Do People Pay Extra Charges For Holter Monitor To Bring Apparatus Home

How do I shower with a Holter monitor on?

I've had 2 sets of holter monitoring (each for 5 days) and was instructed that I could remove the device and electrode pads for 20 minutes per day for a shower. I was given plenty of new pads to reattach myself to the monitor after a shower. I had to record the time I removed then reattached the device.

You need to ring the cardiology dept where your device was fitted to ask how you go about washing. It may also depend on how long they want you to have it for.

How much does one pay for Holter monitor/tests in India? Similarly what are the costs of cardiac event monitors which can do continuous monitoring for 2-4 weeks period?

I can answer one of the two questions you have. From my experience for diagnostic purposes doctors ask for a 24 hour Holter. In Delhi through a reputed Cardiologists clinic costs anything between INR 2500-4000. I am guessing that it'll be quite troublesome to get one in a government hospital.Costly or not depends on what we are comparing it to and a patients income level. But for a middle class person it's costly, for a upper middle class it's peanuts. The device was small like a Sony Walkman, came with a carrying case that went around the shoulder like a sling bag under the shirt (Diagonally). Not too in-convenient to move around in. Of-course, bathing was a issue during the 24 hour period. When you go get the device they put a few electrodes around on the body. They may shave off some body hair if needed.Not painful though. No frequent visit to the doc's office. Once to get the device and another time to give back the device. If you plan it over the weekend, it's not bad at all. My dad just wasn't comfortable wearing the device and going to work. So maybe some social stigma attached to it or maybe it was just dad. Of-course the whole purpose of it is to monitor your heart while you are living your day regularly.Edit: take a peek at CureQue - Compare Diagnostics for comparing prices and discovering medical diagnostic labs in your neighborhood (Delhi NCR only)

My doctor is having me wear a Holter Monitor for 24 hours, will it make any noises throughout the day?

It should not make a sound.  It is merely keeping a record of your heart's electrical acitivity.  You should have away to mark the recording should you experience and symptoms.  Usually a button to push, or just a piece of paper to write down recording time.  Note you have to return the device, generally, for the reading to be retrieved.  I'm guessing you are younger.  If you had Medicare you'd have likely received a King of Hearts monitor.  Only Medicare pays for that, a longer, sometimes weeks long recording that can transmit readings.  The holter monitors is a first line test, used more to rule out cardiac concerns.  It is rare we see something of concern, but not unheard of.  No worries for now.  It sounds like you have an excellent provider.

What is the purpose of a Holter monitor?

Holter monitoring is like a portable electrocardiogram used to record electrical activity of heart continuously over 24 hrs or longer.When the physician wants to evaluate heartbeat while you go about your normal activities for few hours, then Holter test is advised. Holter monitor is a small, battery-powered device used to measure heart’s activity.The Holter monitor records electrical signals from the heart through electrodes attached to the chest, the monitor can be put in a pocket or slung across shoulders.Holter system consists of two basic partsHardware for recording the signalSoftware for review and analysis of the record.Holter is used generallyTo check for arrhythmiasTo evaluate chest painTo evaluate heart-related signs and symptomsTo check how well treatment or medicines workingTo monitor efficacy of pacemakerThe success of the test is associated with the signal quality, thus advisedNot to get the monitor wetNot to have X-rays while wearing the monitor.Stay away from high-voltage areas, metal detectors or large magnets.Cost of Holter test in India starts from USD 61The patient is advised to follow regular daily routine with this test since its purpose is to record how a heart works under actual conditions over an extended period.The results derived from wearing a Holter monitor help decide the cardiologist if more tests or medicines are needed , whether a pacemaker or some procedure is required to restore a regular heart rhythm.

Is it uncommon to have an active heart rate of 235 beats per minute?

She should see a doctor. Normal heart rates are between 60 (well conditioned athletes can be normal at 40 bpm) and 100 beats per minute. Even with a lot of exercise, the heart rate should stay below 200. You didn't mention if the rate was during physical activity or during rest. If it was during rest I'd be even more concerned. Either way, she should see a doctor and get a 12 lead EKG at a minimum, to rule out dangerous conditions.
There are medical conditions that can cause an abnomrally high heart rate. One condition is called Wolf-Parkinson-White. Here's a link with info about it.

While there may be no problem, it would be best to consult a physician.

Why are computers not allowed near holter monitors?

