Do I Have Appendicitis Er

Scared I have appendicitis?

I wouldn't go to the emergency room,
Firstly the only thing that worries me is the fact that it only hurts when you press on it.
Are you in the middle of your cycle for your period or close to your period. If so Don't worry a all take a panadol.
If not is the pain radiating and getting stronger every hour or so, if so go get it checked out, most apendix have 24 hours. Which in most cases is where the pain will become excrutiating.
I Hope for your sake it isn't appendicitis,
Good Luck, Feel Better
Geo Xx

EDIT* If you are close to your period i wouldn't worry! Happens all the time!

Would you know if you had appendicitis?

I felt bad. I went home from my office for a nap at lunch (hugely out of character). Then I went back. I picked up my stethoscope and found I had no bowel sounds along with my mid abdominal pain. I walked to the ER and they asked which patient I was there to see.I said “None, I need to be evaluated, I have no bowel sounds”. The ER physician looked at me suspiciously (orthopedic surgeons have a reputation for using stethoscopes only as reflex hammers), listened and said “You have no bowel sounds!”Off to the CT scan. It was normal. By that time I had right lower quadrant pain. The ER doctor said “Which general surgeon do you want me to call?” I told him.The general surgeon did an exam and said “you know what you have, sign here.” I was in the OR 30 minutes later with an 8 cm by 2 cm ready to burst appendix (i.e. huge) being taken out.The moral of this story is that CT is NOT perfect. Repeated exam over time is. Lack of bowel sounds is always BAD. The standard sequence is mid abdominal pain with/without vomiting migrating to the right lower quadrant.If you are getting sicker and sicker go back. If you get better it is an incidental finding.

I think I have APPENDICITIS?

The great indicator of appendicitis is the pain with a fever. Check your temperature. That being said, the other comments are right that your pin does not sound like appendicitis. Appendicitis pain occurs very sharply, almost a stabbing pain. It gets worse over time, and as it progresses you usually lose your appetite entirely. Nausea will be present. The location of the pain is very specific, occurring at a location called McBurney's point, which is halfway between your belly button and the upper edge of your right hip bone. It often has "rebound tenderness", meaning that if you press on it deeply and then let go suddenly, it hurts worse when you let go. You can also do a couple little tests. Stand straight up on your tip toes, and drop suddenly to your heels. If it feels like you just got stabbed suddenly when your heels hit the ground, that's a positive test, meaning another possible indicator. If you can even stand up straight, it's probably not appendicitis.

I think you just have pain related to constipation. How long have you been constipated. If it's been more than 24 hours there is no harm is using laxatives. Stimulant laxatives like ex-lax are not your best bet. Get a bottle of magnesium citrate from the drug store. It comes in a little green glass bottle. Take the whole bottle with a full glass of water, and then drink another glass of water every 15-30 minutes. You will soon poop water, and it may come on suddenly so stay near a bathroom. This is a usually a sure-fire cure for your constipation. Understand that strong laxatives like this will give you stomach cramps until they wear off.

There's no need to call your doctor, because no matter what you say, if it includes "stomach" and "pain" they will probably direct you to the ER, because they don't have the tools to properly diagnose abdominal pain at the doctor's office, and they won't ever accept the liability to tell you you're fine. There is no need for the ER yet.

If your pain gets too bad to stand, and you develop a fever, then go. If you have been constipated for several days try the laxatives first.

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me.
Jake, MICP

I appreciate any thumbs up and best answer ratings you feel are appropriate. Happy to help.

I think I might have appendicitis, but I have no way to get to the ER. Should I call a taxi?

You should call your country's emergency number - 911, 999, etc.  That way they can get an ambulance and EMT's to you as quickly as possible.  Appendicitis is a dangerous condition and the sooner that you get under the care of medical professionals the better.  If you do not have access to ambulance services, a taxi would be better than not getting to the emergency room.

My 9 year old might have appendicitis?

This is a frequent occurrence. I am a paramedic and oftentimes children will be taken to the ER with symptoms of appendicitis but the white count is normal and the abdominal ct scan is not conclusive. It could be early appendicitis. GO BACK to the ER if you have any doubt. I OFTEN see children return who were sent home and later returned and were diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

I think my dad has appendicitis?

my dad keeps on having lower pain, in the abdominal area
i think his appendix is blocked
should i take him to the E.R (he doesn't have medical insurance)
or do you think it's another thing

info that may help: he eats lots of fatty foods and jalapenos with every meal (he's mexican),
he is 42 years old and weighs about 195 lbs- 220lbs,
he's been having this pain for about 3 days, and this pain is history too.

how long until it ruptures?

what is the average cost to cure this with antibiotics (without medical insurance?)

what are some house remedies that can prevent the rupture or even appendicitis?

and if it does how do you know?

please help!
thanks in advanced!

Appendicitis: urgent care or ER?


What are some symptoms of Appendicitis?

throwing up that green bile stuff...
usually, you get pains in your lower right abdomen, but mine was right under my rib you never know...

if you're questioning wether you or someone has appendicitis, you should go to E.R. right away, it's deadly if left alone