Do I Sound Like I Have A Disorder .

What is the speech disorder where you sound like Elmer Fudd?

"Ok, first of all the Elmer Fudd Speak is something we refer to as a "weak /r/" or if it happens with /l/, we call it "Gliding of Liquids". Sounds a little dirty but the /r/ and /l/ are classified phonologically as "liquids" and when you say "yeave the wabbit awone" you are "gliding" those liquid sounds.

/s/ becoming "th" is referred to as a "frontal lisp", differentiated from a lateral lisp where the "slurring" takes place on the side of the mouth because that is where the tongue is. Normal /s/ placement is the tongue, just behind the front teeth, barely touching enough to all the air to flow between the space. It's very precise. When the tongue comes forward, you lose that sound. "

Do I sound like I have a sleep disorder?

I don’t know the scientific or any other name but I’ve suffered from what you just described. But did you say “FATAL”?? Sounds scary.Anyway, I suffered from something like this. I’ve had sleep disorders, I’m sure and one of the things I’ve noticed is what you are talking about. I start feeling sleepy at some point at night and if I fight sleep at that time and stay awake, I realize that after a while I’m not sleepy at all. I end up staying awake till 4 a.m. in the morning and then sleep and then wake up on time. So, this can happen for 2–3. Your body can only push itself only that much if you fight sleep but on the third or fourth day, you won’t be able to. Your body is going to be tired and sleep-deprived and will want to compensate for the time you did not sleep. That’s why you end up sleeping like a log and no sound or alarm can wake you up then.So, this is definitely a sleep disorder. Fatal? I dunno. Maybe in the long run, bad habits could be fatal.That’s why you should sleep for a good 7 hours everyday and sleep and wake up at the same time. After a month or so, your body is going to be accustomed to doing this, you won’t even have to put an alarm to wake up.This can also be a daily cycle instead of 3–4 days. If you don’t sleep properly at night, you will feel sleepy and then sleep during the day. And then stay awake the next night. So, try not to sleep too much during the day. I don’t and I’ve started falling asleep instantly at night these days.

What disorder does this sound like (more in details)?

Avoidant Personality Disorder, comorbid with Avoidant Attachment style comorbid with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). BPD most commonly co-occurs with Avoidant Personality Disorder. Criticism is shame. They avoid shame and rejection. They dump and run. Identity disturbance is a byproduct of Attachment disorders. They are so consumed with their own pain, that they can see no one else's pain, nor point of view, and it manifests as some form of malignant Narcissism (covert codependent narcissistic traits, wolf in sheeps clothing, meek disposition that can rage into harming themselves or others and even kill in rage attack). This is the type of Borderline that can self-harm.

Does this sound like borderline personality disorder?

My "friend" is 36 years old and still lives with her parents. She has terrible relationships. Her best friend in high school dumped her because she was always being highly critical and saying tactless things. She jumps from relationship to relationship. She is with someone right now, but has dumped him in the past twice now because she isn't physically attracted to him. She still feels the same way and hates sex with him and hates how he kisses. I'm pretty sure she'll dump him again.
She doesn't keep friends for long because she can't seem to look past herself. She is HIGHLY critical and always says tactless things that rub people the wrong way. I met her at work and most of my co-workers couldn't stand her. They thought she was high maintenance and not a team player. She was always flipping out on them and they avoided her.
I have been friends with her about seven years or so, but she makes me upset most of the time I'm with her. I've tried to confront her about it several times, but she doesn't hear me.... it's always about her. She tells me that I'm unfit to be a mother and that I can't take care of myself, yet I have a 12 year career, my own house, and a loving husband. She's never lived on her own as far as I know. She claims she doesn't want kids ever or to get married, and she seems fine living with her parents for as old as she is. I personally think it's really weird.
She says she says hurtful things to me because I NEVER call her to hang out, but the funny thing is I DO. She's been over to my house lots of times. I even had a birthday party for her on her last birthday.
Anyway, she told me that she's been going through something that only her family and boyfriend know about and that she can't talk to me about it. She's been really rude to me so I confronted her about it and now she's not speaking to me. I am wondering if she's experiencing some type of personality disorder. I know she's on some sort of meds... I've seen her take them before. I would like to understand why she's the way she is because I know something isn't right.

What does this sound like ocd anxiety disorder or something else?

ocd is more where people wash their hands constantly, clean like they live in a hospital museum, or count when doing things. Some examples are people who vaccum their carpet in such a way as to make a perfect pattern from the vaccum. They will continue to vaccum until it is done right. Then if they have fringe (like on some area rugs) they literally comb it to perfection. Another example are people who count, such as a person who opens the door 5 times before walking through it. The fear is if they don't do these things something bad will happen. They cannot control themselves.
You sound more like a hypocondriac- someone who constantly thinks somethinG is wrong with them. if one diagnosis doesn't come, they will find another illness that they must have. You are not 'happy' if their is nothing wrong with you so you keep looking. You find a bump on your body (which usually is nothing to be concerned about) and you have surely found a tumor. You get a bruise and you know you have diabetes. You struggle sleeping one night, possibly due to all your worrying about you ilnesses, and you must have insomnia.
If you see the right doctor and preferably a counselor as well, you can learn to control these fears.
One thing is for sure, what you've described is NOT OCD. Sorry, you need to keep looking for your next diagnosis. But hycondria is a serious illness if that makes you feel better.

