Do I Have A Mental Disorder

What do I have ? ; mental disorder?

I know I have religious ocd because I have so many blasphemeous thoughts towards many religious figures and I pray and apologize a lot. I just never feel like I’m a faithful person I feel like I’m losing love from god and that I am a horrible person and I know i am a horrible person. I have so many blasphemeous thoughts. The real question I have is what real type of ocd do I really have because not only do I have blasphemeous thoughts towards Jesus and religious figures, but I also have horrible and I mean very horrible blasphemeous thoughts towards people who have passed away that I knew or knew of. Today I’ve been having horrible thoughts saying people would go to hell. But I don’t believe that at all I keep telling my self that no one is going there but it keeps coming and I just feel like such an horrible person. I just wonder if there is something else I have because when I look up my problem it shows up no where, and no one has the bad thoughts about people who have passed away. If anyone knows anything that will be great. Please help because I just feel like I’m losing myself.

Do I have a mental disorder..?

- I take much longer to understand stuff.. like say studying for an exam.. my friends do it in like 8 hours but for me it takes like 20 - 30... like i do sit down and study.. all the time.. i dont procastronate.

Do I have a mental disorder?

I'll be short to the point, Before high school i used to be "on point" with tasks around the house, getting work done promptly and having my whole "act" together. I'm not sure what happened, but sometime during my senior year i got some real bad "senioridius" like to the point where i just didnt give a **** about anything. Not just my grades, but anything for a while..Now I have looked up symptoms for OCD and under severe cases like "intrisuve thoughts" where i'd just have my own mental rituals and feel out of whack..Sometimes my thoughts are very scattered and it feels like now im just meaningless or have no purpouse, i have no interest in my old games i used to love..i kinda blamed this one a Joint i tried once that i thought was laced with pcp and permantly ****** up some neuro-transmitters in my brain but I dont know...

I have aloving girlfriend, a mother that supports me, im in college but i still cant seem to feel the need of "urgency" like everything is "ahh **** it who cares" exept when it comes to my girlfriend,

So if anyone knows what is wrong with me..or what i could do to help diagnose myself that'd be great..and also i usually have "staring spells" where i could seriously gaze off at something for a while and lose focus on where i am mentally, sometimes it feels like i change mental perspectives on life every other hour

Any help is appreciated, ty

What mental disorder do I have?

I'm so sorry to hear this. This is a tough place that you're in - I don't know what I'd do if I lost one of my parents.I don't even want to think about it.First of all, I'd like to say that there is nothing wrong with you. You're a human being. You're suffering from grief, shock, anger, rage. You seem to have clinical depression. Everything you describe yourself as feeling is totally understandable given your circumstances.Stop fighting your feelings and tying yourself into knots resisting yourself. Obviously, resist any temptation towards violence - but I didn't need to tell you that, you're doing that already. I believe it is recommended that you take out your anger on a passive object...I'm not really sure that's the answer, though.I'd recommend reading When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron.As others have said, you need professional help. To start with, go see a counsellor. Your school should have one. There's nothing shameful about seeing a counsellor. Many of my students have been; adolescence is a tricky phase, even when you're not faced with such a huge personal loss. Tough guys seek psychiatric help. It takes guts to see a psychiatrist. See what facilities your school offers first, but do go to the psychiatrist. They can prescribe medication.Good luck. And, if it's worth anything, hugs from a total stranger on the internet.

Do I have mental disorders?

That can't possibly answered by a question as simple as that, or by online tests, quizzes, or questionnaires.If you believe that you have a mental illness or mental disorder your best bet is to consult a psychiatrist or psychiatric professional. They can properly diagnose you, or not diagnose you depending on whether or not you have the need to be given a diagnosis.Always seek a professional opinion, ESPECIALLY in these matters.

Do i have some sort of mental disorder?

Hello I am a 14 year old girl and I fear that there is something wrong with me. I mean I over think a lot more than a lot. I m always thinking I think till my head hurts and I just want to fall onto my bed and sleep so I could just forget about everything but I can't...Iccan't even fall asleep due to my messed up thoughts.. That just irritates me...and more over I can't concentrate on my studies I always just sit there thinking..doing northing.
I am too much scared to meet people..I mean I avoid social gatherings but still whenever I get into one my heart starts racing, i get nervous, I sweat, I over react and sseriously loose all the control over my body....I dont know what to do or who to tell!!
Do I have some sort of mental disorder? Which one?

Why do so many people have mental disorders?

Through better understanding of mental health in healthcare and the community, frankly.The rate of poor mental health hasn't necessarily changed, it’s mostly our understanding of the warning signs that someone is becoming ill - our perception of mental health - and our willingness to do something.To grasp just how this is the case you really need to understand the changes on how mental health is treated by the health care systems around the world. Gone are the days of locking people up, shutting them away from the rest of the world in 1st world countries. In the United States, President Kennedy started the process of deinstitutionalisation in the 1950s, with another wave of deinstitutionalisation in the 70s.Governments and the healthcare system came to realise that shutting people off from the world wasn't helpful in the care of the patient but also because running these institutions was very expensive. And that it’s better to rehabilitate the service user in the community and help them run a life as normal as possible and that the end goal is to hopefully get them back into work; running a normal life is the most therapeutic thing you can have in this regard.It has taken the best part of 60 years with the aid of constant reassessing how care is delivered in emergency situations and hospitalisation, and progression in treatment like therapies and “cleaner” pharmaceuticals to get to a stage where a person with mental health problems need not necessarily be scared about admitting it and seeking help.It’s worth noting that the internet has played a massive role in breaking the stigma, it’s never been as easy to discuss mental health anonymously before on this sort of scale.