Do Steam Friend Requests Disappear If You Ignore Them

I have a Facebook message request but when I open it there is no message?

You message requests are messages sent to you via someone not on your friends list. It’s in a folder called “message requests” and to find it go to your inbox or messenger and click on recent messages and you should see a gear icon on the left side. Click that and it should give you some options including message request. Click on that and your message should be in that folder.

I used to get notifications when someone accepted my friend request on Facebook, but now I don't. What is the way to change this back?

You can toggle this setting here.This is the specific one you are looking for:

Will people who have blocked me still show in my friends list on Facebook?

There is one answer here by someone else that is incorrect. Not everyone who provides answers actually provide accurate answers. - Be alert.The function of a BLOCK on Facebook is to disconnect in every way the person blocked. So, if an existing friend Blocks you, you mostly cease to exist in their Facebook world.They also mostly cease to exist in your Facebook world.The Block is not an absolute Chinese Wall, however. Blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions (example: in apps or groups there may be some visibility between the blocker and the blocked). Blocking only affects your interactions with that person on Facebook.Since they initiated the block, you will not appear in anything on their news feed or timeline and they will not appear in anything on your news feed or timeline.Since their action effected an “unfriend” result, there is no way for them to remain in your Friends list on your profile. That is pretty simple.The only way to remedy this is for them to UNBLOCK you on their account. If they never do that, you will never see them or anything they post, comment, reply.Even if they post, comment on someone who was a mutual friend. You will not see the comment in the mutual friends post or comment stream. You might see their name in the comment or posts by someone else as long as the name is not actually a tag. In other words, not every one with the same name will be blocked from you, only the one with a name that has the connection to their account.Facebook only talks about Blocking as an action YOU do so you have to figure out the flip side when someone blocks you.You can block someone to prevent them from seeing things you post on your profile, starting conversations with you or adding you as a friend. Blocking someone you're friends with will automatically unfriend them.People you block won't be able to:See things you post on your profileTag you in posts, comments or photosInvite you to events or groupsStart a conversation with youAdd you as a friendWhen you block someone, you also won't be able to do things like start a conversation with them or add them as a friend. Keep in mind that blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions (ex: in apps or groups) and only affects your interactions with that person on Facebook.Note: When you unblock someone, you won't automatically be friends again. If you block a friend and then unblock them, you'll need to send them a new friend request.

If I send a message then block the person will they still receive that message?
