Do Losing Belly Fat Really Takes Time

How long does it take to lose belly fat?

It will take as long as you allow. It really depends on how determined you are and what you do!
Walking before breakfast is great, just make sure you're pushing yourself harder each day. Eating late in the day is really bad though.
A big breakfast is fine so long as it's healthy, ie. cereal with low fat milk, 2 slices of wholegrain toast, banana, low fat yogurt and an apple is perfect.

Here's a few tips to help speed things up:

Have a no sugar caffeine drink (ideally tea or coffee) before your walk to kick start your metabolism.

Tense your tummy muscles whenever you can and make a special effort to 'hold in' your tummy while walking.

Try to do sit ups or stomach crunches every morning and evening, do one more every day.

Do NOT eat after 8pm.

Drink plenty of water.

Take it easy on carbohydrates and try to go wholegrain where possible.

Later meals should be lighter.

Good luck!!!

Does general weight lifting lose belly fat?

This question often comes to my feed on Quora. I will try to shed some lights on the subject and share my experince.Belly fat is due to a sedentary lifestyle of poor diet, substandard nutraceutical in the food, enduring chronically stressful lifestyle, bad economic conditions, cultural causes among few other topics.The belly fat consists of two layers of subcutaneous and visceral adipose which have - gradually - accumulated and hard to remove quickly. Both layers of fat are posing a different level of health danger.A change of lifestyle can significantly reduce the fat deposits. A lifestyle change means a drastic change of nutrition, the addition of high-intensity activities and sporting movements, following the new diet and continuous recuperation and recovery. It takes time.You can technically reduce belly fat by strictly using a new suitable diet without the aid of high-intensity activities, however, if a combination of intense sporting activities such as weightlifting and proper nutrition utilized, in time you can significantly speed up the process of fat loss.The role of hormones is significant. Usually, a healthy diet mixed with weightlifting and plenty of sleep and recovery can trigger your natural hormones, an essential factor to a rapid reduction of body fat and building muscle.Tip: It is not practical to remove fat from body parts unless you subject your body to plastic surgery.I recommend changing your diet from processed sugary food and drinks to natural and fresh ingredients and then reduce caloric intakes gradually as the first baby steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Mix it up with some physical activities such as daily walking to get you started on the right track. Small changes to the lifestyle is an excellent way to approach fitness. If done right, the weightlifting lifestyle comes with clean-eating, a slang used by weightlifters explaining the food/diet.The lifestyle of weightlifting in time can chisel your physique, but everything starts with a proper diet and nutrition.Thank youMansour’s disclaimer:Don't do anything stupid and get hurt lifting big weights after reading some of my answers. This would make us both quite unhappy. Consult a Medical Doctor, a Strength Training coach and common-sense specialist before doing anything you may read in some of my answers.

How do I lose belly fat if I'm skinny?

Hey guys! So I'm 14 yrs old and 110 pounds. I don't know if that's the average weight but my arms and legs are skinny just my belly fat and love handles! Urghhh so far I've tried doing 30 mins of cardio than going 10 minutes on the elyptical but I don't know it just doesn't work! Any advice please type below

Xoxox Vanny.

How can a 14 year old male lose belly fat fast?

Chicken 109 is fine for your weight, so i wouldnt worry too much :]
your diet seems fine. So to lose the belly you should start doing sit-ups. Try 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening. Then raise that to a higher number when you feel like you can do more. If you can do more than that now, then great!
jogging is a good workout for any area of the body, so try and fit some of that in during your week. Run for 3 minutes, walk for 2 and then run for another 3. that should get you started. As the days/weeks go on, increase the running time and slowly decrease the amount of time you walk for until you get to the point where you can run without stopping for long. Deffo keep up the basketball, i imagine that it could be good exercise (never played it, dont get it much here in the UK)
Swimming is a great workout aswell, an hours swim can burn over 300 calories so try and fit an hour or so maybe 3 times a week? Try and swim without stopping and make sure you move as much of your body as possible.

I hope i've been some help! Good luck chicken!

How long does it usually take to lose the belly, lower back, and side fat?

If you systematically trim and burn five hundred calories from your diet daily, you'll, in theory, lose ten pounds in a pair of 1/2 months or twenty-six pounds in 0.5 a year. To double your weight loss, produce a daily deficit of one,000 calories through diet and exercise – losing a pair of pounds every week may get you to ten pounds in precisely 5 weeks.10 Best ways that to Lose Belly FatBottle Gourd & juiceDo Abdominal Crunches for a Flat BellyPapaya Mid-Evening SnackBelly Busting Massage OilSprouted legumeKapalbhati Yoga for Flat Belly & Weight LossGinger WaterRaw GarlicDIY Natural low ScrubLose Belly Fat with ApplesInfused Lemon & Mint WaterImportant Tips to lose Belly Fat quick1.Avoid sleeping within the when noon and additionally instantly after having meals.2.Avoid consumption of alcohol to lose belly fat.3.Add a lot of soups and salads to your diet.4.Sip a cup of plight ten minutes before and when each La Prima Colazione helps burn belly fat quick.5.Avoid an excessive amount of consumption of oily and sweet foods.not eat something three hours before bed.7.Avoid emotional intake.8.Include one citrus to your daily diet.Citrus fruit: grapefruit, orange, lemon, and lime.

Will swimming help you reduce belly fat?

Swimming works for everything: fat loss, muscle building, speed, stamina, lungs. Just exercise two hours a day and you should be ok. Also, try to do crunches and other abdominal exercises at home.

How can i lose belly fat fast?

Im not overweight.I like everything on my body besides my belly fat and the fat on my sides.I dont want to get abs though just a flat tummy.i also have a swim party coming up im 2 months and need to lose it by then.please help ASAP.

Will playing soccer help me lose belly fat?

Absolutely! Soccer obviously involves much running, and believe or not, requires the use of your abs in order to run. Therefore, belly fat will be gone and your stomach will be toned up in no time if you keep up the soccer. Good luck!