Do Nature Activists Care About

Do these groups represent Men Rights Activists, or are they just radicals? Who does speak for MRA's?

Some of the web sites I listed I'd been to many times, so I knew their basic intent and message. Others I found by linking to dozens of MRA web sites and saw them mentioned a number of times; I just looked at their web name and a bit about the organization and put them in this list. I think some are radical, not because they are promoting fairness for men, but because some are hostile towards women, others are hostile towards feminists, assuming that all women and/or all feminists are alike.

I see in this forum many references to feminist radicals, and some were and are-they didn't think highly of men. I see a lot of demands that feminists should "do" something about these radicals. I thought I'd see just what MRA's think should be done with people who say they are MRA's and dislike women. I think there's a difference between promoting fairness, and disliking/hating women.

It's early days. Hopefully MRA's will calm down and realize not everyone is their enemy.

How do animal rights activists feel about farm animals?

There are as many opinions on animal rights as there are animal rights advocates.  Some who want an end to all animal farming want to do it violently; others want nothing of the sort but haven't come up with solutions that satisfy them.  Many of us slog away consistently in local media and our own lifestyles to change opinions and laws for better treatment of all animals, including those farmed for food.Whatever we activists and proponents feel ourselves, most of us are encouraged by the changes in society's attitude toward animal welfare that have resulted from: organizations making the public more aware of the problems of abuse and neglect; education of young people in the fragility of the biosphere (and environment) as part of conservation efforts; scientific research showing the similarity between animal and human sensitivities; and the pressures of caring people globally to make the lives of animals better than they are now.Perhaps you will let me share what I (as an animal welfare activist/advocate) personally feel about farm animals:Humans are omnivores, and nature intends us to nourish ourselves partially with meat.  There is no conflict between treating animals so that they do not suffer while they are being maintained for eventual harvesting and making a profit from that maintenance and harvesting.  Those who do not wish to eat meat help by decreasing the demand for farmed animals. Those who do wish to eat meat can help by eating less of it, and understanding why animal welfare may require a higher cost for meat than has been the case in the past.I support the humane treatment of each farm animal based on its unique needs and declare that greed has no place in our society when it encourages cost cutting short cuts in animal (and human) welfare.   Every aspect of our civilization is improved by the uplifting of attitudes toward the weakest among us.

Why do some animal rights 'activists' respond to perceived animal rights abuses with death threats?

It is in the nature of zealots and fanatics to become so obsessed with their goal that they lose sight of everything else. An "end justify the means" mentality sets in which inevitably leads to heinous action in the name of a "greater" good.It takes discipline and a strong sense of ethics to have the patience to convince people... threatening or forcing others for the greater good becomes utterly tempting.We see this in everyday politics. Skewed arguments, lies, gaming the system, threats, mudslinging, inappropriate use of government force through passage of law, and all of it "for your own good." There is a line each person must consider and draw in their minds as the point where "action" becomes unacceptable.I am an animal activist, but I utterly reject such a mindset, and urge others to do the same as they pursue their own causes and find ways to make the world a better place.

What placements are found in the charts of big animal lovers/activists?

I think anything to do with pisces and aries. Steve Irwin was a pisces:P
But also a lot of fire in the chart, they love to explore, they love nature, they love science and so on. It's good for biologists, nature activists and animal caretakers. Animal caretakers are probably more cancer placements. But being a well-educated activist with a love of nature and animal is perfect for strong influenced sagitarius, aries, leo, pisces and cancer:P

Aquarius is more just rebellious in any sort of way, not especially animals

How do I become a hands-on environmental activist?

In response to a post:
1. Buy carbon credits. Donate 10 to 25% of your income to purchasing carbon credits.
This isn't hands on and I don't have enough income to donate like that. I already donate 10 dollars a month to Environment Oregon and I can't exactly afford to donate more than that.

2. Don't purchase anything from a company that has copy machines or usesr paper.
Remember how I said that consumption habits aren't activism? Also, I tend to buy what I need, so at least I buy less than the average person in the "developed" world.

3. Quit buying milk. Cows are one of the biggest emitters of green house gases.
I've been wondering about my consumption of dairy products for other reasons; however, remember my point about consumption and activism?

4. Sell your car and bike or walk everywhere.
I don't even have a driver's license...

5. Don't shave your legs.
I don't.

6. Don't wear make up.
I don't.

7. Don't live in a house that has any wood in it whatsoever.
I live in an apartment

Why does it always seem like animal rights activists value animal more than humans?

It continues to amaze me that intelligent adults would foster the false belief that because an organization focuses its activism and rescue efforts on one segment of society, the people involved don’t CARE about any other problem.This is the same twisted (see comments below berating PETA) thinking that you would blanch in horror at if someone applied it to civil rights organizations that have been advocating for Black Americans for more than a century - don’t they care about any other Americans?Here’s a group that helps battered women. So they must not care about abused children. Here’s a group that helps children starving in Africa. They must not care about children starving in America. Judgmental attitudes are self-destructive and block the real work toward solving today’s problems rather than just complaining about them.Let me tell you something else about animal welfare advocates - when we help animals we also help society. A person who burns a cat alive or drowns a dog for pleasure or tortures a bull because “it’s been done for hundreds of years” when there isn’t the slightest humanitarian excuse for doing so is exhibiting behavior that also extends to other humans they are around. Don’t for a moment think that animal abusers stop with animals. It’s just the first indication of a serious instability that will eventually affect OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. So in a way, animal welfare advocates are actually in the front line of benefiting humans.When we who can and want to do so (and are willing to deal with often uninformed abuse on the way) advocate for the humane treatment of animals it does not mean we hate or don’t care for people. Donald Trump might think this way. Don’t be lured into such an easy but incorrect mindset.