Do Swollen Gums Cause Your Gums To Recede

What's the cause of my receding gums?

I'm 17 years old and I observed my gums receding a week ago. First, it was just one tooth at the bottom and I consulted my dentist. He told me it was due to over-aggressive brushing. Now I'm using a soft toothbrush, floss everyday and use mouthwash (non-alcoholic, with triclosan) But I only see the recession progressing to other teeth rapidly. What's wrong with it? I'm very conscious about hygiene and I keep my teeth white and without tartar. So I don't think it was due to my lack of care. I also have whey protein to improve my body. Could it be a side effect of that? Other than that, my diet is pretty much vegetarian with a little bit a chewing involved (breads, egg whites)

Here's a picture of my teeth:

what do I do about it?

Swollen receding gums.?

Before you tell me to see the dentist, it's either feed myself and my dogs and put gas in my car, or go to the dentist and we all starve...So please don't tell me to go to the dentist because it's just way too expensive and I can't afford it...
I'm 41 and have had frequent bouts with sore and bleeding gums..Recently my gums have been quite swollen for a few weeks, longer than usual, and I've noticed that in places my gums are receding..:-(
I've done a search and come up with quite a few natural remedies, apparently bacteria deep down in the gums is the usual culprit..
I brush at least 4 times a day (I'm a little anal about keeping my teeth clean) and I floss every day..But apparently it isn't enough in my aproaching middle age...

Does anyone have any first hand experience with any of these "natural cures" ? I've read everything from white oak powder to tea tree oil to cranberry juice..
I've previously been using non-flouride thoothpaste because I really don't want to poison myself with this lie about flouride, but I've recently switched (about 3 months ago) to Sensidine por enamal when I noticed my roots being slightly exposed in spots...

Your answers are greatly appreciated...PLEASE DON'T TELL ME TO SEE THE DENTIST, IT IS NOT AN OPTION.

Do retainers cause receding gums?

I think they are swollen maybe start brushing teeth the gums will eventually smoothen because I used to have that problem on a few teeth and I used retainers it looks like if it has bone right.Well just put the retainers on and keep them on as much as you can so the teeth should get trained back.I only used mine probably 40% of the time but as I got older my face grows and your face will grow and gums grow and the growth will probably straighten everything out just train teeth now.

What causes your gums to get swollen around your tooth?

Many things can cause vital gum tissue to detach and recede, but the most common culprit is untreated gingivitis. If you have gum disease, chances are that gum recession is just around the corner.Other possible causes include:Brushing too hard, thereby resulting in unnecessary pressure and irritationSmoking/tobacco use, which can impact blood supply to the gumsCrooked teeth that can pull on the gums, and also lead to gingivitisOral piercings that force precious tissue aside over timeGenetics, an inherited predisposition to gum recessionDiabetes, which has been linked to receding gumsDepending on the root cause, the rate of recession may vary, but being aware of all the possible factors can help you steer clear of other hazards and behaviors that will only aggravate the problem.Reference by: Definition Dental

Why does drinking milk cause my gums to recede?

Gum recession takes months and years to happen. I would be very surprised to hear that after “a glass of milk, or eating very spicy food or even mechanical trauma such as with a too aggressive brushing with a poorly polished bristled toothbrush, the gums drop by a millimeter or more. I am not denying that gums could swell up for a number of reasons (medications, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, trauma, food allergy etc etc) , but to see recession that quickly is a first for me.Typically, gums get inflamed because the body thinks that there is a problem in or around the gums, so it sends down more blood with white blood cells, who are to dissolve and destroy the cause. With the white cells come other cells (like Red blood cells, etc etc), which cause a “traffic jam” (swelling) in that area. In the case of classic gingivitis, the body is trying to remove either food particles, plaque or more likely calculus from underneath the gums. This results in puffiness, soreness and bleeding. If the body fails to remove the cause (for example the calculus under the gums), the gums “give up” and recede (shrink). Again, this is a chronic issue and takes a long time before recession is visible.I can’t help wonder if the “gum recession” measurement is your own or was it told to you by your dentist.

After a 'deep cleaning', my gums recede and are sensitive to cold, sweets...?

Went to see a dentist regarding some pain and swelling I had from an upper silver crowned molar. He prescribed some antibiotics and suggested a deep cleaning because my gums were pretty swollen and bled very easily.
A week later, I adhere to my scheduled appointments and started the 'deep cleaning' process, then followed by the final half 5 days later.

This was about a month ago, so far, my gums are good and they don't bleed anymore while brushing, but as the weeks go by, I've noticed that some parts of the (front top and bottom) gums are receding a bit and are exposing the 'black triangle' effect between my teeth. This is a hindrance because every time when I eat ice cream or drink cold water I get hit with this excruciating nerve wrecking pain and then it calms down a few seconds later. Also, food gets lodged in there when I eat.

I floss+brush+Listerine every morning and before I go to bed. I sometimes do it after eating just to remove food.

Will my gums come back to normal?

Can teeth clenching cause my sore gums?

Yes,absolutely .Teeth clenching and night grinding (bruxism) can cause sore gums and teeth.The forces on the teeth and the periodontal ligament which surrounds the tooth and anchors it to the bone is exquisitely sensitive as it contains numerous pressure receptors.In the presence of inflammation ,it can seriously aggravate an existing infection and lead to bone loss and deterioration of the supporting structures of the teeth.A dentist with some sophistication in occlusion should be consulted.Store bought appliances are not properly balanced to the forces of your bite and can cause harm to the mouth and the temporomandibular joint.

How do you make your gums recede from the braces after they've swelled?

Let me make sure I understand the situation. You have braces (fixed - not removable- orthodontic appliances) on your teeth. Because of them, your gums have become swollen, red, puffy and bleed upon slight provocation? Healthy tissue does not bleed when slightly provoked. If it does, THAT IS A PROBLEM that must be addressed.With orthodontic therapy, it is always a matter of you not keeping your teeth clean - really, really clean. If you can’t do that easily and your dentist cannot tell you how to do that easily, contact me and I’ll e-mail you Secrets of Toothbrushing.Even if your braces are touching your gums, if your teeth are kept really, really clean (and it’s easy to do), there will not be a problem but once your teeth are not really, really clean, any negative will be magnified.Bleeding gums is not merely a problem in the mouth but allows other parts of the body to potentially become infected (heart, for example) because the microorganisms can much more readily enter the bloodstream. Bleeding in medicine is a cardinal sign and must be addressed. It is not to be sloughed off with remarks like: it’s nothing; it’s only temporary; it happens to everyone (really! to all of your patients??)