Do They Make Longer Plugs For Stretched Ears

How Long for Stretched Ears (4g) to Close?

It depends on your ears and how well you stretched them. If you did everything correctly and you didn't stretch too fast, no more than two months.

How long on average does it take to stretch your ears to a 0g?

Dont try to stretch to a zero that fast. I started in june and im at a 6g. I can relate because i want to get to a 3/4 as soon as possible but i find that when i get to around an 8g/6g it starts to feel and look like my ears are stretched even though i cant stick my pinky through it. also once u get to 8g it hurts alot and u have to wait at least a month before the next stretch or it'll bleed. (from 16g to 10g i stretched about once a week) But what im getting at is if u get to a 10g/8g by the end of august i think that will be cool enough for u. then take it slow. u can really mess up ur ears like tearing or getting "cat butt". The worst is tearing it so bad it has to be stitched up. But i say start asap and just get to wear u can wear the small plugs. They make ur stretched ears look bigger then they are if u wear the screw on plugs. Hope this helped.

Can I use acrylic plugs while stretching my ears?

Can you? Yes.Should you? Mixed answers. See this poll: Ear stretching question?I have used acrylic, glass and metal at various stages (I am currently at 1/2″). And have had mixed results. The real key is to ensure you wash everything VERY well (you can boil or autoclave glass and metal), keep things clean, and use oil or some other clean lubricant to help (examples Emu Oil or vitamin E oil).I would say overall, I have certainly had better results with metal or glass, as they are easier to clean and keep clean. The acrylic can have greater porosity, which will trap bacteria and make them more difficult to clean.I think when stretching your ears, especially if you want to go a fair ways up, your goal should be to do so with as little risk for damage or infection as possible. The more times you tear, blow out, or infect your ears, the more difficult each step will be.So take your time, spend the money, and do it right is probably the best approach.

How long does it take for stretched ears to shrink ?

So I went a size bigger on my plugs and it gave me a really bad infection, I took them off as soon as I realized they were infected and haven't put them back in at all but now my ear lobes are REALLY small, (I was an inch & 1/4 now it's looks as small as a 00) will I be able to go back to the size after they completely heal? Or atleast downsize one size? It's been almost a week and the hole is still really small and I'm scared I'm gonna have to start all over from a really small plug size to the big size I was. Please no rude comments although I know I'll get them anyway lol thanks (:

Can i put plugs in directly after stretching ears?

That's stretching awfully fast. Especially with having your ears pierced with 8g to begin with, I would think they would probably take a little longer than 6 weeks to completely heal. Your ears need to be COMPLETELY healed before you start stretching. When you can pull down a little on your plug and see a little space between the plug and your ear, then it's ok to stretch. Believe me, I know what it's like to want to hurry and stretch bigger and bigger. It's taken me over 2 years to get up to 5/8" and I'm SO glad I've taken my time. If you rush, you could very easily have a "blowout", where you stretch so fast that you actually push the inside of the hole to the outside. Trust me, it's gross. I would probably wait at least 3 months, even longer if possible, with a fresh piercing, before stretching. I usually wait at least 3 to 4 months between stretches, and even longer the bigger you go. Take care of your ears, if you screw them up, there's no going back!
When I stretch, I use a taper and gently stretch one ear at a time for about 4 days. I try to wear the taper until my lobe isn't sore anymore, then ease the plug in. Hope this helps, and good luck!

How long should I keep my plugs in after I stretch them?

People suggest stay at one size for a month due to if u stretch them too much theyll loose elastisity. Whixh basically means theyll never close and at some point theyll stop stretching. Clean daily or every other day. Just do it fast.

How long should I wait to switch from tapers to plugs for my gauged ears?

i'm at a 0 right now too, and yeah wearing tapers sucks. wait a few more days, or until there's absolutely no pain left from stretching them. as for the double flares, if you can find some regular plugs to put in first, that'd make it easier on you. what i do is, everyday, comfortably tug on them like, while twisting. after about two weeks you should be able to get the flares in. try to roll your lobe onto one end of them, if that makes sense. hope this helps!

How long do you leave your tapers in when stretching your ears?

Honestly most people or websites tell you to wait weeks or months or what ever. Not true at the very least you should be up for another size in about a week. the more bigger sizes like 00s and up(if you ever wanted to go up there) are the same. just wait a week or you can always test it if your ready to go up a size. wait about a week and then play with your gauge by twisting it while its still in and/or pushing it back and forth. IF it can move freely then you should be good to go. if not then let it sit for a a couple of more days or until you can freely move it. WHAT I RECOMMEND:

Use stainless steel gauges(tapers, pinchers, plugs, etc.). Use this because 1) they dont attract as much bacteria like acrylic gauges do (hence the name STAINLESS STEEL) and 2) they help speed up the gauging process. stainless steel gauges weigh more then acrylic gauges that way your stretching you ear in 2 ways: 1)stretching your earlobe from the weight and 2)stretching your earlobe from the size. now tapers and pinchers you CAN leave in for a week and then go up a size. ear tapers are jewelry(why do you think they come with black O bands to keep them from coming out). gauges have a variety of styles. my girlfriend has 2 spiral 8 gauges from hot topic. so keep the tapers in for a week, play with em, and so on. heed my advice and you'll be fine man =)

I hope i've helped and remember to clean your gauges. if there stainless steel you can clean them once or maybe twice a week but if they are acrylic then my god man clean them often cuz they attract alota bacteria. Good luck man =)