Do I Have A Sunken Face

How do you get the sunken in cheek look?

People say it's not possible but people who starve themselves or smoke can get those. I think there's probably a safer way.

i've tried cheek exercises and gum.

I'm not getting surgery or putting on make-up.

Thanks a lot if you can help.

How do I fix sunken cheeks?

I think the below face exercises will help you lot.Cheek Inflation: This activity tones and fix the skin around your mouth and cheeks. It is performed by holding your mouth shut and filling it with air. Start by moving the air under your upper lip and hold it there for 10 seconds before moving it to your left cheek followed by your right cheek. Make sure that you hold the air for 10 seconds in every position. These activities can be performed once per day or three times a week and perform five repetitions of this exercise each time you exercise your face. Exercise With a Smile: This exercise also helps fill in those sunken cheeks by helping to strengthen the muscles of your face. It is performed by looking into a mirror and smiling while keeping your mouth closed. Perform this motion as you were trying "to make your mouth corners touch your ears." Follow this exercise by wrinkling your nose to help stimulate the muscles located under your cheek. Hold each contraction for about five seconds and repeat each exercise 10 times.

How do I get sunken cheeks like the models?

I'm really skinny, I don't gain weight at all. I weigh 120, i'm 18, and a male, People say that your skin gets thinner (your face skin) as you get older, but isn't 18 already the age you stop maturing? I have a baby face, I have cheekbones, but my seeks just don't sink in :( am I supposed to starve myself? lose 10 pounds maybe or 15? let me know

How to get Sunken Cheeks? help?

The only way you can obtain hollow cheeks is if you lose weight in the face. The fat tissue that fills the face/cheeks while we are young does not allow for the hollow cheek appearance. Unless a large amount of weight is lost (almost to the point of anorexia). This is not going to be attractive at all for the rest of you physique. It is a terrible and dangerous way to obtain the look your talking about. As we get older, not only does our facial skin grow thinner but the fat that sits under the cheek bones also leaves our face and hence, hollow cheeks. Make up is a way to partially obtain that look without the health risks of the alternative. If I was you, I would focus more on the positive attributes that you already have. Love the look that you were uniquely given. :)

How to make cheeks look sunken?

Good day. We are launching an anti-smoking campaign in our school with the use of shocking images and theatrical make-up. The smoking side-effect assigned to our group was Sunken Face. I looked at various images of Sunken Faces in the internet and I cannot achieve the same look with make-up. I do not particularly know how to highlight the lines below the eyes and to emphasize the eye-bags to make my whole face look sunken. I also don't know how to properly emphasize my nasolabial crease (lines) and make it look realistic at the same time.

Please list products that can properly achieve this look. Thank you.

Sunken Cheek and uneven face after a bicuspid extraction. =*(?

I have to ask why a bicuspid would be removed on one side and not on the other. I had 4 bicuspids removed, and my wisdom teeth came in perfectly. However, I don't understand the sunken face, as the gap is getting closed now. You should get a second opinion, and then consider your options.

Will I get a sunken face due to bicuspid teeth extraction?


Don't worry. I have been in the same situation. The reason that the orthodontist extracts the four premolar is because the patient may have a small mouth and teeth are crowded. This way the teeth will line up nicely quicker. Sometimes if a patient prefers not to extracts their teeth the Dentist may give you the option to widen your jaw with a retainer to make more room. The dentist has to consider all options case by case. It also depends on your age. If you are getting ortho treatment at a very young age than your facial growth development is not complete thus it will affect the way your facial profile will end up looking. If you have a Class II profile the dentist will want to bring you to a Class I profile so that your teeth set properly in the right position. My orthodontist showed me how my face structure would change after the whole procedure with braces and it change for the best. The orthodontist took Panaromic and showed me what needed to be done so that my teeth where aligning properly. He also showed me models of my teeth (this is done by taking an impression of your teeth) and showed me pictures of other patients before and after. You are paying a lot of money to get this done so ask as many questions as you want from either the ortho assistants or the dentist. Request a meeting with the Dentist.

Do I have sunken cheeks? *Pics Included*?

I know when you have a sunken face, the side of your cheeks are the areas that sink in, however, for me, it seems like the front of my face is the problem area. Do I have sunken cheeks? If not, what is this called?