Do I Sound Overweight

Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?


I am 171 cm tall and I weigh 80 kilograms, I know that sounds overweight, but I feel like I don't look too overweight? Is this normal? (Also I tend to have a large body frame and feel pretty great)

Yes buddy. Loose the weight chart. It's absurd and stupid. BMI is not accurate either.BMI is obsolete for people who workout and train heavy. My height is 170cm and my weight is about 82Kg. I am an endomorph. My BMI is about 30.6 which classifies me as 'Obese'. Still, here I am able to leg press close to 2.5 times my body weight and able to run a 5k comfortably. The point is BMI is totally unreliable. You might look like this:But your BMI would infer that you look like this:A more reliable measurement we can use is body fat percent. It is the total mass of fat divided by total body mass; body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Easiest method to calculate the same would be the body fat caliper method.So, in your case its completely normal. It's even more normal if you have a larger build. Relax.Source - Calculate Your BMI - Standard BMI CalculatorBody fat percentage

Why do underweight girls think they're healthy?

Underweight people try to convince themselves that they're healthy because they believe that thin equals attractiveness. There is nothing wrong with being thin or curvy, but there is a lot wrong with being underweight and overweight. Underweight people are malnourished and overweight people are at risk of suffering from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, etc.

I think your best friend's sister wants to be viewed as attractive, so she doesn't really care what anybody else says. From the sound of things, if she doesn't start eating properly, she may end up dying from severe malnutrition. It really isn't a matter of what your diet consists of, it's a matter of how strong your immune system is. if you're not at a healthy weight, you can get sick really easily.

Do I sound too fat? :/?

I've always had some fat around my tummy area and I guess its in my genes because both of my sides of my family usually gain weight there, I work out 4-5 times a week for an hour plus P.E. at school 2 times a week for about 40 minutes and I do crunches and I eat pretty healthy (I eat broccoli and chicken like every day for dinner) but my only weaknesses are sweets, especially chocolate which I try to eat in moderation, and I've lost almost all of my tummy but I have a tiny bump still and if I harden my stomach it looks completely flat. So idk if its normal for me because I have curves (I have kind of an hourglass figure) and I think I might just be built that way and there's nothing more I can do about it because my dad, mom, grandparents, etc. All have tummy fat ( A LOT more than me btw, most of my dad's family is overweight but not my mom's but they do gain weight around their tummies) and my friends always tell me that I'm super skinny and I know I'm not overweight. So does my tummy sound too fat? If you want to see pictures here's my instagram : Thanks in advance!!!!!! :DDD ^-^

Girls: Do I sound fat, skinny or average?

the reason why you weigh that much is because muscle weighs more than fat does. if your a small and a size 2 or 0 then your not fat lol!

Names that sound fat?

I'm writing a book and one of the characters is super-obese. I'm looking for a name that sounds fat. Also, can you think of any names for a pageant princess who wears a perma-smile and a name for a really dumb girl?

Why is the fart of fat people a high-pitched sound?

Applying laws of thermodynamics I learned on the web, combined with study of high pressure gas flow as modified by constriction applied by dense-volume organic tissue acting as hydraulically tunable conduits,I HAVE CONCLUDED-There’s more fatty flesh squeezing the size of the passageway, so the restricted gas outflow/tissue vibration increases in frequency.