Do They Look Alike If So How

Do you and your sister look alike?

We do! We really do!For these photos I looked through 12 years worth of photos and I'm still smiling.Welcome to our journey as teenagers!I was twelve here (left), my sister was fourteen. We even have matching braces… moving on!Okay I have to admit I went a year back. I'd just turned 11 here. I just wanted to start this answer with our faces and not with my back... but seriously. Don't we look like twins?Another back picture! I just wanted to show that we were the exact same height and seize.I cannot for the life of me turn this picture, so this'll just have to do. We're 14 and 16 now, differences are starting to show in our faces.2015. You can still see we're sisters, but no one will think we're twins anymore.I dyed my hair, got glasses and grew 2 centimeters more. I fucked it up I'm afraid. I still love her though.So yeah, we used to look like twins (I enjoyed that a lot more than she did), and now we just look like the sisters we are.

If Turks are not Arabs how come they look so alike?

It’s a long story, but I’ll try :The majority of modern Turkish people carry genetic haplogroup J2 as the most dominant haplogroup. Haplogroup J2 is also dominant among the other Turkic ethnic grroups, Greeks, and Persians. Haplogroup J2 is the closest to haplogroup J1 compared to the other haplogroups. Haplogroup J1 is most dominant among the Arab world, especially Arabian Peninsula where the Arabs came from.So basically, the Turkish, Turkic people, Greeks, and Persians are closely related to the Arabs.

Do they look alike? Father and son pics!?

I think they have the same face, just different color hair.

Why do some twins do not look alike?

Of all the kinds of twins that are found, two are most common. One is identical, where both the twins look alike & have the same genetic constitution in their body. The other is non identical twins.We all, at least those with a standard knowledge of Biology know, that after coitus the sperms(almost over 250 million) are released in the vagina travels through the cervix & into the uterus or Fallopian tube(Refer “Human Female Reproductive System” if required). Here an ovum is usually present, released from the ovary. One of those 250 million sperms then fertilise this ovum. After fertilisation this ovum is usually known as zygote. The zygote then undergoes mitotic division & subsequent gradual differentiation to form a foetus.Identical TwinsNow in case of Identical twins, initially after fertilisation there was only one zygote. But due to some reason the zygote was divided into two separate zygotes, & then underwent normal mitotic division to form a blastocyst(the stage of the zygote in which it implants itself on the uterine wall, later this will be the point of attachment of the umbilical chord). Since, both these zygotes originated from one single zygote of one ovum fertilised by one sperm(N.B.: only one fertilisation takes place), the genetic constitution of these 2 zygotes are always same. Hence, these foetus will always grow up to be identical twins i.e. they will both will look the same. Not only that both of them will be either male or female.Non-identical TwinsIn this case, it is found that the female had 2 eggs in the uterus, (maybe due to some irregularity in her menstrual cycles or maybe this is just common for her).So after coitus when the sperm travels to there are two ova to be fertilised. So two different sperms with with 2 different genetic combination is going to fertilise 2 different sperms(N.B.:2 fertilization takes place). So the two foetus’ will have different genetic constitution. Hence, they look different, & may or may not be of the same sex.If this have satisfied your query, & you still are interested in twins I’d like to suggest these interesting topics for you:1)Vanishing Twin 2)Conjoined Twin3)Chimerism4)Parasitic Twin5) Partial Molar Twins

Do fraternal twins look alike?

Normally fraternal twins doesn’t look alike. But a small percentage of them end up being identical in their looks.Fraternal twins are the result of two eggs being fertilized by two sperm. The zygotes implant separately, meaning each baby ends up developing their own sac and placenta. Fraternal twins can be boy/boy, boy/girl, or girl/girl.Identical twins are the result of one fertilized egg splitting. The split usually happens around days 4 or 5, after the placenta and sac have started forming. Which means the two babies end up in the same sac, sharing the same placenta. Identical twins are always boy/boy or girl/girl.So how does fraternal twins end up looking alike ?If that egg split happens on days 2 or 3, before the sac has started to form, each zygote develops its own sac and placenta. So they are actually fraternal. But since they come from the splitting of one fertilized egg they look alike.The only way to figure this out for sure is to do a DNA test. Fraternal twins will have similar DNA like in regular siblings, whereas identical twins will have identical DNA markers.Picture credit: google images

What is the difference between “look like” and “look alike”?

