Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt When I Eat B/c I Have Braces Or B/c My Orthodontist Narrowed My Teeth

Teeth removal/braces questions?

I had my 4 wisdom teeth plus a molar extracted 2 wks ago.they were all under my gums so I had iv sedation it took 1 hr and I didn't feel a thing during the procedure. After the surgery that's what hurts although everyone is different you have to eat just liquid things for a couple of days and be careful not to get an infection or dry socket..
I also had braces some time ago and it didn't hurt getting them on, just that afterwards you'll eat liquid things for like 1 day and that's all. It was just annoying having them on bc everything got stuck. And when they take them of it doesn't hurt either.

Why don’t I have molar bands/metal bands on my molar teeth? My orthodontist didn’t put in it. Is it okay? My orthodontist only put brackets, archwire, rubber bands and glue on my teeth. Is it safe?

Orthodontic bands are rings that are fitted around your back teeth to provide ... around your back teeth (molars) when constructing a set of braces. ... bite, or elastic ligatures, which are used to secure the archwire to an individual bracket. ... only need brackets and archwires to achieve the desired correction.

Why is my left jaw bigger than the right jaw?

Here is an answer I wrote earlier, although you are an opposite side the answer holds trueThe left side of MOST peoples faces are less developed than the right. I know that is hard to believe but when you are trained at facial orthopaedics or orthodontics you start to notice these things. When you have measured and plotted as many faces as I have you will see it quite easily. If you look at people you will see two major asymmetries, the left eye is set back from the right eye usually and the left ramus is usually shorter than the right. The ratio is about 60L:40R. These numbers are from my teacher Bob Kernott and are based on his patient records. I doubt they were ever published.It may have something to do with handedness and eye dominance, I am not sure. Bob thought it might be so but it was not data that he recorded.If yours is noticeable or extreme then go find a dentist who can work to make you more symmetrical. However it may be easier to get used to it and stop obsessing about it.For sure don’t go around telling everybody. One of the prettiest girls I ever met when I was a young man was a young Scottish lass. But after she had pointed out to me her facial asymmetry, I always felt a bit sorry for the poor wee twisted thing.43 Views ·