Do Most Americans Even Care About Iraq Anymore

Why do most americans believe anything the govt tells them?

Two good examples:

Even thou there is NO video evidence to support a plane hitting the pentagon, it happend cuz the US govt says so.

Even thou we have never seen a REAL birth certificate, just an altered one with a document number blacked out, Obama says he was born here and is a Christian, so he is.

No matter how obviously covered up or lying the US govt does, the american people always believe the govt, no matter what. Why are so many americans so gullable?

Conspiracy Theory today, the truth tomorrow!

Do Americans see American lives as more valuable than non-American lives?

"Of course. Every other country has the same view, nothing wrong with it."

This is certainly not the case. It may be that we all identify with family and countrymen more closely than with others, +but+ you do not see the same ridiculous bias in the news media of other nations. I am from the UK and I can assure you that the huge number of innocent Iraqi deaths has always been a bigger story than the small number of British troop deaths. Thats not because we don't care about our troops, it's just keeping things in some kind of perspective.

Does America really care about the US-UK 'Special Relationship'?

Most Americans are not aware of it at all. Most British people are, chiefly because the British press is incredibly insecure about it, and brings it up all the time.Example: George W. Bush borrowed a bust of Churchill from the British and put it in the Oval Office. The loan was good until he left office, when it was automatically returned. Obama chose to put a bust of Martin Luther King there instead. The British press wigged out, claiming that the Special Relationship was over and that Obama must hate the UK because his father was Kenyan and Kenya had been a British colony, etc. etc. Of course, none of this was true, but Obama was too polite to say, “No. You are morons. Get a grip.” In fact, there’s still another bust of Churchill in the residential part of the White House, outside the Treaty Room.So you can see why the British know all about it and ordinary Americans don’t. However, the American intelligence community cares quite a lot. Prior to the creation of the CIA, MI6 was the most extensive spy agency in the world. Even now, because of the former British Empire and the current Commonwealth, it has a lot of contacts that the CIA doesn’t have. Intelligence sharing is very important to both sides.

Do french people really look down on americans?

We used to love the Americans but after their xenophobic campaign against us (since we refused to follow them in Iraq and expressed some doubts about the existence of WMD in Iraq, remember) in their media and politics we don't really anymore. So many of my friends went to the US out of interest for their culture and everything and were treated in a very rude way just because of their nationality.
Btw we don't generalize so don't worry :)

Why do Americans know so little about geography?

If you're going to refer to a poll by CNN then you need to post a link for us to see this poll. Otherwise, we think you're full of it and are just trying to stir the pot.

Thanks for the link. Yes, I don't understand either, it's appalling. The only answer I can think of is that they aren't focusing on Geography in the schools anymore and let's face it, for a lot of kids if it isn't force fed to them by the schools they sure aren't going to go out of their way to learn it. Sad but true.

Why do americans take deaths so lightly?

no matter how many people will die in iraq, americans just kind of shrug it off, like oh well, it's war, well would americans take war and death more seriously if the united states was invaded and suffered hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilian casulties?