Do This Portrait Of A Young Girl Look More Like A Girl Or A Boy And Why

Why do people tell me I look like a girl?

To be honest, there’s not much you can do except wait.At 14, you’re not going to look manly. It just can’t happen. You’re going to look like a kid no matter what, and that kid will be gender ambiguous.In a few years, puberty will fix the worst of it. You’ll gain muscle mass, wider shoulders, and fat will be redistributed around your body more like a man. You’ll still probably have a “pretty boy” look, but it’s a blessing in disguise; Think K-pop stars or Zac Efron. There are definitely lots of girls who will swoon over that image.In the meantime, you can try and look a little more like a guy and less like a girl, but there are limits to how much you can do.You could try to dress more maturely, but if your parents don’t buy you clothes, you can’t do that.You could style your hair shorter. Again, parents get involved.Try your best, but even if you can’t, you can just stick it out for a year or two more and it’ll be fixed.

Do girls find young looking boys attractive or a turn off?

I'm 18 now and I still look like I'm 13-14 I have no facial hair, long eyelashes that rage me, I'm thin'ish and baisically no body/ leg hair and such. It's really annoying because I look so young I.D is a must everywhere. I am happy the way I am, I am just self conscious of wearing shorts and stuff because people will see my legs and think I shave them or something. So do girls find that unattractive or attractive or doesn't it matter? Please help

My little boy loves dressing up as a girl?

My son is 5 years old and in the last 6 months or so everytime we go round my friends house, he keeps trying on her little girls dresses and knickers. Is this normal for a 5 year old boy? I try not to bring too much attention to it but the thing is has started to sneak the knickers home with him. He said today that he wishes he was a little girl and that his friend is really lucky to be able to wear dresses. What shall I do and is this normal?

Why do parents allow young girls to wear skimpy, revaling, and sexy clothing?

In my opinion girls under 16 years of age, have no buisness wearing sexy clothing, or revealing clothing. Clothes that are meant to show off your body in a sexual way, are going to do just that, and a child has no buisness dressing in that way. You might as well hang a sign on the girl that says : Attention all perverts, rapist, and child molestors, here I am. I'm not saying young girls should have to cover up completely, but lets use some common sense and moderation shall we?

What do teenage girls like and look for in a guy?

Most girls like a good sense of humor, but other than that, every girl has a different preference.

I personally like the whole nice/kind/generous/smart thing you talked about, but I also like guys that are good at sports. I'm more into casual than formal, and I don't like it when guys talk too formally. (I type kind of formally but I don't talk like this) I don't mind if guys are a little shy, but if I can't get him to open up, I usually don't really like him. And yeah, they have to be physically attractive to me. I like confidence and some ambition. You actually have the same talents as me, so that's pretty cool in my book. =]
Overall, I can like a guy [must be funny and attractive!] if either 1) he's confident, friendly, fun, and interesting, 2) he's sweet, easy to talk to, smart, and fun, or 3) a combination. (:

Why is it that young women are generally more attracted to guys that use drugs?

I suspect that a woman you like is attracted to someone who uses drugs and you’ve generalized from that specific case. You’re wondering why she chose this man over you. Unless she also uses the same drug, her reasoning probably has little to do with him using drugs.Most women are probably attracted to confident, out-going, charismatic men with strong personalities. Most women are probably not attracted to inhibited, socially awkward, timid men who disapprove of people having a good time. There are exceptions, of course.You didn’t specify which drug but I’m going to guess that it’s marijuana. Thirty percent of the U.S. population admits to using marijuana. You can bet that the actual percentage is higher. The use of marijuana, especially the occasional social use, is acceptable in many circles much like occasional social drinking is acceptable in most circles. If the woman who rejected you is part of such a circle, you simply didn’t fit in.The solution is for you to find a woman who shares your values. You won’t find her where you’ve been looking. Look elsewhere. Take a class to find someone who shares common interests. Join a Meetup. Start a Meetup. Good luck.

What does it usually mean when a baby girl looks like a boy and vice versa?

