Do I Have Bad Parents Or Is It All In My Head

How can I deal with bad parents?

Parents are “bad parents” most often because they were parented poorly. Other causes are just “general dissatisfaction w/their life” ( ‘taking it out’ on those closest to them?). Win against the odds by being a ‘good parent’ yourself when it comes time. This will break the generational chain. Follow the excellent foregoing suggestions toward having a good and full life in spite of ‘poor parenting’.Develop interests, find a mentor to guide you (no abuse) toward proficiency in that interest (‘adopt’ a ‘good parent’) join others in that interest (healthy peers) and become resilient through having these supports. We don’t choose our parents (and family) so you have been dealt a difficult hand. Don’t drop out of the game. See how you can continue a relationship (life long) with a difficult parent. They are only 1/2 the equation ( you can contribute a ‘better half’ and change the outcome). You may be surprised at how the relationship matures when you allow a full life to take up the space of poor parenting!Thank you for asking me directly, you show intelligence and resilience (already) through this simple act of asking! I predict success in your over coming and shrinking this ‘bump’ in your journey of life!

Do INTJs make bad parents?

My dad is an INTJ. Personally growing up I always saw him being overly analytical and not fully engrossed behaviorally. I would say that an INTJ like all types can be a good parent. It is important to distinguish that all types are potentially good parents. The INTJ can get a little to stuck in their head which can be a cause of frustration for the child. Children are some of the best practitioners of being out of their head and in the present moment so often times just being highly responsive is something to strive for. The INTJ may need to challenge themselves to be fully engaged with their child because children can be exhausting for all MBTI types. As an intovert you will have an INTJ will have more patients for their kids than most parents and will likely try to have structure because of being a J type. Although I am not a parent, I know that children may defy an INTJ’s need for things to be rational so that may also be one of the greater challenges for an INTJ parent.

What is the best way to deal with a bad parent?

ConfrontationNever allow anyone, anyone to dominate your life and strip you of your dignity.Your parents are no less subject to the law than anyone else, so if they threaten you, they are more than likely bluffing, and if you know they are not, then your next option is:Call friends or family to confide in them. Not everyone is going to be able to help you directly, but in terms of your ability to cope, without having serious disorder or physical harm caused by a bad parent, this is as vital as confrontation can be. IF you are able to get help for your situation, either by having friends let you stay over, or if you can get family members to adopt you, this method could be the best for saving you from a bad parent, which brings me to the next one. Emancipation This is the last resort for any child who feels they are deplorably treated by their parent/s. Emancipation means that you are legally freed from your parents authority. With emancipation comes great responsibility. If you emancipate yourself, you must thereafter be your own parent and make sure for your own safety and happiness. Avoidance If you are unable to do any of the above, avoidance, while not the best method of dealing with an abusive or bad parent, avoidance is, nonetheless, a powerful method. However, if you are trying to resolve the problem the above three are the most effective.

Head Start - Good or bad?

my mother is a head start teacher! so everything I know about it I know from her -- I can't speak for all of them but I'll speak for hers.

I'd absolutely send my son to one -- for one, it's free. they have 18 kids every year and 4 or 5 main teacher's aides, so there's lots of supervision. some of the kids do have behavioral problems I guess, but mainly from lack of structure at their own home. I think that head start benefits those kids greatly because they do have a structured environment but it's full of play. my mom has had lots of kids that do come from a bad environment, but they're not bad kids...she's dealt with foster kids, abusive parents, single moms, etc...but that's the minority really. and without being stereotypical -- most people who are low income tend to work a lot. they tend to have two jobs and they tend to not be at home as much because they can't afford to not go to work. they haven't been able to breast feed or stay at home and read and bring their kids to the park and that kind of thing (I'm just speaking generally, I don't want to offend anyone), so when they go to a school where they can get out and learn and play and there's a good teacher-student ratio, those kids thrive. and I think that's how the majority of kids are there. hope I made sense!

I'd send mine.

eta: what linedancer says about the hiring people is true though. I know that in NY it's changing though -- you have to have a masters in teaching to come into the program now (why you would work at a government run preschool making NO money if you have a masters is beyond me though). they do have occupational and physical therapists that are certified. but for example, my mother has just worked in preschools all her life so she got hired at her head start 20 years ago and has just stayed there and is the head of her classroom. she doesn't have to get a masters but the incoming people have to have it now, at least here. they did hire just about anyone to come in though, so ask if yours has requirements to be an aide. a lot of places don't require much more than an associates degree though. they also have parents who volunteer to come in sometimes too.

Is it true that parents beating their kids on the head will make the kids stupid?

Beating a child in the head can cause concussions and brain damage, and this can be life-threatening or cause permanent damage to multiple parts of the brain, including those responsible for information retention. It can also cause permanent emotional damage IF the child survives at all. A grown adult getting beat in the head can be life-threatening….why would anyone do that to a child who’s skull isn’t even fully protecting their brain and who’s brain is not fully developed? So in summary, yes, one of the LEAST severe consequences of beating a child in the head could be a decrease in intellect (though this does not happen to all children who have been abused, so don’t tell someone they’re stupid because their dad beat them. They’ve dealt with enough abuse already.)Honestly, if a parent beats a child, the stupid one isn’t the child. Any parent who believes they need to resort to physical violence (and aimed at the head, no less!) is the stupid one. There are plenty of ways to help children learn how to behave appropriately without beating them senseless (literally!). Anyone who thinks otherwise is just looking for a reason to take out their anger and aggression on a defenseless child, and is an idiotic bully. Take a course on anger management, don’t harm your child.

My girlfriend's parents are bad for her, and she doesn't know?

What are you supposed to do? Let me state the obvious....

You've only been dating this girl for 3 months. You are already becoming the victim of her dysfunctional view of relationships that she has learned from her parents. Here's what you do.....

Run away as fast as you can and don't look back. This is not your problem and you WILL become the victim if you stay and try to fix it.

Advice on a single parent with a Bad mom to deal with too.?

I am a single mom and my mother lives with me now, i grew up with my grandparents (dad's parents) she left us when we were still around 3 or 4yo. She helps in the house and taking care of my LO. However, she makes me feel that I am not a good mom and a person. She discriminate me as a fat person, she always scolding me in parenting my child like i am a bad mom and my LO ofcourse thought i am too and take her side. She even told me why did I have a child. In my thoughts, i will not have a child if u didn't bring me to this world too. Like she hates that i am a single mother which happened to her too. She left us and when i was 7 she got a kid too and she raised her alone while she didn't spend any money for us here with my grandparents. Now we live in one apartment owned by my grandparents but she still has bad things to say to them. She makes me feel like I'm not a good person. Whose mom does that? It makes me feel suicidal.