Do They Have A Variety Of Organic Fruit In Jersey Shore

What is the fastest way to cure a hangover?

The consumption of ethanol which is found in wine, beer and distilled spirits, leads to hangover. A hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects. We all have at some point tried out Bhang during Holi, gives you a nasty hangover.Symptoms of a hangover are headache, drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness,vomiting, absence of hunger, sweating, hyper-excitability and anxiety, which last for several hours or for more than 24 hours.Ways to get rid of the hangover:-Drinking water before going to bed or during hangover may relieve dehydration.The most common remedy for a hangover is have lemon water, it restores the salts in the body and rehydrates your system.Getting plenty of sleep after heavy drinking can help your body recover.Take warm water bath to soothe your nerves followed by a walk (fresh air) to get rid of the hangover.The fructose and sugar content will energize and rejuvenate, so have lots of fresh fruits.Mix up some cold milk, bananas, carrots, strawberries and other nutritious berries, add a pinch of salt and blend the mixture.No significant correlation between caffeine use and hangover severity has been found, so have caffeinated drink.Eating a good breakfast is a renowned hangover remedy. It can help restore blood sugar levels,What to avoid — Painkillers and fried snacksBe Healthy - stay Happy!!Source - Tips- beauty & health

☺ Survey : What Are 2 Things That Always Come Together !?

Me and Tony lol

Is beach sand good for potted plants or gardens?

If you want to increase the ph and drainage then yes it is beneficial. You should first check if it is permitted to collect it from the beach as it is prohibited in some places. Once you have your sand you should wash the salt off. This can be as simple as leaving it in a heap to get rained on repeatedly. Use from the top and sides first so the rain can get to work on the next layers. If you only have a little for pot plants you can put it in an old pillow slip and run a hose through it or put it in a stream.