Do The Members Of Black Veil Brides Check Their Direct Messages On Instagram

What is the one life experience that made you mature significantly?

5 years ago, I went through a divorce as my wife ran away with her ex-boyfriend. I was devastated and looking for some companionship or happiness.As I was a teetotaler, I didn't have the confidence to ask women out in bars as I rarely visited them. Libraries were full of old women while I was still in late 20s.I started going to strip clubs which I had never done before. Somehow I had an idealistic view of marriage and relationships where I really agreed with “Till death do us apart" until my ex wife made me realize the brutal truth about human beings and life. However, the dark ambience of those places combined with a marketplace for flesh infested with desperate guys was never to my liking.So, I started hiring escorts. I was making pretty decent six figure salary in NYC. So, a thousand bucks a month was manageable for me. Mostly, they would come and get down straight to business. Sometimes, I tried to strike meaningful conversations with some of them but except for one nobody else was able to appreciate my thoughts.I still remember that woman. She was originally from Bulgaria and always offered to help me put on my socks even though I avoided that as I considered it demeaning to her as a human being. When I told her about my sad life and my self loathing thoughts, she told me the most important lesson in my life. She said: If you want others to like/love you, you should love yourself first. Positive people generate a positive vibe while negativity does the opposite.Honestly, I used to have a lot of meaningful conversations with her and I used to joke to her sometimes that we should live on an isolated island where I hunt for food while she manages our house in the jungle.Coming back to the point, she disappeared all of a sudden after 6 months but the lesson she taught me made me a better person.I managed to improve my health drastically, started socializing more and became more open about my shortcomings that I used to hide earlier. While Didn't remarry, I became a much more content person. Instead of spending money on carnal pleasures, I spend it on my own personal improvement.I sometimes wonder that perhaps there is a reason that many people like Buddha and Jesus had meaningful relationships with prostitutes. Probably those women have risen beyond the levels of temptation that still affects normal human beings and having met a diverse set of people can easily empathize with everyone equally.

What is Andy Biersack's email address?

I know he has one for his fans, and I need to know ASAP what it is. It can be Andy's, Ashley's, Jake, CC's or Jinxx's. I don't care who's it is. But does anyone know what it is and or had contact with them through it? Please, I know the chances of me actually contacting him are, I don't need a reminder. Andy help would be helpful. Thanks in advance! And please no hateful remarks -.-