not below that. It is the coolest temperature recorded in the history of the universe and is created by humans.Okay coming back, these fluids when they keep flowing,, when flowing they hit each and everywhere possible you could ever imagine of, within themselves and other places. These collisions are perfectly elastic and the energy is passed on to directly the molecule it collides with.So these gas molecules when colliding with the molecules of the container, exerts the so called “pressure” in the walls in the container.

Why does a gas exert pressure on the walls of a closed container?

The particles of a gas are always in random motion. Hence when this motion is shown by the particles they collide among themselves and if stored in a container,then with the walls of a container. Any force exerted on a particular area causes pressure to be exerted. The collision energy acts as a force on the surface area of the container hence exerting pressure.

In which direction do gasses exert pressure?

Gases have higher kinetic energy relative to its liquid and solid phases at a given pressure and temperature. Thus gas atom/ molecules exerts KE impacts on all confining surfaces evenly in all directions.However, if there is gravity force involved, there are ‘head’ pressure differentials with density changes of the gas atoms/ molecules (eg our atmosphere).

How does a gas exert pressure on the sides of its container?

when the randomly moving gas molecules collide with the walls of their container
they bounce off
and there is a change in momentum of the particle (m ΔV)
and since change in momentum equals impulse (F Δt)
we have
F Δt = m ΔV
so a small force (F) is exerted on/by the wall during the time of contact Δt

Why does a gas in a closed container exert pressure?

gas molecules are in constant motion in the closed vessel and as the temperature in the vessel rises they move faster and exert more pressure. Eventually the vessel will explode if heated sufficiently