Do I Have Proportional Features Girls Know Best

On a scale of 1-10 rate importance of features of the opposite sex: GUYS: breast size GALS: penis size?

you know what, i honestly don't care about the size of a guys penis... its what he does with it that counts :P plus im a fan of foreplay. so thats a 1 or a 2 for me.

Guys: What facial features do you like on a girl?

Ok like facial features.. give me your opinion on these
like describe how you like the following things

1. skin color

2. height

3. eyes.. a) color and b) shape

4. nose.. a) shape b) size

5. mouth/lips a) shape b) size

6. face shape.. ex: long or wide...

7. hair.. a) color b) length

8. body type:.. muscular, skinny, average, a little chubby, fat.. a mix

any other additions, ie legs, freckles, dimples, boobs, butt, etc

also what are your thoughts of girls and makeup?

What Features on Guys Attract and Turn On Girls/Women?

What physical features and personality features attract women/girls and turn them on ? What are women looking for? come on don't give me that I only care about his personality.
You can tell me personality features !
Best answer!
Be detailed !
Thank you all.

What facial features make a woman ugly?

wow! people call you ugly!? thats not right (hopefully there your friends and your asking for an real answer..) im pretty sure your at least decent.
well...i guess i would have to say big nose or a really skinny nose
but you said you have pretty eyes so play those up with a little make up. draw attention to the eyes (get tips online)

Your opinion of AA cup breasts?

I know this question isn't directly related to men's health but, because I'm looking for only male opinions, I thought the male health section would be the best place to find blokes!
I'm a 16 year old girl with AA cup breasts. I know, ugly huh? I am however only 114 lbs at 5 ft 4, so they're not TOO disproportionate. What I'm wondering is whether I should gain weight or not (in the hopes of going to an A or B cup) or whether I should maintain my current weight because I do have a toned, slim bum and legs. What would you prefer on a girl of my figure? Should I gain weight or not? Extra info that may affect your opinion; I am quite pale too, with mousey/light brown kinda hair and the kinda complexion that has quite a lot of moles :p Facially I'm quite young looking/cute but I look kinda quirky.
I know it's a very shallow question but my breasts are a source of concern for me because they seem to have stopped growing (haven't grown since I was thirteen). I promise I'm not normally this superficial :P Anyway, please answer honestly but politely and respectfully.
Thanks :) xx

Do girls find men with big nose look better? Or just ugly?

Look at this person:This is a guy from a famous kpop group and is said to have a big nose. The thing is, his big nose suits his face.So it doesn’t matter if you have a big nose, what matters is if your nose matches your features well. It should be proportional to your face.For example, the guy in the picture above has a big nose, but small lips. This helps his face feel more proportioned to his nose. His eyes are also pretty big for an Asian so this helps balance out his small lips, which balance out his nose. His face shape is very slim which also helps shape his face, which matches his well-proportioned features.So what I am trying to say is that it will vary between each person. What girls really find attractive is personality first, and for appearance, I would say how well proportioned someone’s face is, whether they have big features or small, If your features match up well, then you’ll look fine.