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What is a good diet for the liver?

The liver is an important part of our body. Unhealthy living conditions have a bad effect on the liver. Weight loss, heart disease, feeling a lot of time fatigue, digestive problems, allergies, etc. These diseases can be seen due to the ill liver. So to keep body and liver healthy, identify some foods that keep you healthy -The lemon antioxidant material helps to keep the body liver clean and the De Limonene element activates the liver enzymes. Moreover, lemon vitamin C creates more enzymes in the liver which is suitable for digestion. The lemon mineral liver increases the strength of the absorption of various nutrients. Drink leopard at home and make leopard for the drink at any time. Drink lemonade every day, honey can also be mixed if you want.Garlic is the best food to keep liver clean. Enzymes of garlic clean the harmful toxic elements of the liver. It has two more elements called Alicin and Selenium which keep the liver clean and protect it from harmful toxic elements. Take 2/3 garlic cloves at any time. If you want, you can also eat vitamin K with garlic by consulting the doctor.Playing one apple per day, it keeps the liver healthy. Apple's pectin, fiber removes cholesterol from toxin and blood from the digestive tract and also keeps the liver healthy. There are some more elements in Apple-Malic acid that naturally removes harmful toxins from the blood. Any kind of apple is good for the body liver. So take one apple every day to keep the liver healthy.Read moreā€¦Green tea weight loss in 1 month naturallyHow to get rid of chapped lips permanentlyHair fall control oil at homeQuick teeth whitening home remediesHow to grow beard naturally at home without medicine