Do My Parents Have A Point

My parents always point out all of my flaws://?

Okay so I'm 15 year old girl. Yes im a hormonal teenager. But my parent always truly hurt my feelings by pointing out my flaws. I'm very very insecure. They are always like
"ewww is that cellulite on your legs?"
"You need to take care of you acne"
"Your so lazy"
"Your so stupid are you on drugs"
"Your annoying"
I'm already depressed and have severe anxiety. When I tell them they are always like "you have no reason to be depressed, stop saying that". I don't know why they are like this. Aren't parents suppose to love you for who you are? Why do they say all of this stuff to me?

Do your parents point out your flaws?

Almost all my life my mom has judged me and I am curious if this happens to other kids/teens. Sometimes I am embarrassed to wear a new shirt or pants or anything because of what my mom will say. I don't give a sh*t what strangers think about my clothes or appearance but for some reason I worry about what my mom thinks. Sometimes she will point out zits, or my legs if they are hairy, or say how she hates my hair style or if it looks greasy. And sometimes if I leave my room and I have shorts on she will be like 'why are you wearing those, that looks weird, I don't like them' etc. Is my mom the only one who does this? Its really annoying ._.

How do you deal with parents who point out your flaws but never seem to admit to their own flaws?

How do you deal with parents who point out your flaws but never seem to admit to their own flaws?I’m speaking from my own experiences and my own insights. While this is what I did, that doesn’t mean it can be generalized to all situations.My mom was a very critical woman. I often thought I was unable to do anything right. My mom said critical and hurtful things to me. I used to sing songs in my head, instead of listening. I used to get mad, and complain. I would pray she would lose her voice, so I didn’t have to hear her. As an adult, I would hold the phone away from my ear.I always said the worst experience in my life was my dad’s death. He was my cheerleader, my rock, my friend, my Daddy.Ten years later, my mom died. Someone stole my lungs. I felt like I didn’t know how to breathe anymore. I was unsure of everything. Then I realized:My mom was critical, BUT, my mom was also the person who made me bread and butter and held me in her arms while rocking me, whenever my little world came crashing down.As a picky eater, my mom always made sure there was something for me to eat at dinner. She never made me a special meal, but would leave out the hated items from my plate. She never complained about it either.My mom didn’t tell me when she was proud of me, but I would hear her talking to her sisters about me.When my dad was dying, my sister and I were fighting over everything; my mom called my cousins and asked them to offer the support, she didn’t feel she could offer. She didn’t want to take sides.My mom made mistakes raising me. I was often angry with her. It took her death for me to recognize, she was loving me the best she knew. She was trying to steer me away from mistakes she made or saw her nieces making.I miss my Dad. I dream he is still here. I often need his advice and just want to have one more conversation with him. I really miss my Mom. Ten years later, there are still days, when missing her takes my breath away, and I have to stop and take air into my lungs. I want to be able to tell her, I understand her now, and I love her.

Convince Parents to take me to Cedar Point!?

My brother just had this problem yesterday. Be sure to be very agreeable and easy with her, make sure she knows your friends are all good people, and make the trip as little work for her as possible (maybe pack lunches, and not play crappy music at max volume all the way there).

And if that fails I also live like 2 hours from cedar point and if you buy me a couple tickets I'll drive ya :P

Why do your parents want you to wear shoes to cedar point and not sandals?

So i was talking to my parents today and i was all like Hey can you buy me a pair of sandals. then they said why and i told them that i needed them for cedar point and they said no wear tennis shoes then i said why they work the same way as Gladiator Sandals they strap on and wont fall off of your feet. Then they reply we have to boys who need shoes and i said it was their problem for using their shoes to stop their bikes.

I just dont under stand why they wont buy me Gladiator Sandals to wear at Cedar Point. If i wear shoes they will get all wet and sweaty. Do they want me to get blisters????? Also the only shoes i have are my high top Adidas shoes that look like skater shoes and my pumas that i use for gym class. I also have a pair of black flats that cover my toes. I just dont know what kind of shoes to wear.

I really want the gladiator sandals but they said no. I dont know what kind of foot wear to wear. I hate wearing tennis shoes. And honestly I have no idea what to do!!!!!!!!

Can anyone answer this question......

How do I make my parents understand my point of view without making them angry or getting into an argument with them?

Just try to explain the genuine pros and cons...If still they disagree with your view point....believe me....listen and follow whatever they say....Some years later you will definitely realize that PARENTS WERE AND ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!!PS: pls pardon my language/grammar.

How do I make my parents understand my point of view when they take words in a different sense?

Either your parents are doting parents who cannot fathom that you are growing and they need to change their stance suitably OR they r authoritative dictatorial OR they want to act as they wanted their parents ought to have handled then as child.Depending on such classification, your approach to make them understand has to be drafted. Since many times the paretns hold the financial string, you have to be careful & diplomatically sweet.In case required to handle any serious matter, may be consult somebody elder with maturity in the family.

My Parents Dont Let Me Do Anything! HELP! 10 POINTS!?


They're your friends. There is no reason why you should ditch them or find "new" friends. Ask your parents nicely and start acting more responsible so you can gain their trust.. maybe they'll give you a chance. No offense, but I think your dad is a bit paranoid. He is trying to keep the family "honor" by making you stay home all the times and not letting you see your "white" friends. This is extremely unacceptable. And who the hell cares if your relatives see? I hate my relatives and I could care less what they were doing, its my life. Now I'm not saying you should go out rebel.. but try to understand.. from your dad's point of view. He is concerned, but I think he has a bad impression on "white" people and does not want you to change into something bad..

Why do white kids hate their parents to the point of murdering them?

This wasn't a racist question because I'm not a racist. I could have left the last sentence out though and my apologies for that because I just re read it and it does seem racist. Thank you to those who gave normal and non hateful answers. On the other hand, I love asking questions like this because it always bring the true evil racists to the light. Without any knowledge of my race, some people assumed that I was black. With their racist finger tips just tingling with devilish excitement, they typed what millions of white people think of black people and it's sad because it's just evil thinking. The member with the name MR, is definitely a racist and so are the others who bad mouthed black people. I can bet my life that they would not dare in a million years, say those words to a black person in their face. Times have changed and the black people you see today aren't the scared people from the past. It's easy to say what you really feel behind a computer. For the record, white people