Do I Look Weird In This Pic

My eyes look weird in pictures?

they do??
I think they look just like eyes....

Why do pictures of screens look weird?

That's because it takes 1/30th of a second for the full screen to draw, but the first pixels are already fading by the time the draw finishes. Your optical nerves work differently than a camera and persistence of vision let's you see this as a constant frame or image.To shoot a screen with a camera you need to use a shutter speed that is exactly 1/30th of a second. If your are shooting with a phone, you don't have direct control over shutter speed, so that's why it always looks funny.

Why do my eyes always look weird in pictures?

My nose always looks crooked. And my nose is straight and never been broken. It might also be that the people taking the pictures aren't professionals.. there for you're getting an amateur picture. So don't worry about it. And if your taking portrait pictures (ones of your face and not of other things around you) you might be trying to look directly at the lens and that'd give you the appearance of having cross or lazy eyes. When you try to take pictures try to focus on just staring straight ahead not at the lens. Hopefully this helps!! Good luck!

Why do pictures always make me look weird?

Because cameras have a lens in them that distorts the image that is eventually reproduced. Therefore it will distort your weight, shape etc. Also the colors that go through the spectrum may end up differently int eh final result. you're just what we call "not photogenic". Sometimes its the right combination of things that makes someone photogenic. not necessarily that hey are pretty or not. I know plenty of people that are..well..ugly in person...bu tin pictures they look 5 x better than they do in person. i know the other way around to. beautiful people that turn out awful in pics.

There are things you can do to make yourself look better, thinner in pics. take sample pics of yourself on a digital one day and experiments differnt angles. you can find whether your best angle is face forward..****** to the side, smiling with your teeth, without, whether your left or right side is better. and putting an rm on your waist when posing makes your arms look less thick. as well as hunching over sometimes gives you a slightly less stomachy look.

we can get into wardrobe and makeup, but that is more complicated and there are mas of professionals that work on movies stars to make them look picture perfect. its a science behind that.

hope that helps!

Why does my face look weird in photos?

There's one main culprit to blame for this, and it's not you or your psychological perceievment of yourself.Mirrors.Every time you look at yourself, you're looking at a mirrored version of yourself. In fact, everything is backwards. This is the only ‘us’ we will ever see. And selfies make it even worse. When using apps like Snapchat, pictures are also mirrored.Have you ever taken a great-looking selfie on Snapchat and then try to take one with your phone camera app and it just looks terrible?That's because we are always used to seeing a mirrored version of ourselves.That's why when you see yourself non-reversed, it looks so strange and you might even think you don't look nearly as attractive as you would with a mirrored image of yourself.

Why do i look so ugly in pictures?

There are tons of things that can affect the way you look in a photo, optical properties of the camera's lens, a lack of light, the wrong color balance set in the camera, Mars not being aligned with Venus, that time of the month, holding a camera 18 inches from your face and expecting the flash not to make you look like Casper the friendly ghost, but what may be most obvious is perhaps you just aren't very photogenic. I me kooky.

Being photogenic has little to do with the way you look, by the way. It has more to do with how you carry and feel about yourself. And the way you feel contributes to how your personality comes through your body language, and how you carry yourself. So if you're a girl who doesn't feel she is attractive to begin with, there won't be an abundance of confidence present when you are the subject of a photograph. Being photogenic is being able to transmit your personality through your photograph. And as the cliche saying goes, beauty comes from within. I don't know why you are 13 and feel you're not pretty, perhaps your parents, family, or friends don't say it enough, maybe they don't care, or maybe they don't even know you feel this way, but there's no reason why you should. So if you want to considered "attractive", you have to act the part. It seems to me that you just have a self-esteem problem. A camera can distort reality if misused, but doesn't make you look ugly. If that is what you see, it doesn't matter how you are photographed, you still feel the same. Work on you, and perhaps you'll be more photogenic.

Why does my skin tone look so weird in pictures?

Sometimes it can depend on the lighting and maybe if you are using a flash on your camera. If it is quite dark, but with lights like in a restaurant or club, using a flash camera can change the outcome of your picture.

Why does my eyes look so weird??? Picture Inside?

Why are my eyes like this
Like look how bad my eyes drop¤t=Picture021.jpg¤t=Picture020.jpg

why are my eyes so weird looking, which makes me look UGLY???

I have to slant my eyes like this in order to not look so dam UGLY¤t=Picture031.jpg¤t=Picture031.jpg¤t=Picture032.jpg

Why do I look weird in photos but good looking in the mirror?

Normally our face is not symatrical. Thus if you divide your face into two halfs vertically, the left side will not exactly identical as your right side. Sometimes it's the eyes, one eye is smaller than other. Lips as well will not be identical. On top of that, sometimes, the face is slightly tilted towards one end. In normal circumstances, these differences are not easily seen when you see yourself in a mirror or photograph. Very few individuals have an exact symmetrical face.The only image of our own self that we all are accustomed to see is the mirror image. This is because you see this image at least thrice a day. This not exactly how you look. Its a mirror image of yourself. In reality you look slightly different.Attached are the two images of Barack Obama. Both are the same images the only difference is that one image is flipped vertically.Image 1 is how we all are used to see him. Image 2 is how he is used to see himself.As you see both images are of the same person but look so different when they are flipped vertically..No coming back to your question , the same thing is applicable to you as well normally you see yourself in the mirror. Thus you identify yourself with that image.When you see your photos these are the images which are flipped vertically. This is not how your image is registered in your brain. Thus making you feel that you look different.So there is nothing weird in the way you look in reality. The only thing is that you are not accustomed to that look of your own self.Try clicking your picture and keep both of them side by side. Let one be the normal picture and the other one be flipped vertically.You will come to know the difference in your face symmetry.

I want to wear headbands, but it makes my hair look weird. *help!? and pics included*?

well honestly that looks ridiculous and I do not condone or support that hair style in anyway but as a member of the beauty industry I will help you try to look the way you want

after straightening hold your hair close to your head and pull down a bit with one hand flat then use a hair spray and lightly mist the area where you would like the headband to rest do this to both sides of your head then stretch the headband out and gently place around your head then carefully slide it down to where you want it