Do Republicans Dislike Obama Because Of His Race Religion Personality Or Political Views

Did Republicans feel the same way about Obama as Democrats feel about Trump?

The election of republicans from the presidency all the way down to state governors shows that many people of all parties, races, sexes, and religions were concerned about the direction that Obama was taking the country. Major concerns of national security, jobs, and stagnant economy were reported.As an independent, the issues outweighed the personalities. Obama was likable, but failed miserably in leaving Iraq unseecured, leading to the rise of ISIS. Then failed to recognize the dangers of ISIS. Failed in the Iran nuclear deal. Failed to secure our borders to drug and human trafficking, as well as not dealing with illegal immigration. Failed with jobs and the economy. Trump is not very likable, but has already begun fixing those problems.While there were many vitriolic comments about Obama, the hatred was not there that Dems have spewed on all who disagreed with them. The slander of sexism, racism, homophobe, xenophobe and deplorables is still dished out on anyone who agrees with republicans in any way.Historically, the hatred preceded Trump and has nothing to do with him. I believe it was all political spin to manipulate voters towards the democrats, but it backfired. Dems lost all credibility.Who knows if Dems really feel the hatred they display, but if one is only going by behavior; nothing the Repubs/Libertarians/Independents have ever done compares with what the Dems are doing now.

Why do you think Obama's religious views are being questioned more then McCain's?

We all know about the recent controversy surrounding Jeremiah Wright, who is the reverend of the church Obama attends. Much has been talked about some of the remarks Wright has made, and how it relates to Obama. We know about this from the 24/7 coverage in the media about this.

But McCain has embraced Jerry Falwell recently. This is the same person who has made negative remarks toward Jews, blacks, and public education. And not to mention he gave partial blame for 9/11 to pagans, homosexuals, and feminists.

I was wondering why the media has made such a big deal about Obama, but not as much about McCain? Your thoughts?

Why do poor Southerners vote Republican?

Generally poor un-educated people primarily use emotions when voting.Give them a message all wrapped up in GOD/CHRIST and double wrapped with extreme nationalism like in "My country right or wrong" and throw these desperately poor people a few bucks, and you have their vote .This is how conservatives deliberately use and abuse the poor/needy/uneducated etc.Poor /working class conservatives have always voted against their own self interests for GOD CHRIST AND COUNTRY always were what was/is important even though the con pols had little use for them or their feelings/beliefs.

The South is a perfect testimony to these truisms.They wwere told that Social Security and Medicare were communist programs and they believed that but now of course they all have their toothless mouths sucking on the government teat which they hate so much ..

While there arevarious views on Obama care ,virtually ALL experts agree that Obama care is a God send to poor/working class liberals and cons but the cons are out there defecating on Obama care because they were told to.

Generally in life we get what we deserve, and the poor/working class Southern cons get what they don't deserve for fighting the very liberal programs they now benefit from ..


"Why do poor democrats continue voting for Democrats who promise to make them not poor anymore"

Because stupid ,their voting for Democrats got them Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and dozens of other programs that have made their lives easier and EVERY ONE OF THESE PROGRAMS WERE FOUGHT AGAINST BY REPUBLICANS .

Republicans spend all their time and money and efforts on benefits to the 1 % for that to a money groveling , is where their corrupt money comes from .