Do The 48 Laws Of Power Effective In Real Life

What's an example of an effective law?

Laws with broad support from the public and that are enforceable are most effective.

The requirement to stop at stop signs is an effective law. Most people obey it because they believe it is in their interest to do so; the law helps them to avoid accidents.

And it's easily enforceable by putting a cop nearby who will give you a ticket.

What do you think about 48 laws of power book?

Many of the book's laws can be construed as downright insidious, but the following guidelines are relatively innocuous and effective.#5 So much depends on reputation- Guard it with your life.#9 Win through your actions, never through argument.#30 Make your accomplishments seem effortless.#37 Create compelling spectacles. #47 Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop.

'The Art of War'...'The 48 Laws of Power'...'The 50th Law'?

My man is currently reading the 48 laws of power .... it is a VERY VERY good book. People could actually learn a lot. There is another one by him , called seduction. It basically tells men how to get women to submitt to them.

Do "The 48 Laws of Power" work?

Do the 48 laws of power work?I think you meant to ask, “if i practice the laws of power as written in the book, would i be able to gain real power in the real world”?It depends.If you take a formulaic approach to dealing with your situations in the workplace based on the content of the 48 laws of power, it won’t work. Rather, it will turn out to be somewhat ruinous or disastrous. There is no magic formula that will bring you power as soon as you apply it. This is why Greene includes a “REVERSAL” note in the end of each chapter, which states a particular case in which you should act otherwise than the original assertion of the chapter.For example, according to Chapter 30, you should “MAKE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS SEEM EFFORTLESS” in order to build an aura of genius to impress your audience; however, in my opinion, this works fine only when you are a freelancer or an artist that communicates with his fan base. If you are a regular employee hired by someone, you should “NEVER OUTSHINE THE MASTER” (chapter 1). You should show diligence (to the extent that it won’t bother your colleagues and boss lest they should grow insecure because of you) rather than try to hide all the toil that goes into your work.I believe that the following idea will be more helpful: In order for the book to have real influence in your life, you must be ready to change your character accordingly. This is in fact stated in the preface of the 48 LOP. It requires a change in your perspective of people. Greene argues in the preface that by understanding the laws of power you will become a better father/mother, friend, or anybody that people wish to be around. Being such a person does not necessarily require you to become a good person at the core of your heart. Rather, it involves the process of understanding what makes people tick, learning what they wish to hear, understanding their insecurities and “thumbscrews.” By taking a psychological distance from them and putting them in a more objective perspective, you learn to see their underlying psychological needs/drives.

How has 48 Laws of Power worked for/against you?

It's a book which teaches thriving with manipulation. It's book which totally challenged my ethics. I read it because of the same reason. I read it during a phase when I felt cheated by a lot of people close to me.The good thing was that it didn't manage to change me. The bad thing is that after reading it, I don't trust people to the same extent any more. I have become more suspicious of people's actions than earlier.It's an interesting read nevertheless because of the stories that it shares.