Do I Have To Attend This Meeting

Will i get kicked out of dep for not attending dep meetings (navy)?

Probably not but you won't be as prepared as you could be for boot camp which may delay promotions----------have a great day.

“We will attend the meeting”. What is the passive voice of this sentence?

“We will attend the meeting”. What is the passive voice of this sentence?What the question writer probably means is, Please restate this sentence in passive voice.Literally interpreted, the question’s answer would be, The sentence does not have a passive voice.The actors in the sentence are we, so the challenge is to restate the fact in a way in which no action such as attending takes place. Common ways to think about such a change include:Reposition the object of the verb, meeting, so that it becomes the subject of the sentence. The meeting will…Change the verb, attend, into an adjective, attended, that describes the meeting, and replace it with the verb to be. …will be attended….Reposition the subject, We, so that it becomes an indirect object of the verb, preceded by a preposition. …by us.A shorter way is to replace the verb attend with to be and place a preposition before meeting. …will be at…Using these steps, you can produce passive versions of the sentence:The meeting will have us in attendance.The meeting will be attended by us.We will be at the meeting.Also, for the American amateurs who like to call British punctuation wrong: Placing the period after the quotation mark is correct in British English. In the USA, where we have done a better job of developing the logic of English grammar, placing the period before the quotes is considered correct.

How can I change the phrase “you don't need to attend the meeting” to the passive voice?

The passive voice of this sentence is:“The meeting doesn't need to be attended by you.”Or,“The meeting doesn't need to be attended.”**Here, “by you” is optional.

Are Air Force DEP meetings mandatory?

Those meetings exist for a reason. Those who attend them have a significantly improved chance of success. Those who do not have a higher risk of leaving the DEP program and/or being dropped from training.

DEP candidates are a headache for recruiters. It's a lot of paperwork, time, and effort. It's all the same stuff you need to for a regular enlistment plus some. The "delay" in the Delayed Entry Program tends to cause problems. These candidates have a nasty tendency to get themselves in trouble. They have a bad habit of dropping out of the program. They have a tendency to be in poor physical shape. It's a loooong way from signed DEP contract to completed enlistment. There are a lot of pitfalls along the way.

To try and mitigate all of the problems DEP candidates run into, they hold meetings. These include information, PT sessions, and some pre-basic training. They keep you in regular contact with your recruiter. They keep you in shape and making progress towards meeting basic training standards. They teach you things that will make getting through BMT easier.

They are not "mandatory" insofar as failing to attend them equals getting kicked out of the program. However, failing to attend them increases the chances you won't make it through the program. Do you want to have a successful USAF career? Do you want to ensure you make it through the DEP program with as few problems as possible? Then go to the meetings.

EDIT: Based on your update, it sounds like the problem is that your recruiter isn't doing much with the meetings. They're supposed to include things like basic drill (marching) and PT sessions as well as information from the book. The book is supposed to be there for you to read on your own; the meetings are supposed to be there for you to get information and training BEYOND the book. If all your recruiter is doing is reading the book and handing out pizza then those meetings aren't really serving their intended purpose anyway.

I have a cold, but need to attend an important business meeting tomorrow. Should I shake people's hands?

There's no way i can get out of this meeting. Several people attending the meeting are high level executives I've never met before. No matter what I do, it will be clearly evident from my voice and from my coughing that I am sick.

What should I do?

Do you need gotomeeting installed to attend a meeting?

Yes, you need gotomeeting installed for attending an online meeting. If looking for any alternatives, then you can have a look at tools like webex, R-HUB web video conferencing servers etc. They work well.

What happens if i dont attend my navy dep meetings. will i get kicked out of dep statues?

im on dep for 10 months. i went to my first dep meeting and missed the next 2. i got 7 more to go before i ship out. do i really have to go to dep meetings. they really suck, there is nothing that the dep book cant teach me that the instructors at the dep meetings do. my physical condition no problem my pulse is a 48. marching and drill no problem i had jrotc for 4 years. navy ranks and 11 general orders and chain of command and sailors creed no problem that what the dep guide book is for. there isnt anything that ill really learn at dep. the drive to the meeting is a pain in the *** considering that i dont have a car and what i use isnt insured under my name. the drive is far. all that the instructers do is try to make a badass of themselves everyone is scared and all i see is 3 beer belly instructors making badasses of themselves. ok in conclusion do i really have to attend the dep meetings? will i get kicked out of dep statues for not showing up?

Fired from Subway for not attending a mandatory meeting?

I hadn't been to work for a whole week. He said he put the note right over the schedule but I never saw it. I may have came in once to look at the schedule, but I still didn't see it. I understand that I probably should have been more observant but should I be penalized just for not seeing a stupid sign he put up? Is it professional of him to communicate important information like that to his employees? He also called me at like 8:30am in the morning, just once, but I was 1/2 awake. I think it was a last minute call, in which the meeting was to begin soon. I guess I should have answered the phone...but I didn't know it was him. Well, please let me know what you think..

I do want my job back, yet at the same time, I had been fired from jobs for not being "good" enough in the past, so maybe this was the best way to end it.

Can I get fired for not going to mandatory meeting?

That depends on whether New Jersey is an "at-will" state. If New jersey is an "at-will" state, then you can be fired with or without cause at the companies will and without notice. Now you mentioned that you are part of the union. Did the company or the Union call the meeting? That also has determination of the answer to your question.

You mention that you would miss Church, and that has no bearing on the situation, other than your feelings on the matter. what I would do if I was in your situation is to speak to your union representative and see what the company can and can not do. Another approach would be to read your union contract that you should have a copy of.