Do Han Chinese People Have Some Xiongnu Ancestry

What happened to the Xiongnu?

Xiongnu was defeated by Han dynasty during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han. Later, it split into two parts: Southern Xiongnu and Northern Xiongnu.Northern Xiongnu rose in power again in the first century AD, but was then destroyed by Han dynasty again. They disbanded and fled to the west. They were never mentioned by Chinese historical records after that. Some people claimed that they would become Huns and would attack Europe but that's not supported by reliable sources. Most likely, they stayed in Central Asia and merged into local kingdoms and groups such as Yueban, Wusun and Sogdiana. Huns, on the other hand, were not directly linked to Xiongnu but could possibly be influenced by a branch of Xiongnu who went further west than other branches.Southern Xiongnu incorporated into Han dynasty and moved into Han’s borders. After Han dynasty collapsed in early 3rd century, China fell into chaos and Xiongnu stayed in Ordos and Shanxi regions with their own social structures. During Jin dynasty, a branch of Southern Xiongnu claimed to be descendants of Han dynasty and established a kingdom called Former Zhao as one of Sixteen Kingdoms. Later, some other Xiongnu kingdoms were established during the Sixteen Kingdoms period with the last one being Helian Xia which ruled the Ningxia and Ordos regions of China. It was eventually conquered by the Xianbei empire of Tuoba Wei (Northern Wei). After that, Xiongnu gradually merged into other groups of people and no longer existed as an ethnicity.

Is it true that the ancestors of Turkish people were from China?

The Turks are of Turkic origin. Turkic people are indigineous to mostly the same areas they currently occupy in Central Asia, including Xinjiang province of the People's Republic of China. Xinjiang, also known as Sinkiang or East Turkestan, is home to the Ughyr Turkic tribe. Turks of the modern Republic of Turkey migrated to Asia Minor from Central Asia during the time of the Mongol Empire, when Turkic peoples were considered equals to Mongols. The difference is that Turkic tribes converted to Islam from trading with the Arabs and other Muslim tribes while Mongols maintained their own traditional belief system.

Is it true that the Han Chinese originate from the Turkic people?

i believe Origin of Han came from to china from Altai area with Scythan-hun people BCE 300–250. (West scythan people were Kipchak, bashkurt people, dna supported this. Genetic origins and legacy of the Scythians and Sarmatians ) “I dont believe xiongnu people were full Turkic or Hun. but may be part of Hun. ” because terracotta army face are similiar Turkic people than other asian nation. of course there are other asian nation inside them. İn the same time Han dynaties were established in korea(Silla) and china(qin-han dynaties)“Who Built the Terracotta Army? The Genetic Origins of the Qin Dynasty Mausoleum Workers What the researchers found was that these workers had come from a variety of places across East Asia. In fact, the 19 individuals fell into 16 unique maternal haplogroups. The most common haplogroup was N9a, which is thinly spread throughout central and eastern Asia today. Other maternal haplogroups represented included M8a, A, and D5, which are all present among East Asian populations today. Only four of the 19 specimens could be considered ethnically Han, which is the most common ethnic group in China today. Interestingly, seven individuals came from southern China, and a smaller number came from northern China. One individual even carried the maternal haplogroup usually seen only among certain Japanese populations, M7a.…/who-built-the-terracotta-army-t…/ “Turkic nation are white people, and sometimes lived in china, mogolia vs….Probably China pyramid(İn Turkey They call Turkish pyramids.) were build by Turkic HAN dynaties for afterlife in GökTürk(skygod). This tradition has contiuned until İslam. Later kurgan becama kumbet.Turkic Ogouz People in Anatolia(Ogouz HAN people)

Why do Nanjing people look so Northern?

In China, the traditional border that separates North and South China is the Yangtze River. Northerners in China typically look like Mongolians with all the "Northern" facial traits that you have mentioned. Considerable amount people in Nanjing look like Northern or Mongolian, with all the Mongolian "look alike" facial features. Whereas considerable amount of people in the Shanghai look like the in between of Northerner and Southerner. Suzhou peoole look slightly more inclined to the Southerners.

This is because if you look at the map of China, you will see that Nanjing is slightly located at the North of Yangtze, at the Jiangsu province. Shanghai is in the middle Yangtze border, in between of Zhejiang and Jiangsu province. While Suzhou is slightly located at the South of Yangtze, at Zhejiang province.

That's is why Nanjing people people look more like Northern or Mongolian, due to Nanjing's location at the slightly North of Yangtze at Jiangsu province. Whereas Suzhou people live in the slightly South area of Yangtze at Zhejiang province, which explains why the people there look more Southern. Shanghai people look in between Northern and Southern, because they live in the middle area of Yangtze border of in between Jiangsu and Zhejiang province.

The further Northern you go in China, the more prominent the Mongolian facial features they have. The reason of why many Northerners look like Mongolians is because they have been forced married or have been mixed with the Mongolians or other Northern tribes like Xiongnu, Xianbei, Manchu, etc. throughout the centuries.

Northern people in China also have the closer genetic ties with the Mongolians or other Northern nomadic tribes. The evidence is can be seen that roughly 32% of the population in Beijing or the North of China have the B blood type. Many Mongolians have B blood type, that's why many Northern people in China have B blood type as well like most Mongolians do.

Is Xiongnu proto-Mongol?

We the Mongolians are more relative to the Huns (Xiongnu) and the Turkic khaganate (in reality they were called Turig khaganate, that name “Turkic” came out over the last century) than the modern day turks and Hungarians. Small number of Turig people migrated to the middle east to escape the constant conflict and civil war that was ensuring at that time. Those people got assimilated to the Greek and Persian culture, then in time became the Ottoman empire (Thanks to the Mongolian empire, of course). Ottoman empire tried to be seen as an the successor of the Mongolian empire and advertised them selves with many false propaganda material that they created in the 14 century like the “Genghis khan had a green eye and blond hair or most of the Mongolian army was consisted of Turkic soldiers and others”. These claims later were promoted by the soviets to undervalue the Mongolian empires legacy and achievements and promote their old Kiev rus historical roots (Many russians still denies the existence of the Mongolian empire and the Mongol yoke). in the 20th century Mongolia was dictated by Buddhism, but under communism over 10000 monks (most of the intelligent people were monk at that time) were mass murdered and almost 800 Buddhist monasteries were destroyed. With their destruction most of our historical materials and artifacts were lost. Until 1990s Mongolia was under communism and were closed country (even to the Russians and Chinese). In other words most of our history was told by non-Mongolians like the Turks and Chinese (One of the big reasons why we hate them).Just imagine : When you wanted to make friends with some group of people, but you didn’t had the chance to do so. Finally when you had the chance to meet with them they already have very different perspective about you, when you never met with them before. What happened is that some bastards who you had a bad history in the past or someone who wants to steal something from you but has no legitimacy, already came up to them and told them really bad and false information about you.This is what happened with my Country.