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I am an engineer. How can I learn to draw? Where do I start? Are there books? How do I intuit the differences in light and color and lines and forms?

Hey hello! Really glad to know that you're interested in drawing. I'm also a Mechanical Engineer who loves drawing and painting. Welcome to the club! ;)Recently, I've written a Design Exam and for its preparation I had to understand color theory, product/industrial drawing, shadows and many other aspects. So throughout my preparation I have been exposed to many resources in the form of websites, videos and books. Trust me there are really great resources on this subject. I'm sure you'll find them helpful.Books:These are the books that I have found really helpful and wonderfully insightful for Pencil Sketching. (I'm yet to discover good books on Color Theory.)The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: Betty EdwardsThe Natural Way to Draw: A Working Plan for Art Study: Kimon NicolaidesZen of Seeing: Seeing/Drawing as Meditation: Frederick FranckObviously there are tonnes of other books in the market. But these books are, in my opinion, classics!Online Resources:Basic Guidelines to Product SketchingFresh SketchesIndustrial Design Sketching and Drawing Video TutorialsIndustrial Design CreaturesAlso there's a really good documentary series: The Genius of Design: A BBC Design Retrospective. I strongly recommend this series and I'm sure you will enjoy them as a Mechanical Engineer! :)You will obviously notice that the last few links are on Product/Industrial Design. As a Mechanical Engineer, I feel that I have a better connection to this field because it has many forms and shapes which are familiar to me. This also provided a good foundation to explore art in further depth. Most important of all: Keep yourself motivated! I had a really tough time motivating myself to keep drawing and there have been times when I stopped altogether for many months. But reading about art history and famous artists always inspired me somehow. These resources will surely help you but as you keep exploring you may find resources that will aid your needs better! So explore, all the best and have fun! :)

What anime do you watch? Why?

Naruto - because the plot is good. The ideals that each character portrays, there is a lot to learn from these characters. Most of the time, the course of action taken by these characters will not seem logical. It will be utter stupidity. But then, there is something called will and emotions. They also play their part in life. The  series shows how it works, or rather, can work. There is no one right way to do something. There are multiple right ways. Learning from characters, we can do from any Anime or serial or movie. But, I like this anime because I can see a bit of myself in each of the characters in this anime. And I have always wondered about the possibility of using our internal energy (chaakra is the term used in Naruto) in real life. It is very intriguing. Basically, I feel good and light-heart while watching this anime. You know, I even cry watching some of these episodes. I love these people that much. I like the philosophy followed throughout  this anime. The "will of fire" concept and how you pass it from one generation to the other, I love it. Though anime are considered impractical, I think these ideals and concepts can be applied in "reality". In a nutshell, everything about this anime is  Awesome.One piece - because it is fun to watch Luffy and his friends. Comedy is good (I love Luffy's song). IMO, the story is not that good, but the concept on which the story is based is great. Some random guys and girls following their passion, having fun along the way. They don't mind what the other people think about them (they are pirates... yes, bad image, but who cares?). I also love the weird techniques that Luffy uses (He learns the "second gear" technique from a steam engine) and weird Devil fruits (come on... what is a Door fruit?). Overall... It is nice.Deathnote - Reason is fairly obvious. I don't think anyone can stop watching it after seeing the first two episodes. I really couldn't resist. Battle of logic and wits. Who doesn't love such a battle? Cowboy Bebop - There is nothing like a story in this one. It is very random. I started watching this because the central character, Spike. IMO, the mangaka must have taken inspiration from Bruce Lee, because Spike uses the techniques that Bruce Lee used. I like Bruce Lee. So Bebop, no, Beebaappu.Detective Academy Q - Genre - Detective fiction, Comedy. And my friend's suggestion. It didn't disappoint me. It was too good.

Why do people like yugioh?

well.. apart from havin a good storyline.. one of the most best cards in the world... and an infinite amount of game playin.. and strategies... its an undisputed game with the worlds record of highest collected game-playable cards.

im not sayin im a fanatic.. but i certainly love the game.. rather than the cartoon.. probably bcoz of the unnumerable amount of strategies one can come up with the cards.. imagine 2000+ cards to choose to create a 40+ deck.... coz wat u draw matters the most.... personally i think it wastes ur time.. actually ive sat at work sometimes thinkin up of some card combos.... but stilll... its just a hobby...
ppl collect stamps... coins... butterflies.. bugs.. baseball cards.. etc etc... its all a hobby.. u like it .. u dont need justifications for it...