The closer these words appear, the farther is their meaning.Look Like and Look Alike. While Look Like means resemblance of one thing to another(or one person to another) in certain attributes and not just necessarily the appearance , Look Alike means almost the same appearance/physical traits of one thing/person to another thing/person.A "look-alike" is a person who looks like something else. It is a noun! =)To "look like" is to resemble. It is a verb!Look like is more like a prediction or asking about the appearance of something. "It looks like rain" "Looks like you had enough." "What does it look like?" "Does it really look like that?"Look-alike means someone/something looks just like someone/something else. "We look-alike!" "Our cats look-alike."Let us try to understand the two with some examples now :Look Like - Have you ever came across people who told you that you look like your father , or that you look like Ranbeer Kapoor (oh stop jumping, it’s just an example..) But infact, you resemble them in certain ways that might be one of the following -The way you walk , talk and eat which most of the times closely matches with that of your father’s , it’s all genetics.The way you handle conversations . I have been referred to as Chandler Bing many times because of the way i throw sarcasm( yeah I know only for the lame jokes , but still )The way you react. Sometimes, boys who are too emotional to stop their tears when sad are referred to as girls “Kya Kutia Ki tarah rota rehta hai B…”(Why you always cry like a b…h) as said by Zakir Khan.Your dressing sense. Wrap the curtains around and I guarantee , people will start saying that you “Look Like” Ranveer Singh.Look Alike - Unlike “Look Like” , it has more to do with your appearance and looks. If you “look like” VERY similiar to other person in terms of the way you “look” , you will be called as “look alike” of that person , Look how easy that was(So many looks in one sentence, shall i claim for the Guinness World Record?? See that’s when people call me Chandler Bing -.-’ )Examples:Source1 - Multi-lingual language learning and language exchange Lang-8Source2 - - The DailyMoss - Short stories and amusing lists from India - Interesting and amusing news stories from India that are worth sharing. The DailyMoss has all the stuff, from latest news, satirical views, politics to fun lists, we have everything.Hope i was able to elaborate correctly..!! Thanks.Regards , Yusuf

Why do you think most couples look alike?

Biology. We subconsciously mimic those around us in order to establish a 'sameness' or common ground. If you are with someone every day, that mimicry will include the way you dress, speak, groom yourself, wear jewelry, etc. It's all a big biological game of equality.

If Luke and Leia are twins, why don't they look alike? Were they originally intended to be twins or just siblings?

In the early drafts, they were cousins or completely unrelated.In exactly 0 were they siblings. And in exactly 0 was Darth Vader Luke's father. The idea that the whole trilogy was planned out in advance (let alone 2 of them) is a work of historical revisionism.As further evidence:The original materials Lucas released all established Leia as 2 years younger than Luke.For a time, Luke's father was actually supposed to appear and die on screen by Vader's hand. In these versions, Luke usually had a younger brother who dies as well. No mention is made of any other children.The novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye was commissioned to serve as a low budget alternative to The Empire Strikes Back and actually established Luke and Leia as lovers. Again, this was almost Episode V.Han Solo was intended to be a rather unappealing looking alien almost right up to the point that they decided to cast Harrison Ford. He was supposed to be immediately ruled out as a romantic partner for Leia.I'm willing to bet that Luke and Leia being related wasn't decided on until Episode VI was already being written. There's just no evidence to suggest otherwise except for Lucas's easily disproved claim that Star Wars was always envisioned as a complete story rather than constructed one movie at a time.As for why they wouldn't look alike in universe, well, we wouldn't expect them to. First, not all twins look similar. Fraternal twins can look as distinct as any other pair of siblings. And to add to that is the epigenetics. And pardon my terminology if I'm getting some of the jargon wrong from here on out.See, our genes are not the only things that determine what we look like. A lot of gene factors can become active based on situational and environmental factors in play as we mature. These are known as epigenetic factors.Consider that the two grew up literally worlds apart. Different air, different gravity, different food, different radiation exposure, different chores. Even if their shared heritage made them predisposed to resemble each other, they simply wouldn't after living the lives they had.