Do I Need To Withdraw My Child From His Current School Before Filing A Psa In California - For Home

California homeschoolers: Do I need to register my house as a private school in order to start homeschooling?

Hi, Nice to meet you. I'm also a California homeschooler.

Here are your options for homeschooling in California:

► Private Instruction by a Teacher or Tutor
► Independent Study Program (ISP) & Home Study Program (HSP)
(through Public Schools and Charter Schools)
► Private School Satellite Programs (PSPs)
► Filing a Private School Affidavit (PSA) for exemption as a Private School
► Testing In California

And here are the answers to your questions:

1) If you are going to file a Private School Affidavit (PSA), yes you need to do that before beginning to homeschool. You can do it online in about 10 minutes. The official filing date is between October 1st and 15th of each year.

2) Once you have filed your PSA/registered with an ISP, HSP, or charter school, a letter of withdrawal needs to be sent to your public school. If you are registered with an ISP, HSP, or charter school, they will do it for you. If you file a PSA, you mail it yourself.

To Whom It May Concern:
This is to notify you that (your name) has enrolled at (your homeschool's name) as of (date you enrolled or filed. Please forward his/her cumulative file to the address below.
Your Parent's Name, Principal
Your Home Address
3) You can start immediately. You don't have to wait to hear from the school. For example, you can file your PSA tonight, and send the letter Monday without ever going back to the school.
4) School districts are filled with idiots who don't know squat about homeschooling, but are afraid they'll lose their jobs if the trend toward home education continues. Go right ahead and ignore them.
5) Yes, you can stay home. The district has ZERO power over you if you are enrolled in another program. The district can't do anything about it AS LONG AS YOU ARE COMPLYING WITH THE LAW.

This website will give you more info:

All the best.

EDIT: unless you are registered somewhere else or have filed your PSA, you will be truant if you stop attending school now. But to be honest, kids do get sick and miss school. They also go on trips for which their parents take them out of school. If you were my child, I'd go for it. But I'm just that way.

How is unschooling handled in California?

Anjali’s answer is not correct. California’s laws toward homeschooling are actually fairly relaxed. There are four ways to homeschool your child in CA, and the one most conducive to unschooling is filing a PSA (Private School Affidavit) with the state. Once you’ve done that (and it’s very easy to do: Your Private School), that means you have to keep some papers on file (attendance, list of courses, etc), instruct mostly in English, and basically that’s it (there are more requirements for high school: always check laws for your state; see this for CA, e.g.: Legal FAQ). It’s a good idea to keep track of what your child does and studies, esp. as they get closer to high school.I’m not unschooling my kids, but know a lot of families that do. See more answers here: Kicking it Unschool.

Do you need to drop out first before going to online school? Or homeschooling?

If you’re in the US, you let the school (and superintendent) know you won’t be coming back. That’s the first step. Then in most states you let the superintendent know what you’ll be doing instead of the public school. In some states you’ll need approval that what you intend to do is equivalent to what the school offers. That sounds more difficult than it is. Your state homeschooling group will know the ins and outs of how to word your letter of intent to homeschool.A to Z Home's Cool has a list of Homeschooling Support Groups All Over the World, links Homeschool Laws & Legalities - Home School Requirements and some suggestions on how to begin homeschooling.If your intent is just to get a diploma, a school diploma is no longer necessary. You may do better by getting your GED (in the US). I’ve heard it’s more difficult than it used to be but in terms of time and studying, it will be much easier than jumping through hoops to get a piece of paper you don’t even need. There are books and classes to help you prepare for the GED.Each state sets its own requirements for the GED. In some states you can’t take it until after you would have graduated. Some let you take it anytime. Your state homeschooling group will know what the requirements are.

What famous person had the most tragic death?

For me, it's an even tie between Abraham Lincoln and JFK.  Both died in their presidencies during volatile times in their country.  Both had made a memorable impact to their countries in their lives, hence the tie.  They were tragic deaths for a number of reasons.  First and foremost the fact that they were the leader of their country and did many great things.  Tragic because of the effect their deaths had on the country.  Tragic because we think about how different things could have been (good or bad) had they not died.  Below are the strange links between these two men and the tragedies of their deaths.  UPDATE:  I include these merely because I am fascinated by such coincidences in life.  I allude to no cosmic link or conspiracy.  Consider this just a foot note to these tragic deaths.    Lincoln was elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1960, 100 years apart Both men were deeply involved in civil rights for African Americans. Both men were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their wives. Each wife had lost a child while living at the White House. Both men were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind. Lincoln was shot in Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while riding in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford Motor Company. Both men were succeeded by vice-presidents named Johnson who were southern Democrats and former senators. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly one hundred years later. The first name of Lincoln's private secretary was John, the last name of Kennedy's private secretary was Lincoln. Both assassins were Southerners who held extremist views. Both assassins were murdered before they could be brought to trial. Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theater. LlNCOLN and KENNEDY each has 7 letters. ANDREW JOHNSON and LYNDON JOHNSON each has 13 letters. JOHN WlLKES BOOTH and LEE HARVEY OSWALD each has 15 letters.