Do Push Ups Help More If You

I can only do 1 push up... is this bad?

I was wondering is there a minimum amount of push ups a woman in her 20's should be able to do? I do cardio & light free weights. I'm not overweight. But I can barely do 1 full push up... does this mean I'm out of shape?

Do Wall Push Ups Really Help You?

All forms of excersie work at least a little. Wall push ups are good for shoulders, chest and arms if you are not strong enough to push your own body weight up off the floor. Wall push ups can help condition you to where you can do regular push-ups.

Do Pushups help you lose weight?

If you build muscle, then yes - muscle builds many more calories than fat.

Will 150 pushups a day help me get a bigger chest?

150 pushups is a great number and of course will definitely make you strong and increase your endurance.But if you are going for size, then large numbers of pushups is not the best option to take.You want a bigger chest, for that you need bigger chest muscles, and for bigger chest muscles you need to lift heavier weights. Pushups do not provide adequate resistance for your body to adapt (after a certain stage).Sure, if you do 150 pushups when you can only do 10 in one set… the gains will be superb, quick and visible quite early on.But once you reach the stage when you can do 30, 40 or even 50 pushups in one set… then 150 pushups becomes more of a cardio routine than strength training. It would hardly take 15 minutes for you to do 150 pushups.After that stage, you’ll need to switch to weight training… benchpress, weighted pushups etc to continue seeing changes because those 150 pushups fail to remain an adequate challenge to provide stimulus for your body to change.