Do These Vitamins Actually Work Or Am I Wasting Time And Money

I take the following: daily multivitamin, glucosamine chondrotin (for joints), whey protein and fish oil. Are any of these ineffective/waste of money/detrimental? Is there any other supplement that is a must-have? I am an active 31 year old.

This question and the range of answers given illustrate the issues with nutritional science and it's application to individuals. Some say you should (and that there is evidence to) supplement the diet, others assert that it is unnecessary or even detrimental.To an extent, the way supplements make it to market is - 1) Isolate a substance that may have a desired effect 2) Ensure it's safe enough that the company producing it doesn't get sued for killing people.Sometimes a nutrient may have a 'proven' effect in lab conditions or in animal studies (does this extrapolate to the general population? At what dose and to what extent?) In other instances it may be an observed association - people who eat more oily fish have less heart disease (correlation or causation? what other lifestyle factors could have influenced this?)It is worth noting the disclaimer (on the box of vitamins!) that:'Vitamin supplements may benefit those with a nutritionally inadequate diet'You can look individually at the quality of your diet and your theoretical requirements of macro and micronutrients. You can also look at biochemical markers of micronutrient status and changes in lean body mass in response to your diet and level and nature of physical activity.The likelihood is that with a balanced, varied diet and normal absorptive capacity you probably don't need to supplement.At population level there are groups at risk of certain deficiencies - vitamin D in the housebound/those not exposed to adequate sunlight, iron in the young/ menstruating women. Some people may benefit from supplementation where the diet is nutritionally inadequate or there a pathological or physiological reason for insufficiency.This is all to an extent a generalisation/simplification and people will argue vehemently and at length about perceived benefits/risks. Really, we don't know for certain and there are caveats with all perceived 'must-have' supplements.An adequate, varied, balanced diet is a good starting point for the general, otherwise healthy population.

Do Bella Nutri hair vitamins work?

I am looking to start a new vitamin regimen in order to get my hair back to a healthy state from years of over processing and heating appliances I have heard people mention Bella Nutri and I was just wondering if they actually helped or if they were a waste of money seeing how it will take months to notice a difference when taking vitamins I want to save myself time and money if there is a better way to achieve or rather restore my hair to a healthy condition suggestions are welcome thanks!

Am I wasting my time and money taking multivitamins and fish oil capsules?

We all place our bets in life. You can drink, do drugs, smoke cigarettes etc. There are thousands of studies showing positive benefits from countless vitamins. Unfortunately like all news, only bad news sells. So you will never see any of those studies unless you search for them. On the other hand, if one poorly designed study with one isolated synthetic vitamin has negative results it will be on the front page of every major newspaper. And thats sad because we know for a fact that we could prevent a lot of diseases if people had proper nutrition. Proper nutrition requires certain vitamins and minerals. Our system is built to profit when you take a drug for bone health vs the right minerals and vitamins. I would go to Home - PubMed - NCBI the national institute of health to see real medical school studies on vitamins vs some silly website selling something with overhyped claims with no proof. You can then decide what vitamins make sense for you. I wrote vitamin labels in one of my jobs. You can not make a claim unless there is research backing it. The easiest one I remember writing a claim for was fish oil. It was great for brain, joints, inflammation, heart. It gets a little complicated to get into all the details but I would bet that I owe my good health to all of the many supplements I have taken over the years. Unfortunately we will never know. No one really wants to do the research because you cant patent and make money on a natural substance, unless you alter it, spend millions and then you can spend another 10 million doing an FDA study and more millions advertising. Ironically the original form of the fish may have had some cofactors that made it even more effective but you cant patent it. There is no reward or money to do that study. That is why you are starting to see what seems to be “fish oils” with claims that are by prescription. The system is difficult. On one hand you have to understand the FDA has to insure that no one can be harmed by something. But again it literally costs millions to do a proper study. So place your bets. Its your life. Definitely take fish oils. The only area that needs a bit of concern are fat soluble vitamins like A, E, D and K because your body stores them in your fat vs excreting excess daily. Its a really fascinating field of study I really enjoy it. Read up enjoy and partake.

Has anyone done the Vitamin C abortion method?

Okay so, if you're against abortion don't even post because I don't care.

Anyway, I'm a few days late for my period and if I am pregnant I would like to abort it. Without going anywhere and without my parents knowing. And when I say without going anywhere, I mean ANYWHERE Including to the doctors and planned parenthood. Because My parents can not know and I have no money. So I looked it up and I stumbled across the Vitamin C abortion method. It's the safest and most effective at home abortion method and it's pretty easy. All I have to do is take 1000mg of Vitamin C 6 times a day for about 6-8 days and my period should start. First off, this is an accurate method and it has worked for tons of women. What I wanna know is if there is any other options that meets my requirements or if you have tried this method, give me some advice on it.

Do workout supplements actually work?

No body knows there are never studies done on humans just mice. You can look at reviews but most are done by the companies who make them. Look for real reviews of friends who've used the supplements otherwise
Multi vitamins are never a bad idea, protein and BCAA is good and time tested so is creatine.
Also I started taking tribulis terrustis extract (sp) its supposed to help with testosterone levels'which I don't know if it helped with that but it made my peen bigger. Nothing is a magic pill though you have to work out to see results even with the proteins and creatines. If you have questions sometimes wikipedia helps because its unbiased for the most part but sometimes you can find an honest review. Review everything before wasting your money

Does the detox drink actually work in weight loss?

Drink this fat burning drink daily early morning on an empty stomach and also in between meals and see the visible difference in your belly. Drinking at night a glass of this fat cutter drink will help to boost metabolism and thus helps to lose weight while you sleep.How to make Cumin & Carom Seeds Water?Just soak 1 tsp each of dry raw/roasted Jeera (Cumin Seeds) & Ajwain (Carom seeds) in a glass of water overnight. You could boil this water, strain, wait for it to cool down and then have it, or simply mix the water well next morning, strain the water and have it on an empty stomach. You can also carry this to your work place.To enhance the taste, you can optionally add honey or lemon in this detox water.Ajwain / Carom Seeds Benefits:• Helps in Weight Loss• Improves digestive health• Relief from Acidity/Constipation• Home remedies for cold and coughThank You!

HairFinity Hair Vitamins VS Allure Exotic Vitamins?

I have used the Exotic Allure, HairFinity, Hair Formula 37, and Viviscal (fish oil). The Viviscal gave me horrible acne and did not make my hair grow any faster. The Hair Formula 37 was a waste of time and money. I bought a 1 year supply, and my hair did not grow any faster or longer. The Exotic Allure did not help any either and also caused acne. Actually they are made by the same people who make the Hair Formula 37(Sunset Marketing), so it should not be a surprise that they did not work either. I've been using the HairFinity vitamins for about 6 months now, and my hair is growing about an inch a month. I really like that they help you with any hair problem you have and suggest specific products that you can get out of regular stores and various websites. I am very happy with the results. Hope this helps.

Taking multivitamins pointless?

Recently in the past month or so I started getting on a big health kick, which has lead to me taking multivitamins on a daily basis. I used to take them all the time when I was a kid, but for the past few years I haven't really touched them.

I've heard alot of rumors about multivitamins, rumors that make them pointless to take. Such as, all of the vitamins in the capsul go straight into your urine, and you just end up urinating out anything that's in them. I've also heard that they do nothing for you unless you are severely lacking in a certain vitamin, which to my knowledge I am not. Then again I wouldn't know how to tell if I am.

So I guess there's really no harm in taking them, but is there a point?