Do Musical Mechanisms Need A Cleared Out Surrounding Area

Cure/remedy for throat-clearing?

Hot lemon and honey....take a cup in the morning (let it be the first thing you take in the morning)

And if your voice is really bad...then take one cup before going to sleep....

Make sure the mixture is not too hot (and half a cup would also do the trick)....not only will your throat clear up, it will feel dejunked, and your voice will sound fantastic too

Hope it helps

Will Apple Music delete the songs I get during my free trial if I decide against buying the full version when the trial runs out?

Thanks for the A2A!Short answer: you will lose access to the music you downloaded through your Apple Music subscription.This can be confusing to people who are not familiar with streaming music services such as Spotify, Rdio, etc. Apple Music is a streaming service. You don't own the music you download through Apple Music. You pay a monthly fee for the permission to stream any song available in their library. Downloading a song simply allows you to listen to the song when you are not connected to the internet (offline mode). Useful for if you're on a plane, or just won't have access to the internet.This is opposed to outright purchasing a song or album through the iTunes music store. There you're paying for the ability to do whatever (within legal restrictions) you want with the song.

How can we supress background noise in a phone during a phone call?

I wonder what hardware you're using that might make you want to look into such an app. The latest iPhone's, and Android phones as well I imagine, already have excellent built-in background noise suppression. For the iPhone this is done with the use of another microphone located on one of the sides of the phone (depending on which version).When you're on a call, your talking signal is compared with the signal of this second "background noise" microphone and this is used to cancel out the background noise from your talking signal.Several times when I've been on phone calls, I've apologized for the loud background noise only to be told by the receiver that they don't hear anything.It's a fun idea for an app as an exercise, but I have to think it will be very difficult to achieve background noise suppression as good as the already built-in feature.

What does Charles Wheelan mean by "The Power of Markets" in the book Naked Economics?

A market is a term used to describe the process where willing buyers and sellers exchange goods and services for money. The price mechanism is used to let the buyers and sellers reach agreement on how much money will be exchanged for various types and quantities of goods. The price mechanism starts with an asking price, and the response is a bid price. If no bids are forthcoming, the seller can adjust the asking price. If bids are received that are less than the ask price, the seller can either accept the bid price, change the ask price, or wait for another buyer. Through this mechanism, the market can determine a market clearing price for each good or service. The market clearing price is the price where all product available is sold.

Markets are powerful because they provide the information that allows sellers to optimize their production systems to maximize profits, and they allow the buyers to pay the least amount of money necessary to get the quantity of goods and services they require.

Because of this feature, markets provide the most efficient allocation of resources in the economy, given the economic circumstances in place at the time.

What prevents ach from accumalating in the neuromuscular junction and causing a sustained contraction?

what prevents ach from accumalating in the neuromuscular junction and causing a sustained contraction?
- acetylcholinesterase

Succinylcholine behaves as a depolarizing agent that inhibits repolarization of the nerve. Therefore, no more ACh is released until the drug is cleared. What is another ste within the neuromuscular junction that might be affected to prevent muscle contraction?
- actually, more ACh can be released but it doesn't help because the succinylcholine is keeping the receptor depolarized. Activation ACh receptors cause release of intracellular Ca++ in the muscle cells upon initial depolariztion (which is what allows activation of the muscle fiber contraction). However, if it stays depolarized no more Ca++ is released and more ACh does not have an effect (assuming full blockade was achieved).

A hint would be curare behaves via this mechanism...
- Another way to prevent muscle contraction is to prevent the receptor from getting activated in the first place. These compounds block the receptor and don't allow ACh to bind in the first place. In clinical practice these are all "competitive" nonpolarizing agents and therefore adding more ACh may allow greater contraction depending on the concentration present. These agents are relatives of curare which is one of many competitive nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents.

Any harpsichord fans out there?

I love the sound of the harpsichord and really enjoy playing harpsichord music...I'm restricted at the moment to playing it on an electronic keyboard with a good-sounding harpsichord setting.

I was thinking about purchasing one but I have been told they are tremendously finicky instruments that constantly need tuning, and you have to be able to do that yourself, deal with breaking strings, etc. Anyone have experience with them?

Why does sex clear my sinuses?

Nasal congestion is usually associated with local vascular congestion involving the vessels under the nasal mucosa. These blood vessels, similar to all other vessels, carry adrenergic type 1 receptors for endogenous catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline); following stimulation of these receptors the vessels constrict thus decreasing the thickness of the nasal mucosa and increasing the diameter of the nasal opening....Sex is associated with increased release of adrenaline and this is why you experienced relief of your congestion...The same thing happens during exercise and it is very common for people to find relief of their congestion during exercise....Actually this same mechanism is exploited by nasal decongestants which mimic the actions of endogenous catecholamines (most of them contain some analog of adrenaline)...So, during sex you are short of "self-medicating"...