Do Girls Still Wear These Kinds Of Jackets

Do girls actually like wearing their boyfriends's letter jacket?

I think yes, but not for the same significance maybe in the 1950's. When you did was like a public display that you two are going steady. But now, I think it's not just a letter jacket. I and other girls have worn our own boyfriends clothes and it is nice! Sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts,'s big and comfy and it smells like the one you love! I think if you made a big deal out giving the girl the letter jacket it would be a little awkward, but it's sweet nonetheless!

Why do "they" wear jackets when it's so hot?

most of them wear 'coz it is fashionable.. some wear to cover up... and i have seen people wearing 'coz the t-shirt was displyed with a jacket at the store :) so... they think the shirt doesnt go well without a jacket :)

whatever the reason may be i have seen people who wear too :)... it is kind of weird though

What to wear with my black leather jacket?

Ok well under it maybe a red or white top. Depending on where you live choose long or short sleeves. I would go with some dark jeans. They look bad *** with leather. Then some Vans or Heels, depending on age. As for make up, go light, natural colors, but maybe pump up the lashes. Hair, depending on the length. If long, try curling. If shorter, give it Volume. And if you are a mid hair girl, try a little bit of both! Hope this Helped!

Can you wear faux fur jackets out in the snow or will they get ruined?

When it does get wet, then let dry and use the upholstry attachment on the vac to fluff up the coat again. It generally matts when wet.

Do people still wear Jean jackets these days?

I still see so many people wearing jean jackets.

There was an Italian girl who wore it to school last Friday.

Why do so many girls wear Ugg boots, spandex and North Face jackets?

Seriously. I don't get how this is flattering or stylish. Everywhere I go there are hordes of girls in brown Ugg boots with spandex as an excuse for pants. To top it all off they wear a non-matching North Face jacket. How is this considered an outfit and why are so many people doing it? Do you seriously look in the mirror and say "This looks so original and flattering?"