Do I sound like I may have schizoid personality disorder?

No.Not a schizoid. At least in my unprofessional opinion. There are several reasons but the most important one is the fact that you dont seem to be (very) negatively affected by your solitary nautre. The reason Schizoid Personality Disorder is said to be a Personality Disorder, is because it causes harm to the person’s day to day functioning. Think of a heavily paranoid person with paranoid PD. You can imagine how disruptive clinically diagnosable paranoia can be, now use that idea and apply it to your introverted tendancies. Do they cause this type of disruption? Do you feel so strongly about being alone that you must avoid every one? Do you feel the need to find every opertunity in which you can be alone? This does not seem to be present with you.If you were a schizoid you would most likely have a strong indiferance towards the state of your life and would have no interest in other people. Your attachment to your boyfriend would have been quite atypical for a schizoid. From your boyfriemds perspective a schizoid girlfriend should seem detached, very un emotional, showing little interest in him.You do seem to have some lack of interest and a certain level of apathy, which is charachteristic of schizoids, but it does not seem to be too strong. You are interested in your potential “schizoidness” after all, which contradicts this.Every time you look at the criteria for any disorder think about the extreme of each, because that is what is being described.(Again i am not a professional)

Does this sound like a personality disorder?

Here's the deal. Her potential diagnosis is not relevant to you in any way. I find it strange and uncomfortable that you're asking if all this sounds like a personality disorder, but not how to protect yourself from a friend's dangerous behaviour or how to help her. One (or both) of those should be your main priority. Her diagnosis is only useful to her doctors and maybe to her, to help her understand her choices and feelings. It's not any of your business. If you want to get her help, that's a matter for another question. If that's not your priority (you're under no obligation to tend to her mental health, whether you're friends right now or not)  then you need to focus on communicating to her that she needs to keep her distance, and putting together some consequences if she doesn't.

Does this sound like bipolar disorder or something else?

Just this past week my doctor diagnosed me with bipolar disorder. He told me to start seeing a psychiatrist. I do have mood swings. Usually lasting a few days or a week or two at most. Sometimes it changes in the matter of hours. Sometimes I feel energetic, talkative, outgoing and really happy. Other times I feel depressed, drained and completely close myself off to others. But it's not just mood swings. My personality completely changes as well. I feel like two different people. My likes, my feelings toward things, my goals, values, are all constantly changing. It's even effected my gender identity. I feel like I have another personality altogether at times. I honestly don't know who I am. With the depressed episodes I'm also paranoid of every little thing I deem as being dangerous and have lots of anxiety. During the "ups" I feel more normal, I just have problems with sleeping (I usually sleep maybe three to six hours at the most when I have these episodes) and trying to contain my energy but I don't engage in reckless behavior or anything like that. I also have issues with hating myself and I'm rather afraid of those close to me will abandon me. I feel like everyone secretly hates me. I've also had issues with seeing shadows out of the corner of my eyes and sometimes feeling like bugs are crawling on me or that I'm being touched by someone. But that only happens when I'm extremely stressed out. I'd really like to hear from other people who have had experience with this.

What kind of personality disorder (or mental disorder) does this sound like?

What you are describing is a disturbed individual who likelycomes from a home that doesnot have normal family communications. Family rulesare inconsistant; the membersare in constant turmoil. Theremay be alcoholism, drug abuseor similar underlying causes for high levels of stress.Doubting his locus of control, heseeks approval through sexual activity, he manipulates,bullies, and worries those around him to get what he wants. He ishistronic, abrasive, and wearseveryone out. His personality is  not adequate. He compensates, never the less, with his seemingcharming manner, intelligence, dress, and good looks.For him, control and manipulation,perfectionism, and posturing asnormal seems perfectly natural.Is he a budding narcissist, a self-doubting clingy,  codependent,or a sociopath? Is he an angryparanoid who lashes outeasily when challenged? Doeshe feel normal at a surface level,desperately holding back demons?Is he borderline and depressed,though well defended?There is somerhing missing. Afamily history, a relationshipwith parents and siblings, hisearly mothering would behelpful. Where does his senseof entitlement and feeling thathe is special come from?What happened in the familyholds the key to unlockthe secrets that formed hisstrangely distorted pictureof reality. To him, bizzarebehavior is normal that hehas the ability to convinceothers to go along with.Psychiatric evaluation and intervention is indicated, however,  unlikely this willhappen as these individualsare well defended and seldombring themselves to treatment.