Do Sharks Sleep At Night If Not Why

How do whales, sharks etc sleep?

Sharks sleep, however do to their anatomy, they most continue moving otherwise they will drown. The water manually flows through the gills, which grab the air from it. The way in which dolphins and whales sleep is indeed a feat of evolution. They can shut down half of their brain, while the other is active and continues to go. They are conscious breathers and must decide to breathe and thus must be, unlike us, where our body well override the mind and will make us breathe, so we can go into an unconscious state (sleep). They stay in this state, and then reverse the sides of the brains. Sometimes they will "log" which is when they stay close to the top of the water and move slowly so that they can rest, but still not be totally unconscious lol. They are in this state for 8 hours a day.

Do sharks swim while they sleep?

The few sharks that rest do so on the bottom, sometimes in dogpiles. There is no evidence of a sleep cycle in open water sharks that don't stop swimming. Find a public aquarium with a Webcam on their shark tank, nurse type sharks will rest, cruisers can be seen swimming through the night.There is an online shark class going on right now through Cornell University, it is an at your own pace class but it ends the end of August. You have time to watch the lectures if you are interested.

How does a shark sleep or rest?

Thanks for asking  to answerIt was once believed that all sharks had to swim constantly in order to  breathe and could not sleep for more than a few minutes at a time.  Oxygen-rich water flows through the gills during movement allowing the  shark to breathe. While some species of sharks do need to swim  constantly, this is not true for all sharks. Some sharks such as the  nurse shark have spiracles that force water across their gills allowing  for stationary rest. Sharks do not sleep like humans do, but instead  have active and restful periods.Even though sharks need to keep water moving over their gills to receive  oxygen, some sharks need to keep moving to do this, while others don't.  Either way, sharks, like other marine animals, don't seem to fall in a deep sleep like we do.

On the actual night of the Titanic, were there actually sharks attacking the passengers that were thrashing in the water? I know sharks like cold water and thrashing food.

We can only really guess but the odds are very good that there were sharks present and feeding on people. First off, there is still so little that we know about them overall and they keep proving us wrong. Female sharks that give birth without sex. This was shown when captured animals only had one set of chromosomes. Great whites are technically warm blooded and can regulate their body temperature in whatever environment they’re in. Considering that 1 gram of muscle gives you about 4 calories and one gram of fat gives you 9 calories, it would make sense that great whites like fatty food. Fatty food (whales, seals etc) live in cold water. Fat is insulation.There have also been Greenland sharks found in the arctic region and we almost never spend any time there compared to how much research is done in the Bahamas. We still have so much to learn. I’m guessing that we may still find a few more sharks up there and who knows what their eating habits are. Sharks vary quite a bit between species.If there were sharks present, they can “feel” heartbeats. The conductivity of the ocean is 50 million times better than that of air. Prof Lewin of MIT calculated it to be only 2ohm. Erratic behavior makes for erratic heartbeats. I’ve always witnessed sharks attacking the distressed animal. Also, humans have the same average heart rate as the seal (pinniped) family. Colder water makes for better conductivity than warmer also.Many times the oceans are like deserts when it comes a to food supply so I’m guessing the sharks had begun to follow the shipping lanes. Here in Hawaii, sharks come up to Diesel engine boats. They have been conditioned by the crabbing industry for over 80 years now. Volvo Penta =25 sharks… any type of outboard motor scares them away. That’s what happened during tagging of 42 sharks (2 tigers, 30 galapapagos, 10 sandbars).We’re kinda new out there too. They’ve been around for hundreds of millions of years if not more.The international shark attack file began with the case of the uss indiannapolis. About 1,100 men went into the water and about 300 came out. That’s not just from JAWS, it’s the real deal.

What time of the day do most sharks feed?

There is significant differences between feeding times amongst various shark species.Big sharks such as Great white, Tiger, Mako, some hammerheads, etc. hunt mostly in daylight. They tend to follow a search pattern on an area that produces food items. For example Great whites moving along offshore reefs where there are breeding seals, and tigers intercepting turtles heading to egg laying beaches.Reef sharks, including White Tips, tend to feed at night, targeting sleeping fish.Oceanic sharks, including Blue sharks, hunt 24/7. They are able to do so because they can 'sleep' but still have prey detection facilities available. It may be that large sharks share this ability while they make long migrations to seasonal feeding grounds.

How do sharks die?

Sharks die most often nowadays because of people (being caught accidently in nets or being caught purposely for their fins or flesh). Natural causes include being preyed upon (the majority of shark species are actually pretty small!), getting mortally wounded in a feeding frenzy, or just plain getting sick or old.

Do fish ever sleep? If not, how can they not sleep?

They do sleep.“…Do fish sleep? And assuming they do, HOW do fish sleep? If you've ever watched fish for any length of time, you know they get plenty of exercise. They're constantly swimming around. It can seem like they never stop. Surely they need some rest from time to time, don't they?As a matter of fact, they do! If you watch fish long enough, you'll notice that they do take breaks. There are definite periods of time when they seem to hover in place, almost like they're in a trance. But their eyes are open. Are they sleeping?The simple answer is yes! They are sleeping, and they can sleep at any time during the day or night. Fish do sleep with their eyes open, because they don't have eyelids (except for some sharks) to close!Fish sleep is not exactly like human sleep, though. For starters, they don't use pillows. They also don't have beds with sheets and blankets! For fish, sleep is more like a resting period similar to a daydream that humans might experience.If you've ever owned a goldfish or watched one up close, you've probably noticed the times when it's sleeping. It might hover near the bottom of the tank in a trance-like state. If you put food in the tank during this time, you've probably noticed that it takes longer for the goldfish to respond, just like you might have a hard time waking up from a good night's sleep!Sometimes people see fish when they're sleeping and assume they're awake because they're still moving. Most fish need to keep moving even when they're sleeping, so that they keep a constant flow of water moving past their gills to maintain a proper oxygen level in their bodies. For some larger fish, like sharks, this can take the form of swimming at a slower rate when sleeping. Smaller fish might be able to do nothing more than occasionally move their fins.Certain types of fish are known for sleeping in ways that look more like traditional sleep to humans. For example, fish that live near a coral reefmight stay active all day long and then hide in crevices in the reef at night to avoid predators.One peculiar fish doesn't use a pillow, but it does use a “sleeping bag" of sorts! The parrot fish is known for its ability to secrete a “sleeping bag" made of a jelly-like substance made of mucus. When it's time to rest, parrot fishsurround themselves with a jelly “sleeping bag" to protect from predators when they're ready to snooze!…”From: Do Fish Sleep with Their Eyes Open?

Does fish ever sleep, and if they do why dont they sink to the bottom of the sea bed?

All fish sleep. I have a marine tank and find it interesting to watch the fish go to bed. Some change colors (go pale), some hide in holes, some bury themselves in the sand. Parrotfish will blow a mucus bubble to spend the night in.

How do piranha sleep?

.......people! ANSWER THE QUESTION!
okay I get that you may or may not believe they 'sleep' (scientist always start the 'do fish sleep' thing with "what is the definition of 'sleep' anyway...there is no clear definition")...but they rest. I get that!

but how do piranhas rest?

like for example:
"perch, rest on or under logs at night." "Coral reef fish hide and rest in crevices and cracks in the reef at night." "parrotfish sleep at night, it envelopes itself in an odor-squelching slimy cocoon, so predators can’t detect it. The fish snoozes so deeply that divers can hold it while it slumbers on."
[quoited from different sites about fish sleep/rest]