OK, I had to look up what a "Holter monitor" is: A wearable heart activity logging device that connects to the chest by two or more electrodes.Given that this device is reading extremely minute voltages, the wires to the electrodes can act like antennae, picking up random signals from any "dirty" electronic device, be that a computer, a cell-phone (even worse), or even a modern battery charger, digital video camera etc., and that dirty EMF could have a negative impact on the quality of information gathered by the Holter monitor.Computers, by their very nature, emit dirty EMF (electromagnetic frequencies). Sources of dirty EMF in a computer will include the Power Supply Unit, the CPU Clocking Chip, the Graphics Clocking Chip, the Clocking Chip in the display and a dozen other potential offenders.Why do I say a cell-phone would be worse? It is designed as a digital transmitter and even when you're not using it, it's still communicating with the tower(s) to say "Here I am. Here I am. Here I am..."In the push for electrical "efficiency" lower voltage items like chargers, PC & Laptop Power Supplies etc., "chop up" the mains voltage (120 / 240 VAC) until all that's left is the 5 -20 Volts DC that your device requires. This "chopping" occurs many thousands (even millions) of times per second, and every single "chop" creates an electromagnetic spike - the harder the chop, the noisier the spike (one could rave for hours on super~ and sub-harmonics here). Even your phone charger plugged into the wall and turned on but not connected to your phone is emitting these EMF spikes.For your own demonstration purposes, place an AM radio near your computer and/or your phone and listen to the horrible screaching that comes out of the radio. That is only a sample of the "noise" that could be affecting your Holter monitor.If a medical practitioner has issued a Holter monitor with instructions to avoid computers, then avoid getting close to all electrical devices most especially the cell-phone. If there's a microwave oven in the house, keep your distance and let someone else use it!From the medical perspective, this interference is extremely unlikely to injure the wearer of the Holter monitor but, it is going to make a significant mess of the data that is being logged by it.

What are the pros and cons for Reveal Monitor implant (heart)?

The Reveal monitor is a special monitor that is inserted right under the skin in the upper chest. The monitor can be inserted as an outpatient procedure through a small incision. The monitor can continuously monitor the heart rhythm. One advantage of the Reveal monitor is that it allows the person to live their life and perform all the normal activities they would like. Other heart monitors that are not implanted cannot be worn with certain activities, such as swimming. The Reveal monitor is in place for a long period of time; therefore it is good at detecting rare episodes of an abnormal heart rhythm. It would be helpful in determining the cause of symptoms that occur rarely. The risks include the risks of implantation, such as infection, bleeding or any other complications. Cost could also be looked upon as a disadvantage. Alternatives include a 24-48 hour Holter monitor or an Event Monitor. These are both not implanted monitors and worn on the outside of the body. The Holter monitor is worn for 24-48 hours. The event monitor is worn for a longer period of time and is also good at detecting the cause of rare symptoms.

A person is at risk for abnormal heart rhythms that can be potentially deadly after a heart attack. The risk is greatest during the first 72 hours after the heart attack. Abnormal heart rhythms from a heart attack are rare after the first 72 hours. I am not sure why your friend's doctor has recommended this, but there is likely some additional information. Personally, I would suggest a Holter monitor be worn for 24-48 hours first to determine if there is any abnormal heart rhythm. A Holter monitor is simple to use and does not have the risks associated with the implantation of the monitor.

How useful is remote ECG monitoring in telehealth?

Just to be clear, I am assuming you are asking about medically approved devices such as the holter monitor or event recorder. If you are asking about some random product a pharmacy sells then I cannot answer.To start with, know that the EKG relies on multiple axes in order to “visualize” the flow of electricity in the heart. That is why all medically-approved equipment needs to have multiple points of connection in order to create those axes (so if you hear about some watch giving you a tracing based on a single contact point, you can know this is incorrect).As for the holter monitor, these are extremely useful for monitoring RYTHM and rhythm alone. The rhythm is the general shape of the EKG tracing: it allows you to see what waves occurred, in what pattern and how fast. But it lacks the sensitivity of the regular EKG so based on a holter tracing you cannot pull any conclusion other than rhythm disturbances. That is why in hospitals when a patient is on telemetry and you suspect something weird is going on, you go get a 12-lead EKG on that patient in order to reach conclusions. All this to say that remote monitoring is just for rhythm, not for detecting ischemia or cardiomyopathy or anything else.So how useful is it? When indicated (for example patient has unexplained syncope suspected to be of cardiac arrhythmia origin), these are EXTREMELY useful. But for an elderly that has no symptoms hinting arrhythmia, linking him to such a machine will only cause him discomfort and cause the physician to over-analyse findings which will most likely end up being false-positives.So using these devices would not provide “better care” as far as I see. These are the “standard of care” when indicated. But using them more than we currently do is unlikely to improve the care we’re giving.

Is there an instrument to measure heart rate?

There are many instruments for measuring heart rate. Heart rate can be measured by electrocardiography, cardiac monitoring or holter monitoring, all of them using electrical activity for measuring and have some pads and electrodes that fit in patient's extremities and/or chest. Your heart rate can also be measured by pulse oximetry using a probe fit to your finger or earlobe it uses light and it's different wave lengths. It also can be measure by Doppler ultrasound that uses ultrasound waves and Doppler's effect and fit somewhere in ur skin lying over an artery such as your wrist over ur radial or ulnar artery. They are most accurate methods.
There are many less accurate methods that measure heart rate by the movement underneath them, as a digital sphygmomanometer do.