Babies look like babies. Some of them look like Winston Churchill. Babies do not have any sexual development, and thus, do not have any gender specific characteristics, besides what people project on them, or how they are dressed.Baby girls are frequently adorned with big bows on their head.There can be no purpose to this, besides gender identification. No baby ever likes having things on their head, and there is some evidence that these headbands aren’t good for the baby.Infant boys are frequently dressed in attire depicting trucks or some such, despite the fact that the baby can have no clear preference, and again, the only reason for this is as a gender signifier.Some babies have hair. Some don’t. Some have long eyelashes. Some don’t. This is a baby:Is this a boy or a girl? I don’t know and neither do you. And here’s something else: even if you are the parents, have seen the child’s genitalia, and know the gender of the child at birth, you still don’t know how that child will identify as they grow up into individual adults. The outward appearance of a baby is meaningless. Give the child time to grow into a personality.

Why have girls started to put chokers around their neck? I personally think it looks stupid and unappealing, but why do girls use it?

I find people are criticizing you for stating your personal option (welcome to the internet) on thinking chokers look stupid. It’s a type of necklace, not a person or group that you're calling stupid, so feel free to think whatever you want.There is a lengthy history behind the fashion of chokers. From symbolizing secret lesbianism to not-so secret prostitution, the choker has meant a lot of things through history. For now, the choker is just another trend that has been recycled from the 90’s fashion trends that have been making a comeback. It doesn't really have a specific meaning today.Now, there are strong sexual undertones attached to chokers such as “make me your bitch” or “choke me during raunchy sex.” Guys your age who don't think chokers are stupid may like this message and girls may like the attention from their sexual power.Just because somebody wears a choker necklace doesn't mean they mean the messages listed above. Chokers are a great way to have a necklace without a traditional necklace drape all over the place. Chokers are nice, snug, and stay in place. Certain fashion icons wear chokers and masses want to follow (like any other trend). Chokers are just like every other trend that has been made: the choker was created, it went out of style, it was rediscovered and it became cool again, and repeat.

Why do Asian boy bands look so effeminate?

To answer this question we have to know “Market requirements determine the products” first. And it seemed like Feifei Wang misunderstood the question, her answer is for “why asian boys look so effeminate”, which is also a good question, but it is kind of biased and incomplete. I will answer it later.We have to admit that it’s true that asian boy bands look more and more effeminate. TFboys is a super hot band in China, the members look like this, they are like your little brothers, right?Why such bands can be popular while most of my friends don’t like them? It’s because their target customer is not us, but most of ‘normal’ young girls, especially the generations after 90s and 00s. For answering this question, I specially asked my little sister why she was so crazy about TFboys or EXO, she said: “ they look so cute, harmless, and so attaractive!” Then I showed her a picture like this:She said they look so old and dark. Anyway, they are not attaractive to young asian girls at all.And I asked some koreans, including boys and girls, most of boys are like me, they don’t like asian ‘effeminate” bands, but girls are opposite. And most of boys, as he told me, don’t care of the bands.You think these bands look so effeminate, it’s because you are not the target customer.Ok, you can stop reading now, from here, I just want to write somthing to complement Feifei wang’s anser. She mentioned the culture and aesthetics are important factors that influcing Asian or Chinese male face. In fact, Heredity and dietary habit are far more important.Face characteristics, including the distance between eyebrow and eye, the depth of eye-socket are the main factors determin if your face look “manly”, and your muscle or body shape is also crucial.The face characteristics are detemined by our genes, so the larger distance between eyebrow and eye, shallower eye-socket decide we do not look so aggressive, and some western may think that is “effeminate”.Our body shape is influenced by our culture, as Feifei Wang mentioned, and our diatery habit. In asian countries, our major food is rice and vegetables from thousands years ago, agriculture is the foundation of our country. We now know that vegetables provide less heat or calaries compared to meat.Oh, even though we can eat more meat, but most of students are addcited to study so we really do not have much time to go to gym.My favorite Chinese actor: